Sea Hag Marina
OPEN: Sun-Thurs 6am-6pm
Fri.-Sat. 6am-7pm
N 29' 40.295  W 83' 23.636 
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This Week 03-11-20 at Sea Hag Marina
Around 150 Redfish were released this weekend!
IFA Redfish Fishing Tournament:
1st Place went to Robert Hunter and David Crews!
They weighted-in some stud fish!
2nd Place went to Brandon Branch and Jermiah Carlucci & 3rd Place was won by  Jimmy Pausche and Scott O'Brien!
Brandon and Jermiah, the 2nd Place Winners, definitely weighed-in some great fish!
3rd Place Winners, Jimmy Pausche and Scott O'Brien, were proud to show off their trophy fish!
Travis and Nick took home 4th Place!
5th Place went to Matt Cowart & John Lannon!

What a healthy & delicious seafood dish!
 Click the link below to give this recipe a try!

Wheeler and Smith weighed-in a couple awesome redfish!
Tony and Johnny brought back two nice redfish for the tournament!
Rusty and Tim had two great redfish!
Rob Monica & James Dechow faced trolling motor difficulties first thing in the morning & still managed to bring back a stud redfish & a second one to add to their weight!
Marvin and Darren are holding up two great-sized redfish!
For more pictures & tournament info, CLICK HERE!


Zach Simpson is holding up a nice redfish he caught while on a charter with Capt. John Lannon!

Joel Lawrence caught a nice trout in Keaton Beach!
Rodney and Kathy Gordon from Lake Park, GA, went fishing with Capt. Steve & Cindy Graham & caught a mess of trout & a couple flounder!
Morris Hogg & David Pater had a blast catching a board of fish with Capt. Max Leatherwood!

Sea Hag Marina is partnering with the Parent Involvement Team at the Steinhatchee School by offering an incentive for the kids to keep the  "A" School Grade. The kids that qualify will go on a River Cruise and Island Adventure and get to fish!  To find out more about our area school
Colby Snyder caught this monster redfish after school the other day!
Alexis Cruse is holding up a hefty trout she caught while fishing with her boyfriend & Capt. John Lannon!

Eric Branch, Billy & Buddy Backer from Brunswick, GA, caught a board full of fish with Capt. Steve Graham!
Jay Dorsett landed this massive trout in Keaton Beach!

This month is MARCH, which means MARCH TROUT MADNESS has begun! Send in your current trout photos from March 2020 to be entered into our $100 Gift Certificate Giveaway!

Zach Simpson caught this spotted trout while fishing with Capt. John Lannon!
Little Colton Snyder caught this redfish while fishing with his family on the flats!
Robbie Edmondson worked on the big trout, redfish & flounder with Capt. Steve Graham along with David Adams & Ken Perry! 
Tailyn Hunter is sooo cute with her redfish!
David Adams caught a gorgeous trout with Capt. Steve Graham!
Alexis Cruse caught this glowing redfish with Capt. John Lannon!
David Pater & Morris Hogg from Newman, GA, went fishing with Capt. Max Leatherwood & filled the board with flounder!
Joel Lawrence & Joseph Bunzey from upstate New York went out with Jimmy Barr in Keaton Beach & caught a pile of trout!
Capt. Steve Graham & Capt. Cindy Graham caught themselves a board of fish!
Mrs. Cindy Graham recently passed her Captains License Course! Congratulations Capt. Graham! 
Submit your photos to to be featured on our newsletter.
2020 Tournament List:

March -Sea Hag Marina March Madness

March 14 - UF Salty Gators Inshore Classic Fishing Tournament

March 21- Steinhatchee Community Fishing Tournament

April 4- Hooked on Heroes - Taking Veterans Fishing

April 4- Florida Lure Anglers Fishing Tournament

April 18- Kim Smith's Reeling for Rescues Fishing Tournament

April 25- Shands Fishing for Kids Fishing Tournament

May 2 - Optimist  Club Fishing Tournament

May 16- Fishin' for Vision Fishing Tournament

May 23- Hooked on Heroes Fundraiser Tournament

May 25 - Sept. 7- CCA Star Fishing Tournament

June 5 & 6- Reeling for Kids Fishing Tournament

July 25- The Logun Fishing Tournament

September 12- Lady Raiders Inshore Slam Fishing Tournament

September 19- Sea Hag Marina Trash Tournament

October 3- Hooked on Heroes - Taking Veterans Fishing

October 10- Nauti-Girls Fishing Tournament

November 6 & 7- Power-Pole Pro Fishing Tournament

December 12- Eggnog Open Fishing Tournament

Click the link below to shop all the new Heart of Hatchee items!

Heart of Hatchee is an online clothing boutique started by two college women. They have their items online as well as in the front of Sea Hag Marina! Stop by & shop or order online!
Click HERE to view the rest of our highly recommended charter captains!
DOWNLOAD  the app, iANGLER on your smart phone and log your fishing trips!

Help us contribute helpful STEINHATCHEE information to Florida's fisheries scientists!

This information will help FWC scientists determine  accurate  regulations for our area!