Summer 2018
Now that the weather is sunny and bright, it is nice to see everyone out and about. Our 150th Tulip Garden bloomed beautifully at 947 Adelaide, and there are 21 locations entered into our annual CLOC Garden Competition. All of them are busy tidying up their gardens in preparation for a visit from our community judges.
May and June were very busy behind the scenes at CLOC, with many exciting things happening, including:
  • the opening of our new location at King Street;
  • the strategic planning process continuing in preparation for release of the new 2019-2022 Plan at the Annual General Meeting. We are excited about the advisory panel being assembled that will help us work to develop recommendations for some of the priority issues identified throughout the feedback process. The advisory panel will have representation from our employees (direct support and management team), people we support, and families. We look forward to their recommendations;
  • ongoing planning for the launch of a new fundraising campaign to align with the Strategic Plan;
  • MCSS Compliance Audit the week of June 11th;
  • retirement celebrations for Bonnie McDaniel, Bob Condon and Brian Moores;
  • Shine A Light on Community Living Day on May 4th;
  • the Open House at the new King Street location on May 4th & 5th;
  • CLOC's Through the Decades 65th Anniversary Cocktail Celebration on May 10th, which included the launch of CLOC's Digital Timeline;
  • Ryan Laird's Bigger Than That presentation on May 11th, along with a celebration;
  • the presentation of the John Strange Award to Paul Dodgson, a long-time volunteer, on May 14th.
I hope that you were able to attend one or more of these events. Photos and stories about them are further in this newsletter.
On another note, CLOC received funds for the first half of the year related to part of the impacts of Bill 148. The Ministry of Community and Social Services is working on gathering more data and information around the second half of the year before determining further commitments. Of course, future political decisions regarding Bill 148 will have an effect on the outcome. If adequate money does actually get approved, that means that reorganization of the agency to meet these increasing costs will not have to proceed. CLOC also received notice we would get our first cost of living increase in over 9 years of 2.88%. This means that we will be able to address long overdue maintenance issues as well as other financial pressures related to growing costs, without the need to find those funds internally through reorganization. We are concerned that MCSS has not annualized these monies, so subsequent years remain uncertain. This issue is also subject to political decisions over the upcoming months.
What does the summer have in store for CLOC? I hope for more sunshine and flowers blooming, seeing everyone working on their gardens to get them in tip top shape for the Garden Competition, and maybe a week or two of vacation to enjoy some of the great weather we've been having. We are looking forward to starting negotiations with two CUPE locals over the summer. What are your plans for the season?

Happy Summer!

Terri Gray

Executive Director
Friday June 28, 2019

CLOC employees and people who receive services at the Seniors' Centre, along with the rest of the agency, got into the spirit and wore red & white, to celebrate Canada Day.
Outstanding WSIB Safety Group Audit
On May 15th, 2018 CLOC participated in a Safety Group Advantage Program validation audit, completed by a Program Consultant from WSIB (Workplace Safety and Insurance Board). The purpose of the validation audit was to verify the information reported to the WSIB on the Report/Checklist dated December 2017. 
This report indicated that CLOC successfully completed the five mandatory Advantage Program requirements in 2017. The on-site validation audit suggested that CLOC is working to implement many positive health and safety initiatives. 
CLOC's self-reported score of 100% has been verified based on the findings of the validation audit. Community Living Oshawa/Clarington is eligible to participate in the 2017 Safety Group Program financial rebate.
Congratulations to Randy Brown and the Health & Safety Committee for ensuring that everyone at CLOC is safe and achieving this terrific report!
A Proud Moment for Amanda!
Further to the story featured in the April edition of 'Around the CLOC', equestrian Amanda has successfully completed 12 weeks of riding school, and was thrilled to share a photo of her certificate with us. Way to go, Amanda!
Retirement of Long Time Employees
Bonnie McDaniel
The month of May saw us celebrating the retirement of two long-time employees, Bob Condon who was with CLOC for 11 years and Bonnie McDaniel, who was with CLOC for an astounding 34 years. In June, Brian Moores retired after working for CLOC for an incredible 34 years..

