Volume I Issue I
News & Updates
June 9, 2020
"We are Arkansas’ official collegiate coalition committed to addressing substance misuse at every institution of higher education in Arkansas"-Arkansas Collegiate Network
Greetings fellow members of the Arkansas Collegiate Network,

Welcome to our email newsletter. From here on out this will be the primary method for communicating updates & information on resources. Through this newsletter I'll highlight different webinars, podcasts, trainings, and conferences. I'll also take some time to highlight the events and efforts from each Arkansas college/university. For this first issue I want to make you all aware of some national partners and of our upcoming Arkansas Prevention Summit. In the coming issues I'll share podcasts, articles, and webinars among other things. At the bottom of this email please provide feedback on how often you'd like to receive these email communications. If you have any questions, please let me know.

-Trevor Villines
Around the Nation
Campus Drug Prevention by DEA
Campusdrugprevention.gov is the U.S Drug Enforcement Administration's website dedicated to prevention professionals working in higher education. Here you'll find podcasts, views from the field, research studies, publications and so much more! Click the link below to check it out.
Higher Education Center by OSU
From 1995 until 2012 the U.S Department of Education housed the Higher Education Center for Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Violence Prevention. Due to budget cuts the Center was closed in 2012. Fortunately, the former Co-Director of the Center established the new Higher Education Center at The Ohio State University to provide nationwide support & resources. On their website you'll find a plethora of webinars & trainings. Click the link below to take a look.
Around Arkansas
Arkansas College Spotlight
With each issue of the newsletter I plan on highlighting various members of the Arkansas Collegiate Network and sharing what they and their campus are doing to prevent substance misuse. This section is where it will be located.
Arkansas Prevention Summit
Each year our office here at the state puts on the Arkansas Prevention Summit. This year's summit was scheduled to take place in Jonesboro, but due to COVID-19 plans were made to conduct the conference virtually. The Summit will take place June 10-June 11, 2020. Topics to be covered include alcohol, tobacco, opioid and methamphetamine among other drugs. And the best part...IT'S FREE!! Click the link below to register.
How often would you like to receive this communication?
Once a week
Every two weeks
Once a month
For More Information
Trevor Villines-Substance Abuse Collegiate Program Coordinator