July 13, 2020
Arrowheads Up!
Welcome to the Arrowhead District Newsletter!

Virtual Roundtable- New Format
Monday July 13th at 7:30pm

Join us via Zoom using THIS link.

We will not be doing announcements this month as they are taking too long.

This issue of Arrowheads Up! will act as our announcements

We will have a quick Q&A at the beginning of Roundtable so come prepared with questions!

Cub Scout Break Out:
Recruitment Brainstorming

Scouts BSA Break out:
Recruitment Brainstorming
Roundtable Announcements
  • Eagle Scout Boards of Review have been conducted. However, the paperwork (troop level responsibility) has not been turned in to Council. This is an unnecessary delay for your scout to receive confirmation from National that your scout is indeed an Eagle Scout.

  • Merit Badge Counselors please check Scoutbook to make sure your merit badge offerings are showing. If something is missing contact Arrowheaddean@gmail.com explaining what is missing. Thanks!
Service Opportunity in Reisterstown:
Help those in need by packing food bags! Every Thursday from about 3pm-5pm a group of volunteers pack plastic bags with food that is handed out Fri mornings to those in need. They usually pack about 250 bags. 

How it works:
Food groups are on tables - get a bag - go down the table - pick up food cans/boxes along the way & place it in the bag. At the end of the table - tie the bag and it goes in a trailer for Friday delivery.

How to get involved:
It takes place in the old SRI shoe warehouse in the business park across from Franklin Elementary.  318 Business Center Dr, Reisterstown, MD 21136.
Contact vickialmond9@aol.com for more info

This is a great opportunity to "Do a good turn daily".
  • Our pickup dates have changed to July 18th from 10am-1pm and July 22nd from 4pm-6pm at our Scout Shops. Our Arrowhead Units will be picking up from our Service Center. Exact details will be emailed to you directly.
  • Join our FB Group to see videos posted to go along with adventures and to answer your questions!
  • Our videos for each adventure are planned to go live August 1st
Powderhorn - August 27th-30th at Camp Saffran. Powder Horn is a resource course designed to introduce Scouts and Scouters to exciting high-adventure program possibilities for their Unit. Participants leave with a list of ideas to help their program, along with the contacts and resources needed to implement them. Register HERE

University of Scouting- September 26th. We've gone virtual! We have courses for every leader from a first time den leader to the 20 year scouter. University of Scouting is a great way to gather new resources and new contacts. Register HERE

Eagles Nest- Sep 12th & Oct 2-4. Learn how to prepare your Troop for backpacking and other high adventure! Register HERE

Woodbadge- Sep 19-21 & Oct 24-25 at Camp Oest. Experience the premier adult training program. Register HERE
Council Events
Eagle Mom Ceremony - Honor our 2020 Eagle Mom of the year Pam Fleagle on Nov 15th at Bo Brooks restaurant. You can register HERE
Council Recognition Dinner - Join us on Oct 27th to recognize some of our Council's most dedicated volunteers. You can register HERE
Register for our Summer Popcorn Sale
  • Click HERE to see helpful dates and register your unit today to get the most up to date info.

  • Join our FB Page to coordinate with other volunteers

  • See info-graphic below to see our new incentives for summer and online sales
National Jamboree 2021
Enjoy a week of fun and adventure at Summit Bechtel Reserve . At Jamboree you can experience the gun ranges, zip lining, water sports, rock climbing, mountain biking, the skate park and so much more. See it for yourself with this video HERE .

Don't miss your chance to sign up!

Learn more and register HERE

We will be having more interest meetings so keep checking the website for the most up to date information.
COVID Updates

Click THIS link to see our latest update released on June 29th!

Main takeaways:
  • In person unit activities can continue as long as you follow proper safety protocol and receive permission from your chartered partner
  • The Council Service Center and the Baltimore Scout Shop will be opening on July 6th
  • No District or Council in person events can be held.

