Arnold Law Firm, LLC Newsletter
November 2014
Arnold Law Firm, LLC
Phone: (513) 984-8313
Fax: (513) 984-8480
24 Hour Emergency: (859) 630-9155


JimAs the owner of Arnold Law Firm, LLC, I appreciate the business relationships and friendships that have been developed over the last 21 years of practicing law.  From time to time, I'd like to stay in contact with you to let you know new developments in the law, and with Arnold Law Firm, LLC through my Newsletter.  You should be able to access past issues of the Newsletter from our website.
James Arnold
Arnold Law Firm, LLC

Ohio's Firearm Laws and Travel Issues

Gun and Flag  Below is a summary of Ohio's firearm laws and travel considerations.   Those  are:

 -Standard Firearms Ownership:  unrestricted, no permit or license required.

-Semi-auto gun/high capacity magazines: semi-autos w/over 31 shot mag prohibited.

-Machine gun ownership:  safe storage required and compliance with federal law (see prior issue on NFA Gun Trusts).

-Firearm Law Uniformity:  preemption law, most firearm issues regulated exclusively by state law;  local weapons bans and carry restrictions are unenforceable.

-Right to Self Defense:  NRA-model castle doctrine, stand your ground in vehicle only and in home.

-Open Carry:  unrestricted under state law.

-Concealed Carry:  licenses granted to residents on a shall issue basis;  reciprocity available for permits issued by certain other states.

-Vehicle Carry by Non-Permittees:  firearms must be unloaded, the weapons must be in plain view with actions open or enclosed in cases.

-State Parks:  concealed handgun carry by recognized licensees in outdoor areas permitted.

-Restaurants Serving Alcohol:  permittees may carry while eating in dining area and cannot consume alcohol.

-Duty to Notify Law Enforcement Officer:  immediately upon official contact.

-Vehicle Gun Possession at Colleges:  lawful for permittees, but preempted policies exist.


What States Recognize Ohio's Concealed Carry Permit?  The following is a list (which is often expanding) of states that recognize Ohio's concealed carry permits:  Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming.

A convenient website for reciprocity & recognition is set forth below.


About Our Law Firm 


At Arnold Law Firm LLC, we are representing clients in both Ohio and Kentucky on various matters.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for that location or at our Loveland-Madeira location, let us know.  We also will make arrangements to meet with you in downtown Cincinnati or Northern Kentucky if that is more convenient.
In addition to our DUI and Criminal Defense practice, we have expanded our areas of practice and are currently representing clients in the areas of Domestic Relations, including divorce, dissolution, custody, visitation and child support matters;  Juvenile Court, including traffic offenses, criminal, custody, visitation and child support; Debt Relief, including assisting in credit repair, debt negotiations, foreclosure defense and negotiations, and bankruptcy;  Personal Injury and Wrongful Death cases, NFA Gun Trusts as well as other areas of law.
Arnold Law Firm, LLC
In This Issue
Ohio's Firearm Laws and Travel Issues
What States Recognize Ohio's Concealed Carry Permit?
Last Issue
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
Bicycle DUIs
Past Issues
NFA Gun Trusts
NFA Gun Trusts:  Important Considerations
IRS Offer in Compromise
Advantages and Disadvantages of Offer in Compromise
Breath Test Results from the Intoxilyzer 8000 Inadmissible
Estate Planning Docs, are your's in order?
Expungement Law Changes, you may now be able to have that old conviction sealed.
Juvenile's Right to Counsel
Non-Compliance Suspensions
Ohio's Castle Doctrine
Collateral Consequences of a Conviction
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