NCI Well Connect

August 7, 2024

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Dear Steve,

DID YOU KNOW that a new study from Frontiers in Nutrition echoes what we think is one of the best ways to bring on satiety during meals? Satiety is the feeling of fullness.

Researchers found that meals rich in lean protein and healthy fat, and low in grain carbohydrates, exhibited increased glucagon and leptin hormones study subjects. Both of these hormones are associated with satiety.

The findings endorse our belief that protein-enriched, low grain carbohydrate meals with healthy fats are optimal for weight balance.

NOTE: This study also endorsed fruit and vegetable carbohydrates at meals, Fruit was satiety neutral and most vegetables helped bring on satiety quicker.

Services Update

Student Supplement First Aid Kit

Students of all ages need preventive support for myriad viruses and bacteria, as well as options to shorten the duration of an infection. Bold items should be taken daily, others as needed (ideally, individual needs should be taken into account).

Magnesium Glycinate (anxiety and stress)

Monolaurin (viral preventive)

Vitamin D3 1000-5000 IU (immune system support)

Vitamin C 500-1000 mg (immune system support)

Probiotic (one day per week to to balance microflora)

Andrographis root (fight infection when it first appears)

Elderberry Zinc Lozenges (soothe sore throat, respiratory issue)

Melatonin 0.5 - 3 mg. (sleep support)

Alka Support (sour, upset stomach)

Steve Minsky MS, HWC

As a Health and Wellness Counselor, Steve analyzes and offer solutions to optimize human functioning not only with food, but every aspect of your lifestyle, whether for prevention or healing. More info on Steve's services.


This is a reminder if you are eligible to expense through your HSA or FSA account, use it for our services, labs, and supplements.

Text Us If Convenient at (847) 497-0902

Text is the quickest way to communicate with us (questions for Bonnie need to be by email).

Pet Wellness
Our dietary supplement line for dogs and cats, ThorneVet, has an impeccable reputation among veterinarians. Carolyn Martinelli "Coach Care" can answer your questions about ThorneVet pet supplements at Please leave detailed contact information as well as the name, age, sex, breed, and/or health issue(s) and med(s) of your pet so Carolyn can respond accordingly. To order from our wellness shop, please visit here (for prices, enter the Guest Area password: discount2018).

Online Gift Cards
Giving the gift of wellness has never been easier. Order your gift cards here.

Wellness Screenings

Food Reaction Testing

Email Steve or Bonnie for authorization to get our food reaction tests for IgE food allergy, IgE mold/fungus allergy, or celiac panel. For questions about the tests and how to prepare, contact our office staff.

Genomics Testing

To screen for lifestyle and diet-related genetic predisposition, please see the "Pure Genomics" section below.

Standard Blood Work

We recently expanded our blood work wish list to give us more clues for how to best optimize you. The great thing is while the list has expanded, the cost has not, if getting it through our labs. The complete list can be found on the first page of wellness forms either for Steve or Bonnie.

Infection Support

For Prevention or During Infection

Year-round infection is the new normal. We are exposed to many endemic viruses including SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), influenza (flu), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), monkeypox, and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. Support your immune system with our Free Prevent and Fight Infection 2.0 Protocol here.

Warning: Counterfeit, Adulterated Supplements Online

On the internet, especially at Amazon, there is an epidemic of counterfeit, adulterated, and purposely mislabeled dietary supplements. In September 2023, a man was arrested for selling counterfeit Pure Encapsulations products. A study from JAMA Network Open found that half of immune products analyzed from Amazon had labels that did not match the contents. The FDA sent a warning letter to Amazon in later December 2023.

Have a happy, healthy day! Steve and Bonnie Minsky

In Today's Issue...
  • WC Feature* Eye Health Update
  • Artificial Sweeteners
  • August 20% OFF Sale
  • Case Report
  • Chiro Corner NEW!
  • Pure Genomics
  • Blog Briefs - Smartphone-Free
  • Well Connect Member Benefits
*Paid Member Access Only
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Well Connect Feature*
*This article is reserved for paid NCI Well Connect Membership.

Artificial Sweeteners

Steve: Just when you think it couldn't get any worse for artificial sweeteners, new research has come along sending them deeper into the abyss. Splenda is especially taking on the chin this round.

Impact on the Environment

The impact of artificial sweeteners on the environment is rarely considered. However, new research published in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment investigated how the commonly used sugar alternative, sucralose (or known as Splenda), could negatively impact freshwater ecosystems by effectively starving cyanobacteria and microscopic algae, which help to produce oxygen, when they mistakenly consume sucralose in place of their normal nutrients. Yikes!

