December 2019
The arts are here!
In this newsletter read
our year in review;
look to an upcoming
Artist to Artist
workshop on taxes,
coaching hours
and more! To keep this energy going,
please consider a year end gift!
Save the date
for upcoming Arts Alive! events:
- Artist 2 Artist Taxes for Artists, Freelancers & Creative Businesses, (Jan 27)
- Coaching Hours available, (Jan 3, Keene; Jan 13 & 27, Peterborough)
looking back:
arts alive! had a busy year
* Hosting
Artist to Artist workshops
* Celebrating
the10 year anniversary: pARTicipate
* Attending and Presenting
at the CCX Conference 2019
* Providing
fiscal sponsorship to
Friends of Public Art, Walldogs, & Ashuelot Concerts
* Co-Sponsoring
Ewing Arts Awards
programs like MAxT's Night Market & Keene ArtWalk
the Arts Track of Radically Rural
conversations and facilitating planning to rebuild
community around the closure of Sharon Arts Center
support and resources for the Arts Corridor project in downtown Keene
planners, developers, architects and engineers at the Plan NH Conference
with the NH State Council on the Arts to host the Equity in Cultural Leadership Arts Education Conference
the arts through Discover Monadnock website, social media, and newsletters and through the #artsarehere campaign
the NH Creative Communities Network through organizational system development, and strategic planning, increasing opportunities for peer learning, advocacy, and partnerships statewide
You can help sustain this energy with an annual fund gift
in whatever amount works for you! Thank you.
artist to artist:
taxes for artists, freelancers, & creative businesses
January 27, 2020
, 4 - 6 pm
$20 for Arts Alive! members, $30 for nonmembers
What can I deduct? Do I bring receipts to my accountant? Is my art a business or a hobby? What is a Schedule C? How do I deduct my home studio? Hannah Cole is a tax expert who specializes in working with creative businesses and artists.
As a
long-time working artist
with a
high-level exhibition history
and a tax and money columnist for the art blog Hyperallergic, the financial challenges of freelancers and small creative businesses are both relevant and personal to Hannah. She will discuss the basic tax equation, self employment tax and the estimated quarterly tax system, audit concerns for the working artist, and other tax issues specifically relevant to artists, followed by a question and answer period.
Hannah Cole is the founder of
Sunlight Tax
, which specializes in friendly, informative tax preparation for artists, and engaging, art-world savvy tax education workshops for artist groups.
arts alive! coaching
January 3,13, & 27
January 3
, 10am-3pm at Hannah Grimes Center
January 13 & 27
, 12-3 at the Peterborough Chamber
by appointment
Artists, nonprofit arts staff, arts advocates, town planners, economic development professionals, and tourism industry workers.
for referrals, creative economy and arts market data, to learn about workshops and opportunities (from grants to marketing), to discuss long-term cultural planning and arts integration for towns and businesses, to brainstorm ideas for partnerships, and to connect on communicating the value of arts and culture in a community.
Jessica Gelter, executive director of the organization for the past five years, will be in the coach’s chair. Gelter is also an artist, performer, playwright, past arts educator, and community arts organizer passionate about the arts for its transformative power in communities.
artisan opportunities!:
put yourself out there
Artist Entrepreneurial Grants
support opportunities that will benefit artists’ careers, including the development of business skills, participation in programs to raise the level and quality of their art, and participation in programs that will bring their art to the widest possible markets.
Artist Entrepreneurial Grants recognize the importance of the creative workforce to New Hampshire’s economy.
Quarterly Deadline: January 10, 2020
discover monadnock
list your events!
Discover Monadnock Calendar
is chock full of events and seen by an ever-growing audience. The listings include concerts of all sorts, weekly events and rehearsals, craft and art shows, wine tastings and more. If the event is arty or beneficial to the region's charm in some way, it's there! Check it out and be sure to list your event!
If you need assistance with your posting contact
at the Arts Alive! office. She can help you Tuesday - Thursday. Or you can call, 283 -0944.
consider a gift
take pART in the arts!
How do you value and support the arts in our community? Your
is invaluable to how our greater community values, participates, and invests in the arts, work we’ve been supporting for 10 years!
Arts Alive! is an instigator - providing artists and organizations tools for success, helping projects launch, and connecting ideas with people who will care and steward them to formation. We are cheer leaders for the arts – helping build partnerships, celebrate successes, and promote the world-class work happening right here in our region.
There is so much energy bubbling up around the arts!
It is your support, your participation, and your passion for the arts that helps us build up resources to strengthen everyone’s access to the arts across our region.
Right now, your generous annual fund gift is a fantastic way to sustain this energy.
We thank you.
Lastly, I invite you to continue to “show up” whenever you can, to be in the places where art is. Seeing you there matters. And what’s more, if you can share your passion for the arts, I’m also asking you to grow our community’s appreciation of it. Evangelize, bring friends, and celebrate on social media!
Will you join me in doing this, and also in giving to the annual fund this year?
the arts are...
UNIQUE no matter where you go across our region!
The next step in our dynamic "arts are..." campaign is to tell the story of each town in our region.
What is your town's arts & culture story?
Take just a couple minutes, and share it with us.
We already have stories collected from:
- Greenfield
- Westmoreland
- Nelson
- Peterborough
- Marlborough
- Harrisville
What town arts story can you add?
arts alive! is supported by:
New Hampshire State Council on the Arts
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Hoffman Family Foundation
Eppes Jefferson Foundation
Putnam Foundation
C&S Wholesale Grocers
Carl & Ruth Jacobs
The Keene Sentinel
Acera Consulting
The City of Keene, NH
Southwest Regional Planning Commission
Savings Bank of Walpole
The Mountain Corporation
Dew Construction Corporation
Tom & Barbara Putnam
The Arts Alive! Board of Directors
Arts Alive! Members & Creative Businesses
And our greater community of donors!