News from the Downtown Alliance
April 9, 2021
A note from the president Emma

Happy Friday, everyone!
As Joe continues his adventure out west this week I'm dropping in with this week's note.

Earlier this week the Ordway announced that while the Flint Hill Family Festival will remain primarily virtual again this year, a limited number live, outdoor events will be returning! It's an understatement to say we're excited to welcome families and performers back to Rice Park in June. As I walked across the park Tuesday afternoon I was greeted by the sight of roller skaters, readers and coffee sippers taking advantage of the break in the rain. It was truly wonderful to see people enjoying the park. 

It was a big week for restaurants. Meritage announced that they will reopen at the end of the month and Barrio, Saint Dinette and Amsterdam Bar and Hall are all officially open again. We also learned the Oxcart roof top bar will return with the Saints season. If the past few weeks have been any indicator, I think we can expect to hear more and more reopening news in the coming weeks and we'll keep you posted on all of it.

The good news continues with the recently completed $25 million renovation of the Degree of Honor building and the Public Works recommendation for the extension of the Capital City Bikeway. Check out the Downtown Development Tracker for all the latest updates on projects in and around downtown. 

Keep reading for three great opportunities to get involved. One of them is even happening in real life! Outside of your home! Away from a screen! We'd love to see you there.

Have a great weekend,

Emma Burns
Director of Operations
Saint Paul Downtown Alliance
2021 Spring Downtown Cleanup Day is April 24
Last Spring we hosted our first Downtown Cleanup Day with volunteers filling every available shift. We were blown away by the community support. This year we're partnering with the City of Saint Paul Department of Parks and Recreation for the 35th annual Citywide Cleanup Day on Saturday, April 24.
Trash bags and gloves can be picked up from Kellogg Mall Park, Mears Park, or Rice Park from 9-11:30 a.m. After you've picked up your materials, head out around downtown to fill your bag. Once you’ve registered for the spring cleanup day, we encourage you to sign up to cover a specific downtown zone.

Upcoming Parking Minimum Issue Forum
The City of Saint Paul is conducting a zoning study to consider reducing or eliminating parking minimums. The Downtown Alliance, St. Paul Area Chamber, and the East Side Area Business Association are hosting an Issue Forum to hear from city staff about the study and possible outcomes and discuss the issue from a business perspective.

To receive the calendar invitation for the Zoom meeting, RSVP for the meeting here.

Parking Minimum Issue Forum
Monday, April 19, 3-4 p.m.

Reminder : Register for Coffee & Convos
This coming Thursday, April 15, Joe and Emma will be hosting this month's Coffee & Convos series put on by the St. Paul Area Chamber. This will be a fun, casual (and free!) opportunity to hear about what we've been up to over the past year, how we're preparing for workers to return to downtown and how to continue to support the downtown small business community in the meantime. We'd love to see you all there.

Downtown restaurant and retail options
Stumped for where to order dinner from these days? Or who has a patio to visit?

Have questions?

Banner photo cred : Visit Saint Paul