We wish Bob, Bonnie and Brian continued happiness as they start this new chapter of their lives.

PS...We didn’t get a pic of Bob Condon cutting his cake but we did get him in a pic from Brian’s party!.
Brian Moores & Bob Condon
Paint Nite Fundraising
Community Living Oshawa/Clarington has set up a Virtual Fundraiser with Paint Nite. It’s time to get the word out to your network!

Every time you book a seat at ANY Paint Nite event, use CLOC's code and $15 will be donated to CLOC.

CLOC's fundraising code: VF-CLOC

For maximum exposure, make sure you share this info on your social media pages, and with your friends and family. Cheers to making a difference! 

Keep your eyes open...CLOC will also be organizing it's own Paint Nite event, to be held in Winter 2018.
Clarington Police Officers Outreach
with The Clarington Project
Members of the Durham Regional Police Service paid a visit to members of The Clarington Project to teach them about road and traffic safety They have been visiting once a month as part of a wonderful new community partnership. Thanks to @DRPS and @DRPSEastDiv . Members of The Clarington Project are looking forward their next learning session! 
Doug's Day at the Races
On June 1st, Doug was able to attend the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park event called “ Driven 2 Smile ”! Doug got to ride in six different Porsche cars around the race track! He loves cars and loved this event. As you can see from the photos, he was very excited! This event is held every year for individuals with unique medical, physical, cognitive, sensory and social-emotional considerations, so they can experience the thrill of driving in a Porsche. Porsche Club of America - Upper Canada Region driving instructors volunteer to help put this event on and drive their cars around the track with the participants.
Volunteers Needed!
Community Participation

Community Living Oshawa/Clarington is seeking innovative, creative and passionate volunteers to help support our community participation based services. Our day programs facilitate recreation and leisure programs, which promote a well-rounded lifestyle and fosters opportunities for our members to connect with and be part of our community. We plan, organize and facilitate our monthly activities based on life skills, recreation, community participation, personal development, health and wellness, arts, music and social events, job skilled preparedness, cooking and volunteering.

Event Day Volunteers - Annual Golf Classic - September 26, 2018 at Kedron Dells Golf Club (Oshawa)

Approximately 12 - 14 volunteers are needed to work in pairs, and be stationed at one of the 18 holes to encourage participants to partake in activities set up at each of the holes. Additionally, we also require a few people to drive golf carts during the day to check in on volunteers, bring them refreshments and run them to the restroom when needed.

Volunteers will need to start around 12 noon, so they can sign in and sign a waiver. Lunch will be provided. We need people for the entire day (approx. 12-8pm), but shorter shifts (4 hours) can be scheduled, as well. Those that volunteer for the entire day are welcome to stay for dinner.

Volunteers should be able to drive or be dropped of at Kedron Dells, as it not close to a bus stop.

Board of Directors and Committees

Your professional or life experience can assist CLOC through your involvement as a Board member or on one of our standing committees of the Board (Finance, Governance, Policy, Planning & Quality Assurance, Human Rights).

To Apply

For more information about theses positions, and to download an application, visit or contact Julie Maskell at 905-576-3011 x 364 or
Thank you Kingsway Greenhouse
Kingsway Greenhouse in Oshawa recently donated more than $250 worth of plants for CLOC to use to spruce up the gardens at our 24 locations. Beautiful marigolds, begonias, daisies, hostas and chrysanthemum s are now planted and blooming for people in the neighbourhood to enjoy. Support those who support CLOC - visit Kingsway Greenhouse at 111 Clarence Bisenthal Drive in Oshawa, or online by clicking on the photo. Thank you Kingsway!
New Van for 947 Adelaide
CLOC was the recipient of a grant from the Harry E. Foster Foundation, which enabled the organization to be able to purchase a new van for 947 Adelaide. A huge thank you to ALL of you who made this possible!! Jamie Brown, Amanda Eastman, Craig Nighbor, Janice Dewland, Bev Winn, Jeffery Rouse, and Terri Gray. 
Ryan Laird's ' Bigger Than That', presented by CLAPW's HEROES
On May 11th, a contingent from CLOC travelled to the Ajax Legion to see Canadian country musician Ryan Laird and his Bigger Than That presentation, hosted by Community Living Ajax-Pickering-Whitby's new advocates group, H.E.R.O.E.S.. Ryan took the time to speak with everyone personally, and Dawn and Judy had the chance to sing with Ryan to one of his hits! Shout out to CLAPW for a job well done! A great time was had by all, and it was wonderful to see people from all areas of CLOC's services in attendance.
MCSS Quality Assurance Measures (QAM) Audit
In June, the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) completed their compliance audit of CLOC. The primary purpose of an inspection is to assess service agency compliance with legislation and policy directives, and ensure agencies are fully aware of their responsibilities. All service agencies are provided with support to help them come into compliance.  

