Hello COG Family and Happy 4th of July! I pray your week is going well. As we celebrate our 233rd Independence Day, let us not forget our true freedom comes from Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
I challenge you to read John 8:31-36 today and then discuss with family and friends in celebration of our freedom.

Please see below to keep up to date on COG activities. Reach out if you have questions or want more information.
Hope to see you Sunday!

Pastor Chris
Upcoming Events
Communion will be observed on July 7th during service.

Falls Creek 2019: Youth Camp for 7th - 12th Graders will be July 14-20 this year. Camp cost is $275 and can be paid in installments or in full. There is still time to sign up and invite your friends! Email Rory Tucker for more details or call him at 303.807.8278.

Newcomer's Social: If you have been attending COG for a while and want to learn more about our church and the staff, your opportunity is on July 8th from 6 pm to 7 pm at Pastor Joel's house. Sign up at the Get Connected table in the back of the sanctuary.

MOPS Annual Garage Sale: The garage sale will be July 13th from 8am - 1pm at the church. If you have items to donate for the garage sale reach out to Stacey Dalton .

Men's Ministry Golf Tourney: The golf tourney will be on July 28th, so mark your calendar. The cost will be $73 per person for green fees, a cart and practice balls. Fellowship meal and prizes will be at William Fabrizio's house after the tourney. If you have questions, you can see William or email him. Sign up and more details are at the Get Connected table in the back of the sanctuary.

Rock the Reservoir, Colorado Rockies Faith Day, our annual camp out at Long Scraggy and more event information can be found on our website .
Recurring Events
Men: Tuesday Bible Study at 6 am in Joel's office.
Friday Bible Study at 6 am at Carino Coffee .
Women: Thursday Bible Study at 9:30 am and 6:30 pm in the North Building.
Friday Bible Study at 9:30 am at Carino Coffee .
Student Ministry: Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the South Building.
Olin Ministry: Saturday meal rotation. Contact Missy Noel @ 720.373.0216.
Prayer Ministry: Sundays at 8:30 am in the South Building.
COG Celebrations
Hope and Home
Hope and Home, a Christian non-profit child placement agency with a mission to train, license, and support foster families in Colorado, has support groups meeting monthly along the Front Range. One of these support groups is led by Eric and Kimmie Blakely and meets here at COG. The group currently hosts six families consisting of twenty-five people. They also have three more families in the process of being licensed. Overall, there are 162 homes in the state of Colorado that are licensed.

Hope and Home holds monthly meetings allowing them to discuss cases, stay connected, and fellowship with one another. One of the key ways they support their families is by providing a support group to help train families on how to handle the trauma that the children have been exposed to as well as build a support system that is close by.

There are many ways to support this ministry. Such as providing meals and childcare during their monthly meetings, date night childcare for the foster parents, helping with presents during Christmas or becoming a foster family. If you would like to know more, reach out to Kimmie . Thank you to Eric and Kimmie for their passion in this ministry.

Men's Ministry: Movie Night
The Men's Ministry hosted a movie night featuring Facing the Giants on June 21st. The twenty-two attendees ranged in age from elementary school boys to grandfathers. The evening started off in prayer and fellowship time discussing favorite Bible verses, movies, and music. The focus then shifted to pizza, chips, snacks, and the movie. It was a great evening to see this group of Christian men pouring into our next generations of Christ followers. Thank you to Jeff Drury and the Men's Ministry leaders for organizing the evening.
PEAK Pre-Teen Camp was during the week of June 24th at the Ponderosa Campsite in Larkspur, CO. We had twelve campers and three sponsors who went to Kids Camp for four days. They played hard, had lots of fun, enjoyed great lessons in the Bible and what it truly means to be saved. The kids asked great questions that allowed the leaders to engage and dialogue with them. Some of the questions focused around eternal security and how to be "all in" for Jesus. This led to three girls making professions of faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior and to one re-dedication. The group prayed together, laughed together, and supported each other over this incredible week of spiritual growth.

Thank you to Nancy Carroll for organizing this for our kids. Also a huge thank you to Lisa Dole and Aaron Brecht for sponsoring and providing endless energy, patience and encouragement for our kids. A BIG THANK YOU to all who helped make the cost reasonable through a donation. This was truly a week to remember.
The Staff's Choice
Since it's the 4th of July, I asked the staff what their favorite movie is to watch on this holiday. See if you can match up the staff member with their movie. You can ask us this Sunday to see how many were correct or look for the answers in the next newsletter. Good luck!
___ Pastor Joel
___ Pastor Chris
___ Pastor J
___ Nancy
___ Anita
___ Rhonda
___ William
___ John
A. Fried Green Tomatoes
B. Muppet Treasure Island
C. Star Wars
D. The Sandlot
E. The Lion King
F. Toy Story
G. Independence Day
H. Mulan