Summer Visual & Performing Arts Guidance

DATE: June 30, 2021

TO: All New Jersey Arts Educators, Administrators, Principals, Superintendents,
Executive County Superintendents, School Board Members, Health Officers

FROM: Robert B. Morrison, Director

SUBJECT: Summer Visual & Performing Arts Guidance

Arts Ed NJ is releasing the following recommended guidance for summer visual and performing arts activities:

1. Outdoors (All ages): There are no mask, distancing, on time limitations for any outdoor visual and performing arts activity. Proper hygiene strategies should remain in place.

2. Indoors (12 years of age and older): For rehearsals and performances, there are no mask, distancing, or time limitations on any indoor visual and performing arts activity. A properly ventilated space should be used. Proper hygiene strategies should remain in place.

3. Indoors (11 years of age and younger): For rehearsals, mask should be utilized by all performers except wind players where the instrument itself should be masked. Time should be limited to 60 minutes followed by one air exchange before resuming. Distancing of three feet (measured center of seat to center of seat) is suggested when feasible but should not preclude an activity from taking place. A properly ventilated space should be used. Proper hygiene strategies should remain in place.

4. Indoors (11 years of age and younger): For performances, there are no mask, distancing, or time limitations on any indoor visual and performing arts PERFORMANCE. Proper hygiene strategies should remain in place and the performance should be conducted in a properly ventilated space. 

For more detailed information on this and other visual and performing arts guidance, please visit

Recommendations are based on current NJ Department of Health guidance for masks and findings from the International Coalition of Performing Arts Aerosol Study. Fall 2021 guidance will be released in late July. 

16 Mount Bethel Road, Suite 202 • Warren, NJ 07059 • p: 908-542-9396 • f: 908-350-7039 •
Arts Ed NJ is the New Jersey Performing Arts Affiliate for the National Federation of State High School Associations