Every morning, each camper and staff member comes together
Around The Toren to raise the flag's and declare, Every Day is a Special Day at CYJ!

Around The Toren is our quarterly community E-Newsletter, filled with timely updates, events and articles to help you stay on top of what’s happening in the world of Camp Young Judaea Midwest. To view the newsletter on our website, click here.

CYJ Spiritwear
The CYJ Midwest online store is in full force! There is lots of fun apparel for your campers (and adults) to enjoy! Please go to this link to check out the selections and place your orders! The store is available all year- so you can keep adding to your collection. Happy shopping!
Parent Camper Manual
We our excited to have a new and easy-to-search Parent Camper Manual on our website. Inside, you'll find a packing list, travel information, communication guidelines and so much more. Please read through all the information carefully as many of your questions will be answered.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office at 224-235-4665, or send us an email at
Follow @cyjmidwest on Instagram
We post photos of your campers a few times a week inside your CampInTouch account. On other days, you'll find many photos (and some video clips) via our Instagram account. Sign up for Instagram and follow @cyjmidwest!
50ish Anniversary Celebration
Whether you came from near or far, thank you for joining us in Skokie on April 22-23, 2023. We hope that being together with old and new friends rekindled that magical feeling many of us have whenever we see, hear or talk about our beloved camp.

Click here to see photos of the event.
Impact campers at CYJ this summer and beyond! Check out the list of items from 
CYJ's Giving Tree that your donation can be earmarked for.
Pickleball Equipment: $50
Kona Ice Truck: $300
Tzevet Pre-Camp Outing: $200
Tzevet Banquet: $200
Camper Banquet: $75
Bonfire Night: $75
Tzofiyut Supplies: $100
Softball Mitt: $25
Baseball Bat: $25
Ropes Course: $200
Rainy Day Games: $50
Havdallah Supplies: $18
Arts & Crafts: $100
Tzevet Oneg: $100
Tiyul Sponsor: $75
S'mores: $18
Shabbat Hershey Kisses: $18
Tie-Dye Materials: $36
Yom Yisrael: $100
Voleyball Net: $150
Voleyball Sand & Poles: $1,000
Cooking Chug: $50
Archery Chug: $100
Mirpa'ah Supplies: $150
If you would like further information on other ways to give, please contact Rabbi Hannah Wallick, Director by clicking here.
Good & Welfare
B Mitzvah

Ruby Burger (Feb 18)
Emma Deutch (March 4)
Perla Seidner (March 11)
Adam Sikorav (March 11)
Roei Tamir (April 9)
Golda Rubenstein (April 9)
Lev Shulman (April 22)
Asher Rapport (April 23)
Noa Rapport (April 23)
Myer McKee (April 29)
Serena Marks (May 13)
Avi Joseph (May 20)
Kayla Mozes (May 21)
Young Judaea Global
Join us for Northeast Convention 2023 in NYC on June 4th celebrating Israel at 75! The program will include a bagel breakfast, marching with Young Judaea at the JCRC Celebrate Israel Parade, an Israeli lunch, programming led by our Northeast Mazkirut (teen board), and Asepha (Young Judaea elections) for the 2023-2024 Northeast Mazkirut. Come for a chance to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones while strengthening your Jewish identity and connection to Israel.
Donating the spare change from your credit or debit card purchases allows us to make a difference and create meaningful experiences for our campers. Click the banner below to find out more!