We are pleased to report that CLOC successfully passed the audit. It is evident that CLOC employees are diligent, dedicated and focused on meeting the standards set out through Quality Assurance Measures (QAM), as well as on high quality supports and services for the people we support. CLOC would like to extend appreciation to our employees for the amazing work they do, day in and day out, to ensure that the people we support lead good lives. 

The QAM audit took place over four days, and included six location visits, a review of services and supports, employee and Board files, and policies and procedures. The audit was concluded with an exit interview, which included our MCSS Program Supervisor, Cindy Dionne, and our Board President, Patrick Grist.

Our auditor, Matthew Armstrong, was quick to give CLOC some positive feedback:

  • CLOC's homes are beautiful, well maintained, and welcoming (you can’t pick out the “group home” in the neighbourhood).
  • CLOC is people focused, and it is evident that we are helping people achieve their goals. The people we serve that he met are happy.
  • All of the employees he met were welcoming, cheerful, professional, demonstrated high morale and pride in their work.
  • CLOC's employees are conscientious and go above the standard in many cases.

A round of applause to all of the employees involved directly in the audit, and a thank you to all of them for their efforts and dedication to high quality supports and services. We even received word through the grapevine that some locations were disappointed that they were not on the list to be the audited this year, because they were confident and ready to go.

Congratulations to everyone at CLOC....keep up the great work!  
Jenny Donates Her Hair to Help Someone with Cancer
Jenny, who lives at Pinecrest, has been growing her hair for a long time and was very excited to have her hair cut so she could donate it to be used to make a wig for someone who has cancer, and has lost their hair during chemotherapy.

Kudos to Jenny for her generosity of spirit! We are certain that the person who receives the wig made from her hair will be very thankful.
Trip to See the Harlem Globetrotters
One of the goals Patrick chose was to attend a Harlem Globetrotters game. Patrick loves sports (and bloopers!), so the Harlem Globetrotters seemed like the perfect way to spend an afternoon. On April 14th, Patrick went to the GM Center, tickets in hand, ready for an exciting afternoon. The Harlem Globetrotters put on an awesome show. It was an afternoon full of basketball, jokes, music, dancing, and falls (in Patricks words, 'Kaboom!'). 

Patrick had a great time, there was lots of crowd involvement and he was ready to clap, cheer, yell and even dance a little. If only his arms were a little longer, he may have snatched that t-shirt shot from the t-shirt cannon! 

Thanks to Jen for submitting the story and pictures to go along with it.
Exciting Award Nomination
CLOC is thrilled to have been nominated for the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce 'Not-For-Profit of the Year' Award. Keep your fingers crossed..... winners will be announced at the 'Puttin' on the Ritz - 23rd Annual Business Excellence Awards' held on September 19th, 2018.

For more information about the event, or to check out the 2017 winners, click the logo.
Allison Walks for Alzheimers
Allison recently accepted the challenge of participating in the Walk For Alzheimer’s benefiting the Alzheimer Society of Durham Region, on May 27 2018.

The event is over, but you can still help Allison reach her goal and join her in the fight against dementia by making a donation for the Walk for Alzheimer’s through her personal Walk for Alzheimer’s fundraising page.