Overall Health Risk

According to a sweeping review from Frontiers in Nutrition, the extensive body of research indicates that sucralose poses a substantial health risk. Its consumption has been linked to various adverse effects, including an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity, lipid metabolism dysregulation, hepatic inflammation, and cardiovascular disease. Additionally, the detrimental effects of sucralose extend beyond metabolic and skin-related issues. Its usage has been associated with increased fecal pH, a reduction in beneficial fecal microflora, and heightened expression levels of certain enzymes that limit the bioavailability of orally administered drugs. Perhaps most concerning is the chemical instability of sucralose, which can lead to the release of chlorinated aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons in the body. These toxic compounds have been found to accumulate and are potentially carcinogenic, with links to various types of cancers in humans.

Medical Community Opening Their Eyes?

Here's an excerpt from a recent piece in Medscape News, a frequently read periodical by doctors.

"There's not a lot of evidence that sweeteners like sucralose provide significant benefits, especially over the long term," Susan Swithers, PhD, professor, Department of Psychological Sciences and associate dean for Faculty Affairs at Purdue University, told Medscape Medical News.

Swithers authored an article several years ago cautioning that consuming nonnutritive sweeteners in beverages not only fails to prevent disease but also is associated with an increase in risks for the same health outcomes associated with sugar-sweetened beverages, including T2D, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and stroke.

"At this point, we have pretty good evidence that these chemicals that were once touted as being completely inert are, in fact, not inert," she said. "We know that they are not benign, and they have consequences. Right now, we have little understanding of the outcomes of consumption of these products chronically."

NOTE: I see many clients who are unknowingly consuming artificial sweeteners because they are stealthily labeled under their scientific names instead of their retail names. For example, most don't know that sucralose (which is Splenda) and acesulfame-K or acesulfame potassium are both artificial sweeteners. When in doubt, look it up or ask us!


Place My Order*
*Use password discount2018 at Guest Area to access pricing

Case Report

Tale of a Former Vegan

Bonnie: Over 7 years ago, a middle-aged male and family friend announced to me that he was becoming vegan. He was very fit at the time, having previously accomplished a grueling Ironman competition. I told him to please reconsider his vegan choice since he is blood type O. After 40 years of clinical data, we have found that blood type O's do not use plant foods such as beans as viable protein. I also told him that excess dried beans contain phytates and lectins that block essential minerals, especially zinc, magnesium, and calcium. Since he was 56 years old, his ability to absorb plant foods as proteins would worsen even further because of less available digestive enzymes.

Unfortunately, he did not follow my advice. I saw him recently and he mentioned that he should have listened to me. He needed a knee replacement which did not heal well. He had to give up Ironmans completely due to chronic knee pain. He also became severely hyperthyroid. His endocrinologist tried to regulate his overactive thyroid to no avail. This came as no surprise as he was consuming large amounts of soy and pea protein from dried peas daily. Soy, in particular, is known to spark an overactive thyroid. His blood protein also became dangerously low at 5.8.

Eventually, he remembered our vegan conversation and added back eggs and fish to his daily diet. He especially loved adding back the super food sardines in olive oil. Moreover, he stopped eating soy foods. Within as little as three weeks his overactive thyroid became almost normal. He even stopped having chronic knee pain.  

He was dumbfounded by his rapid improvements as was his doctor. After three months, his blood protein level also normalized. He now has learned a powerful lesson. Humans are omnivores and are not "one size fits all". He also said that anyone who wants to be vegan needs to be closely monitored by a knowledgable health professional.

Did you have a great experience working with us? Please let others know by leaving a review here.

Disclaimer: Case reports are not intended for self-healing. Case reports are for references purposes only and should be discussed with your health professional.

Chiro Corner NEW!

A Day at the Office

I thought you might enjoy a window into a recent day that I had at the office helping my patients. I saw nine people, and these are a few of those cases. 

One has been seeing me regularly since her adult kids were little. She had a recent bout of pneumonia and had just finished a course of antibiotics. I gently aligned her spine to calm the nerves that go to the lungs and to relieve tightness from all that coughing. I also applied low level laser therapy at the area of the upper lungs to help the body release healing chemicals. She noticed she could breathe more comfortably afterwards. 

A new patient came in as one day she woke up with severe neck and shoulder blade pain. I asked her many questions about past injuries, stresses, sleep and work habits. I then assessed her spine to determine where she was locked. At the end I realigned the vertebrae to help make her more comfortable and suggested that she come in again as a follow up. 

