One month ago, a devastating storm made landfall in Mozambique. Today, the aftermath of Cyclone Idai , the worst natural disaster in southern Africa, continues to impact nearly 1.9 million in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe. USAID’s assistance continues as well with food, water, shelter and other support .
News & Events
Administrator Mark Green , Deputy Administrator Bonnie Glick and Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump got close-up views of USAID programs in Africa and the Middle East. The U.S. announced additional aid to Venezuelans. And, USAID launched its new Policy Framework .
Digital Feature
About 60% of the Caribbean’s coral has been lost. But in the Dominican Republic, USAID is working with fishers to turn that around. Restoring coastal biodiversity also means restoring livelihoods for people who call the region home.
Collaborating with USAID
Off-grid solar technologies can be life-changing in communities without electricity. One drawback: E-waste. The Global LEAP Solar E-Waste Challenge will award $1 million to companies with solutions for sub-Saharan Africa. The application deadline is May 15.
USAID Education, Private Sector Engagement, and Effective Partnering and Procurement Reform
"We have cutting edge challenges. We have deep challenges. We have challenges that are evolving by the day." Listen to USAID’s latest podcast for Administrator Green's take on how USAID can match development challenges with smart solutions. 
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