Scouting at Home Patch

Here at the BAC, we know that patches hold a special place in your hearts so we wanted to offer this once in a lifetime Scouting at Home Patch. The purpose of this patch is to recognize how much Scouting has had to adapt during these uncertain times. We've all been making Scouting happen at home over the last few months and its been hard work. So I think we deserve a patch! If you want to get one of these patches click the link HERE
Friends of Scouting
Thank you to everyone who has supported our 2020 Campaign. Our Friends of Scouting Campaign directly impacts the strength of our Scouting program. Due to the uncertainty caused by the Coronavirus our fundraising efforts were slowed. We are in the process of rescheduling unit presentations. If your unit has not had an presentation yet please reach out to ssexton@baltimorebsa.org to schedule something. We have new fundraising campaign pages and online giving methods that could fit your unit. If you would like to donate click the link below. If you donate online make sure to designate Arrowhead as your District on the left panel of the screen. Thank you for your support.
Membership Fee increase starting in August
One thing to note is that this does not include the $4 a year insurance fee that goes towards accident and liability insurance for the council. The $4 fee is added on to all adult and youth fees and is prorated throughout the year. If you have more questions check out our FAQ page HERE
If you want to help join our membership team so that we can reach more youth please reach out to our Membership Chair Kevin Callahan at kcalla1@gmail.com
Camporee- Nov 20th-22nd

  • Camporee has been moved!!
  • For the first time we will be holding Camporee at Broad Creek! That means we will be able to do shooting sports and use the rock wall! Sign up HERE so you don't miss out on the adventure!
Broad Creek
Family Camping : Starting in July we will be offering Family Camping at Broad Creek. Check out our WEBSITE to find our more information and book your stay.

Troop Camping: Currently we are not offering Troop Camping at BC but we will continue to assess the situation throughout the summer.

Renovations : We have completed our underground water and electric facilities. This will insure more reliable power and cleaner water for our campers. If you want to check out camp or help volunteer your time reach out to our Ranger, Tom Wagner HERE
Merit Badges with Social Distancing
Check out all the different Merit Badges offered by Arrowhead Councilors HERE .

We are working on putting together a schedule so keep an eye out for that.

If you want to offer a Merit Badge virtually reach out to Charlie Hauss directly at charlie.hauss@gmail.com

Thank you Charlie and Marty Taylor for helping to put this together and thank you to all the Merit Badge Councilors who have offered up their time to help out!
Scouting For Food
Dates for Scouting for Food pick up have been postponed. Under the current circumstances I would advise not picking up food. 

Scouting for Food Chair: Nick Jankowski jankowskin@asme.org

To learn more visit our Website
Masks for Maryland
We are working with the Del-Mar-Va Council to put together a face mask making initiative.

We need help from units to make masks.

We need help from units to identify who needs masks in their community.

Reach out to Steve Sexton at ssexton@baltimorebsa.org to get involved.
Website Update
Send us your unit's website! This can include Facebook if that is the best platform for your unit.

Send your website information to our Webmaster Jim Arndt at jcarndt@verizon.net and he will put it on our District Website.
Fall Life to Eagle - October 8th
You can register HERE

District Dinner - Oct 15th (Tentative)
at Holy Family Church. The theme is Roaring 20’s. Registration is open HERE

Merit Badge Madness - November 14th- 16th (Tentative)

Camporee - November 20th -22th
The date has been moved to November. It will still take place at Camp Caffran on Broadcreek Scout Reservation. Registration is open!!! You can register HERE
Order of the Arrow

We meet on the first Monday of the month from 7:30PM-8:30PM

If you have any question feel free to reach out to our Chapter Chief, Scott Talley, at ar rowhead@nentico.org

To find out more information check out the Order of the Arrow website HERE
Scout Highlight
This week's Scouting Highlight will focus on Arrowhead's most recent Eagle. Brandon from Troop 764 built a Prayer Garden for his home church and troop's chartered organization, Halethorpe-Relay United Methodist Church. Brandon knew as soon as he joined Scouts that he wanted to do something for his church and saw his Eagle Project as the perfect opportunity. Exactly one year before his Eagle Board of Review he spoke to his church to let them know of his project to build a prayer garden. In that one year it took about 25 people and 400 man hours to make his prayer garden a reality. Congrats Brandon on your recent Eagle and all the hard work you put in to make this happen!!
Brandon in front of his newly finished prayer garden.
Plaque commemorating his hard work.
Brandon with some of his unit leaders who helped guide him through this process
Thank you for being an active member our district! If you have any questions or feedback about Arrowheads up please send me an email at ssexton@baltimorebsa.org