Your donation will help the nearly 10,000 residents in Durham Region living with dementia, as well as their care partners and families by supporting local programs, support and services within the community.

For more information on how YOU can participate in the Walk for Alzheimer’s, please visit our webwsite:

Allison greatly appreciates your support, and will keep us posted on her progress. So far she has raised $122! Great work, Allison!
Upcoming Events
Garden Competition Celebration
Wednesday August 22, 2018, 1pm - 3pm

Downstairs at 39 Wellington

Join the Spirit Crew to celebrate all of the hard work that was put into CLOC's gardens over the summer months. Winners of each garden category will be announced.
2018 Annual General Meeting ~ 'Reflections'
Tuesday September 18 2018, 6pm
Kedron Dells Golf Club

Join CLOC for some refreshments, networking and business. Our MC for the evening will be the always entertaining, Dan Walters. Special guest speaker will be the CEO of Community Living Ontario, Chris Beesley.

Please RSVP to Wendy at 905-576-3011 x 330 or via email
CLOC's Fall Golf Classic
Wednesday September 26 2018

Kedron Dells Golf Club (Oshawa)

Individual Golfers - $150
Foursomes - $550

Tee off at 1pm

Sponsorship opportunities available!

Contact Marnie at 905-576-3011 x304 or
Health, Wellness & Vendor Fair
Thursday October 11 2018 2 - 5pm
South Oshawa Community Centre

Hosted by the Health & Wellness Committee, employees and people we serve are encouraged to visit the Fair to speak with health & wellness experts, along with other businesses that provide services to CLOC.

Interested in having a booth at the event? Contact Tammy at
An Evening Among the Stars Gala
in support of The Clarington Project
Saturday November 3, 2018 at 6pm

Garnet B Rickard Arena

Tickets $85 per person

Please contact Monica or Karen at The Clarington Project for more information, to sponsor the event, or to purchase your tickets.
CLOC's Beautiful Gardens
Rebecca in her garden with the lighthouse craft she recently made
An new accessible pathway lined with plants so everyone is able to enjoy the garden
Steve's 'Wee Scottish Garden', based on his heritage
Welcome to the country!
You are greeted by a friend in the garden
Joshua's Experience with Fishability
FishAbility Sports Adapted Fishing Program provides an adapted fishing experience that allows children, youth and adults, regardless of ability, an enjoyable fishing and boating experience on Rice Lake with family and friends.

Our fishing program teaches conservation of the fish population, habitat and preservation of the environment. We practice live release of all fish caught during our fishing trips.
We aim to break down the barriers that exist at this present time, making the Impossible.... Possible.

Each fishing trip is approximately 1 to 1.5 hours. 1 support person will be expected to accompany each angler free of charge.

For more information about Fishability, check out their website by clicking here .
Summer Shut Down Information
Just a reminder that summer Shut Down of Day Services is coming up quickly, on July 23-27 and July 30 - August 3 , with day services recommencing on August 7, 2018.

And for all you early birds who like to plan well in advance, the dates for summer Shut Down for 2019 are July 22 - 26 and July 29 - August 2 with services starting back up on August 6, 2019.
Through the Decades 65th Anniversary Cocktail Celebration
What an amazing evening! More than $23 thousand was raised to help CLOC with repairs and maintenance on our locations. Thanks to all who attended the 65th Anniversary Through the Decades Cocktail Celebration. Most importantly, thank you for the difference you make in the lives of people who have developmental disabilities. Click here to see photos of the event!
Can't get enough of CLOC's history?

Each month, one of CLOC's significant decades will be featured in the Board Room at the main office at 39 Wellington Avenue.

