Artist of the Month
Literary Artist
Mary Ann Faul
A book by a beautiful southern lady
with grace, spirit, and class.
Mary Ann Faul
with admiration and respect

Note from the author-

     A dream is something that you carry in your heart in hopes that one day you will have the opportunity to bring it to fruition. With my dream, a vision, and love and support of family and friends was born “Precious Angel Tea Cottage” where I hosted birthday parties for little girls. My grand-daughter, Peyton, was five at that time (she just graduated from high school) and my “Precious Angel” giving me the inspiration for the name. The tea cottage was a magical place . . . filled with enchanting Victorian décor and beautiful painted angels that adorned the walls created by my talented friend, Jenny Johnson. The reality of my dream made me smile with my heart because it was a labor of love with a sincere desire to bring joy to others.
    I especially enjoyed sharing my dream with Peyton because she loved having tea parties. While enjoying this special time together I explained to her that it was important to learn proper manners and appropriate social etiquette. We talked about sharing “The joy of good manners with a smile in your heart.” She enjoyed learning “Angel Courtesies” which motivated me to write “Manners With Mimi.” As a former teacher I felt that a book would be a special gift for her- a part of me and our cherished time together.
    I originally shared my book with family and close friends and gave a copy to my dear and beautiful friend, Linda Rosetti. Now, many years later Linda has encouraged me to share my book with others. My sincerest hope is that you will enjoy sharing it with your “Precious Angel.”
Many angel blessings,
Mary Ann Faul

Stop by for a tour of the exhibit of this
and other great artists.
The Pink Rooster/ Gallery Garbo
622 Washington Ave.
Ocean Springs, MS 39564
