December 2019
Click here to watch a video of men expressing their gratitude for Virtual Council. 
Illuman  is an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose vision is to see men transforming men and, through them, families and communities for generations to come. Our mission is to engage those seeking a life-long journey of spiritual transformation. 

Dear Illuman Community,  
As we come to the year’s end , we invite you to consider supporting Illuman with a monthly contribution, or whatever gift expresses your heartfelt support. If all of us receiving this Drumbeat gave $35 per year ($3/month), the entire annual budget of Illuman would be covered. And with more support, we could extend this work to even more men- every dollar counts! We strive for good stewardship of Illuman’s financial resources and are able to manifest an amazing effect in men's lives. You can see a copy of the Soularize report of Illuman's financial position by clicking the graphic below.
We are a stable national organization presenting a new vision for the practice of masculinity in the world. We are creating innovative programs to meet men’s spiritual needs. We are integrating Council into every level of Illuman. We are a strong and active partner with other national and international organizations. We can support men around the world while building structures of local, national, and international support.

We feel called to an expansive vision of promoting and supporting healthy men doing their inner work and making a difference in the world. Please join us with emotional and financial support, according to your means.

We don't need every man to do an MROP—we just need enough men. We need enough men to change the culture, to change the way that being masculine is understood and accepted in this society. With your financial support, we can move closer to that v ision. And when a woman—a partner, a sister, a daughter—asks you what you are doing about the crisis of sexual harassment, you will be able to say you participate in and support an organization that is committed to changing the way men treat women, and each other. Please consider making that commitment   here or you can mail a donation to :
500 Westover Drive #12690
Sanford, NC 27330
Thank you for your generosity, in 2019 and prior years!

Illuman Development Council
Your  support  in all forms, including prayer, service, and money, is met with gratitude and a commitment to honor your gifts by using them to support men on their spiritual journey.
We are ILLUMAN: 
"Without us God will not,
but without God, we cannot." 
Fr. Richard Rohr