☆☆Support for Troops & Veterans☆☆
Deb Robbins , Armed Services Chairwoman -


Armed Services


Wickenburg will have a Resource Fair and Stand Down on January 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be speakers, food, and information on how the VA can help you and your family. This is put on by Community Services. 

Fort Defiance - Navajo Reservation will have a Resource Fair and Stand Down on Wednesday, January 25th. 

To get details on other Events for Veterans, go to
Disposal of American Flags
If you have a damaged American flag that you need to dispose of properly, bring it to the monthly RWOP luncheons where we will have a drop box. Judi Williams, Hospitality and RWOP singer will take them to the VFW Post 6 which handles that process.

​The event on December 17th was a huge success with over 250 volunteers laying 2,800 wreaths on the graves of heroes! This was better than last year but still shy of the goal of 3,411 wreaths needed to have one for each grave. Now they need volunteers to remove those wreaths. Clean-up will take place on Saturday, January 28th at noon. You can park at the Cemetary; there will be no shuttle. If you have questions, call Becky at 928-533-1897.

This is a great tool for veterans to see their medical appointments, prescriptions, and medical records, order prescriptions, and even send messages to their medical team. They often get back to you the same day but will reply in 2 days at most. You can enroll at and click the REGISTER button. For questions contact Destiny Sanchez, the My Healthy Vet Coordinator. She will be happy to assist you. You can call 928-445-4860 x6488 to make an appointment.. You can also do a video appointment. They need to see you first for visual authentication. Telehealth medicine is especially important in Northern Arizona where NAVAHCS covers an area bigger than the state of Rhode Island with 33, 000 veterans. There are Community-Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOC) to help, but often a tele visit is easier for veterans and families. The VA wants to make it easier to have veterans to connect with their providers over smartphones, computers, or iPads. If you don't have any of these, you can utilize a computer at the public library, but also the VA will give veterans an iPad. The veteran just needs to provide internet access.

On April 21st, there will be a new Veterans Health Resource Center (VHRC) where you can sit down with a local person to get help downloading apps to track your appointments, etc. You just need to bring your iPad or smartphone, and they will help you get set up. More information will be forthcoming as it is available. 

If you want to file a claim or check on the status of a claim, the Claims Clinic is the perfect place to do that. Sherry Le Mountain holds one on the first Wednesday of every month. She is in Building 154 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Mr. Castro from the Arizona Dept of Veteran Services is also holding a Claims Clinic every Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Theatre, Building 15.
PACT (Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxins) Act

Congress passed the Pact Act on August 10, 2022, that expands eligibility for VA health care for Veterans with toxic exposures and extends this to veterans of the Viet Nam, Gulf War, and Post-9/11 eras and their survivors. The Act suggests that service members who had environmental exposures get tested. It could be things like hearing issues due to noise, burn pits, toxins like Agent Orange, etc. You can get more information about this Act by going to The difference is that before this Act, the burden of proof was on the Veteran. This Act includes presumptive conditions like cancers that they presume are a result of your service if the condition occurred as a result of serving during certain times. Enrolled veterans will get a free initial toxic exposure screening, then a follow-up screening every 5 years. The screening is not intrusive, just a series of questions that takes 5 minutes. Nearly 1,800 veterans have been screened already. Of those veterans 41% were exposed; 12% didn’t know; and 47% had no exposure. To enroll, even if just for this coverage, go to or call 877-222-8387, M-F, 8:00 am to 8:00 p.m. ET. If you’ve been turned down before, apply again. The rules for eligibility change. The benefits are being paid out now and will be back-dated to August 2022, when the act was signed. The VA warns all Veterans about SCAMS. You do not need a third-party company to fill out the application for you. Often these companies will give you a blank form to sign and say they will fill it out and mail it, or they will have you sign a contract giving them a percentage of your benefits. If you need assistance, go to an accredited group by the VA such as DAV, VFW, or other local Veteran Service Organizations. This Act provides Veterans and their survivors with the benefits and care they have earned and deserve.
U.S. VETS accepts food donations for their food pantry (RWOP donated $3,000 to them thanks to you!) They also need NEW sheets, new pillows and new towels for the transitional housing. Take items to the U.S. VETS Outreach Center at 1040 Whipple Street.
Veterans of Foreign Wars – Post 541

If you’re a veteran who has been in combat or a battle zone, VFW Post 541 welcomes new members. Their mission is to be a voice for veterans, deployed military, and their families to secure rights and benefits. They meet the first Thursday of every month. The address is 202 N. Arizona Avenue in Prescott. For questions call 928-776-1125; email or visit
Veterans Discounts

Papa Murphys - get 25% off your order! Location: 3298 N. Glassford Hill Rd. Ste 105 in Prescott Valley. Ben, the manager, has been doing this for years and welcomes veterans.

If you need a Veteran ID Card, go to: With this card you can get discounts in many places.  

  • Nurse’s Life Line – 877-252-4866  If you’re feeling ill and not sure if you need to go to the ER or doctor and want to talk with someone, they are available 24/7.

  • Crisis Line is always available for any vet who needs help by calling 800-273-8255 and press 1 if you’re a vet, or you can have a confidential chat by texting 838255.

  • The National Crisis Line is now easier to remember! Simply Dial 988 then Press 1.
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