Another was a college athlete who comes in for low back and shoulder pain, which are doing much better. This time he had a complaint of left calf numbness after he would run. I could feel that some of the bones in his ankle were misaligned and then gently adjusted them. This creates normal biomechanics so that running doesn’t aggravate the nerves associated with the calf. He’ll run again and let me know at his next visit what happens. 

It feels gratifying for me to help people with a wide variety of symptoms. I get adjusted every week to stay as healthy as possible and am happy to help you in any way that I can.

Dr. Liselotte Schuster is a Holistic Family Chiropractor and has been in practice with Nutritional Concepts since 1989. She uses a variety of techniques to help children and adults reach their full potential, trusting in the healing powers of the body. Contact Dr. Schuster at (847) 509-9067 or

Why Pure Genomics?
Pure Genomics harnesses the science of nutrigenomics so you can understand the relationship between your genes, nutrition, and wellness at the deepest level. Covering 72 genes in 11 trait categories, we've used Pure Genomics since 2015 to help clients live longer with better quality of life.
How to Get Started

  1. Order a genetic kit directly from or and send back your saliva specimen.
  2. When your results are ready, request that we set up a Pure Genomics account for you. We just need your full name, email address, and date of birth.
  3. You will receive an email invitation from Pure Genomics with a link to set up your account and instructions for how to upload 23andMe or Ancestry data.
  4. You will receive a confirmation from Pure Genomics when your report is ready and we can then set up an appointment to go over your results.

*Paid NCI Well Connect Members have free, 24-7 access to Pure Genomics. Non-paid members must first pay a one-time $25 processing fee to access results.
eNews Blog Briefs

Smartphone-Free Childhood?

What Is a Paid NCI Well Connect Membership?
Twice Weekly eNewsletters with Tons of Extra Content 
Long-form issues on Mondays and Wednesdays address all aspects of wellness including nutrition, mental and emotional health, physical activity, cooking, brand awareness, dietary supplements, medical breakthroughs, and much more.

Pure Genomics Wellness Screening
Results are free. Analysis with Steve or Bonnie is a separate fee.

Website Page Dedicated to Members Only
Only paid members have exclusive, password protected access to our 46 title Action Plan Library, Natural Foods Shopping List (updated quarterly), and the most recent 100 issues of our email newsletter.
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*Use password: discount2018 in Guest Area
Navigating Our Website
Wellness Shop
*If you prefer to call in or email your orders, continue to do so. Whatever is convenient and comfortable is what we want for you.

Password Required For Website Orders
To make purchases, enter the password discount2018 when prompted at the "Guest Area" firewall, which is necessary for us to show our discounted pricing.

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Reorder Easily By Registering At Our Website
Registering as a member of our website will allow you to reorder items quickly. At our homepage, simply click on "Log In" and sign up. There, you can create a profile and see all of your previous orders, as well as make a wishlist of items you frequently order. Click the heart icon next to the add to cart button to add any item to your wishlist.

There are two passwords returning customers need to have.
  1. Password to log into your account. This is the password you entered when you first registered at our site. Only you know this password.
  2. Password to get past the "Guest Area" firewall: discount2018. The password will always be discount2018 unless we notify you.

3 Options for Fulfilling Your Order at The Wellness Shop
  1. Place your order to be shipped.
  2. Place your order for pickup at our office.
  3. Place your order online but pay offline by calling in your credit card info.

Pay for Appointments
Pay for your appointment directly from our wellness shop under Service Fees.

Self-Help Action Plans
Inexpensive self-help protocols covering myriad conditions. These do not replace individualized consultations. View all 45 titles under Action Plans.
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Password protected webpage reserved for paid NCI Well Connect Members. Access the Members Only Archives Page here and enter the password.


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Ask Questions
Text, email, or ask questions directly from our website.
We appreciate your continued patronage and support.

Have a happy, healthy day.

Bonnie, Steve, Liselotte, Lori, Sharron, Cindy, Diana and Carolyn

1535 Lake Cook Road, Suite 204
Northbrook, IL 60062
Phone 847-498-3422
Text 847-497-0902
Hours Of Operation
Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM
Saturday 9AM to 4PM
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20% OFF


Sale Items

Use discount2018 at Guest Area to for pricing


Pure Encaps Vitamin D3 1000

Pure Encaps Vitamin D3 5000

Pure Encaps Ester-C Flavonoids

Metagenics Akkermansia

Metagenics Andrographis Plus

Metagenics Zinc AG

Eco Formulas Monolaurin 300

Eco Formulas Monolaurin 600

NutriBiotic GSE Throat Spray

Nature's Way Valerian Std