Unheard 22
Yavapai College Student Government Association initiated a project
to pay tribute to the 22 Veterans who commit suicide daily in an effort to raise
awareness about mental health issues facing veterans and gain support to reduce those numbers to Zero. The solemn but inspiring ceremony was held on November 11 at both the Prescott and Verde Valley campuses. Each month on the 22nd , they will again display 22 combat boots with flags as a reminder that each one of us can make a difference by remembering S.A.V.E.
S - Signs - Look for signs of suicidal thoughts
A – Ask what they are going through
V – Validate their feelings
E – Encourage them to get help
Everyone is welcome to stop by to see this powerful visual on the 22nd of each month.
The speakers were Dr. Lisa Rhine, President of Yavapai College; Jamie Oltersdorf, President of the Student Government Association at Yavapai College and a retired Air Force veteran of 10 years having served in the Security Forces; and JennyLee Challis, VA Suicide Prevention. All speakers added value to the ceremony by adding their own stories and struggles.