August 10, 2022

  • Dallas' crime statistics are grossly understated because many crimes go unreported thanks to citizens knowing the District Attorney won't act.

  • District Attorney John Creuzot cares more about earning political campaign cash and accomplishing his own agenda than keeping crime down in Dallas.

  • Dallas D.A. (aka "Catch & Release Creuzot") must stop acting like a catch and release fisherman and start prosecuting criminals to the extent of the law. 

This Week's Top Stories:

Pro golfer Travis Wadkins laughed like 'The Joker' after assaulting Dallas officers

Pro Golfer Travis Wadkins kicked a Dallas officer so hard it tore the ligament and dislocated her kneecap. Action like this should be unimaginable in our city, but our limp-wristed city council and DA endorse criminality like this.

Dallas Murder Rate up 116% in June.

When the District Attorney, John Creuzot, refuses to charge repeat criminals and releases these individuals at a staggeringly high rate, it's no surprise that more people are getting killed. Murder in Dallas is growing at a concerning rate, and will continue to until leadership changes.

Man Fatally Shot After Drawing Firearm On Dallas Police.

Career criminal pulled his gun on Dallas police officers after he was caught selling narcotics, forcing them to defend themselves and others nearby. Now these officers are being investigated by the Community Police Oversight Board.

VIDEO: Man Confronts

Suspect Stealing Catalytic Converter in Dallas

Dallas resident stopped a criminal from stealing the catalytic converter from his van. City leadership is forcing residents to defend themselves by neglecting their duties to address crime and lock up criminals!

Dallas Battles with Crime and Vagrancy

"These homeless people need actual help — and not from armed goons set on keeping them on the streets — and so do the communities in which they are residing."

"Dallas can either return to the business-friendly economic powerhouse it once was or let itself fall into a pit of criminality and homelessness like cities such as Los Angeles or Portland."

Click the link below to read the full article: 

The Dallas Express - Dallas Battles with Crime and Vagrancy

Weekly Camp Update:

The Dallas City Council's limp-wristed approach at clearing out these camps only echoes its apathy towards the dangers these camps create for homeowners, business-owners, and the homeless population at-large.

Vagrant camps don't "go away" with infrequent sweep procedures; they only move around!

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Every Tuesday!

Stephen Moitz, Executive Director of Keep Dallas Safe, broadcasts on Facebook Live every Tuesday to bring you real-time updates on the state of homelessness, vagrancy, and apathetic lack of response from Dallas city officials.

Rain or heat - KDS continues to document the homelessness crisis. In this latest livestream, we travel to City Hall to expose our city leaders for their refusal to address this issue, even on their front lawn!

Each week, Keep Dallas Safe takes a trip around the city's districts to document encampments with the purpose of informing the city of their locations, and advocate for the enforcement of the laws protecting residents and businesses from the problems these illegal camps produce. 

We currently track more than 100 encampments around Dallas.

"Overcrowded" Camp

Location: Councilman Jesse Moreno's District 2

This location has earned the title of "Overcrowded" camp because there are more than 20 individuals that encamp at this underpass.

The camp has completely overtaken the area. As you can visually see from the photo, it's impossible to walk along the sidewalk because of all the tents. Dallas residents are forced to avoid this area due to obvious safety concerns. 

The "Improvised" Camp

Location: Councilwoman Jaynie Schultz's District 11

This location earned the title of "Improvised" camp because the inhabitants of this area have gathered materials from around the city to create a makeshift "home." 

We have reached out to Councilwoman Schultz regarding this camp on several occasions, but she has refused to address it. Now the residents of her district are stuck with the burden.

"Recrudescence" Camp

Location: Councilman Adam Bazaldua's District 7

This location earned the title "Recrudescence" camp because although this area was cleaned up by the city just a few weeks ago, former "residents" are already beginning to return.

This is another clear example of the ineffectiveness of our 'Housing First' policy. These people want to live in the streets and Dallas leaderships is letting them do so.

If you see an encampment in your area, please notify your district councilman with the date and camp location via email.

Chad West, District 1

Jesse Moreno, District 2

Casey Thomas, II, District 3

Carolyn King Arnold,District 4

Jaime Resendez, District 5

Omar Narvaez, District 6

Adam Bazaldua, District 7

Tennell Atkins, District 8

Paula Blackmon, District 9

Adam McGough, District 10

Jaynie Schultz, District 11

Cara Mendelsohn, District 12

Gay Donnell Willis, District 13

Paul E. Ridley, District 14

To Report an Encampment:

Dial 3-1-1 or Call: (214) 670-3111

Mission Statement:

Keep Dallas Safe exists to address crime and homelessness in Dallas with the goal of transforming Dallas into the safest large city in Texas for residents and businesses. We aim to have a City Council that prioritizes crime rate which directly determines the quality of life in Dallas. We do this by fighting against the "defund the police" movement, holding accountable our city leaders' efforts towards lowering district crime rates, and highlighting our city's homelessness problems by pushing for enforcement of the prohibition of urban camping.

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