March 2024 Newsletter


Rogaine Examined: Does It Really Work?

The exact mechanism through which Rogaine promotes hair growth remains unclear. It was initially developed as an over-the-counter medication for high blood pressure. However, during clinical trials, researchers observed an intriguing side effect – hair growth. This prompted further research into its potential to combat hair loss.

According to the FDA, Rogaine is suitable for men and women experiencing hair loss or hair thinning. It is most effective for individuals suffering from androgenetic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern baldness. However, it may also benefit individuals with other hair loss conditions like alopecia areata. But, like any treatment, it is not without its drawbacks.

Is Rogaine an Effective Long Term Treatment for Hair Loss?

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"I struggled with confidence and weight my whole life. Right after my teens, my hair started thinning out. It just added to that roller coaster of emotions. I've always looked for something like this that would let me feel good about myself."


"My name is Sophia and I'm 31 years old. I started losing my hair in clumps and patches when I was 13 years old. Nobody had an answer. I am so excited and happy to walk into this next phase of who I am."


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Shear Pointe is a member of Transitions International Group, the international association of hair restoration professionals serving clients and patients worldwide.

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