Also, check out the new DIGITAL TIMELINE featured on our website, for interactive historical information, photographs and videos.
John Strange Award Presentation
Paul receiving his award from Gillian Strange-Dell, John Strange's sister.
From L to R: Terri Gray (Executive Director), Alison Andres who gave a wonderful speech about Paul's contributions to the Access Centre over the years, Paul Dodgson, Gillian Strange-Dell (John Strange's sister), Angela Strange (John Strange's mother).
Community Living month has been extremely busy for CLOC! On May 14th we presented the John Strange Award, given to a person who has made an outstanding contribution to CLOC through either financial contribution or volunteering time, to Paul Dodgson, who has volunteered for almost 20 years, mainly at the Access Centre at 39 Wellington. Paul has now retired from his volunteer position, and he will be greatly missed by everyone he has worked with over the years!

Check out the video below, of Alison speaking about Paul's contribution to CLOC at the 65th Anniversary Cocktail Celebration. Alison accepted the award on Paul's behalf at the event, and then helped to present the award to him on May 14th.
Order your CLOC Spirit SWAG today!
Show off your CLOC Spirit! Get your CLOC Spirit SWAG today by submitting your order form to Marnie Salonius at . The next order will be going in at the end of September, with an anticipated delivery date of mid-October. Payment MUST be submitted in order to guarantee your order.

Limited black pullover hoodies are available now for $32. Please contact Marnie at the above email address, or by phone at 905-576-3011 x304 to find out if your size is available.
Summer Trips
Once again, our summer program is up and running and offering space to others who may want to visit these attractions and get in for great deals, including transportation to and back. Taylor (co-ordinator of summer program), Megan, Beverley, and Jacob have planned some great trips and worked out some great deals!

Below you will find the date, cost (which is estimated and may change slightly – includes admission and bus) and times.  If you know someone who is interested in going, they MUST come with their support worker, as the summer staff cannot support them.   Please note: Workers will also need to pay eg. Toronto Zoo $35 x 2 (person plus worker) would be $70 in total; in some circumstances they may not have to pay admission, only the transit cost. Taylor will let you know.

Space is limited and will be available on first come, first reserved basis.  Payment will be expected in advance, shortly after you confirm/reserve your space with summer staff.  Failure to do so can mean your spot is given to someone else. There will be no refunds should anyone not show up the day of the trip, or if they are late.

Trips are as follows:

Wednesday July 18th
Playdium, Drop off @ 8:45, pick up @ 4:00, $50, lunch included

Wednesday July 25th
Royal Ontario Museum, Drop off @ 9:00, pick up @ 4:00, $35, packed or purchased lunch. 

Wednesday August 1st
Cobourg Beach, drop off @ 8:45, pick up @ 4:00, price TBD, lunch provided

Wednesday August 8th
Medieval Times, drop off @ 8:45, pick up @ 4:00 - 4:30, $80, lunch provided

Wednesday August 15th
Canada's Wonderland, drop off @8:45, pick up @ 7:30 - 8:00, $70 packed or purchased lunch 

Wednesday August 22nd 
Trip to be determined

To reserve your space or for further info, please feel free to connect with the summer crew at
Summer Shenanigans at The Clarington Project
Yoga with Jenn
Magic with Mathieu
RCMP Musical Ride
The RCMP Musical Ride is performed by a full troop of 32 riders and their horses. Their performance consists of intricate figures and drills choreographed to music. These movements demand the utmost control, timing and coordination. The Musical Ride provides the opportunity to experience the  heritage and traditions  of the RCMP. The riders act as ambassadors of goodwill who promote the RCMP's image throughout Canada and all over the world.

On June 19th, a bus filled with people from CLOC went up to WindReach Farm in Ashburn to enjoy this magical presentation. A great time was had by all! A special thank you goes out to the John Strange Enrichment Fund for paying for the bus to transport people to the event, which enabled CLOC to keep costs reasonable for everyone to be able to attend.

CLOC looks forward to returning to WindReach Farm for our Annual Family Picnic, hosted by the Oshawa West Lions, on Saturday August 11th.
Social Media
Don't forget that you can connect and get the latest in news from CLOC by checking out our Social Media pages. Please encourage the people who receive services, their families, and anyone else you know to connect with CLOC via social media, as well. Click below to transport to CLOC's Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and YouTube profiles, along with CLOC's brand new website.