Asbury Sunday Worship:
9:00 & 11:00 am: Worship in the Sanctuary
10:00 am: Sunday School
11:00 am: Live-Streamed Worship
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Words Matter: TONIGHT! (Thursday, January 23) at 7 pm |
"Words Matter" is a discussion group that has been meeting since August to learn how we can be better allies to the LGBTQ community as we recognize that our words really do matter.
We would like to invite more members of Asbury to join our conversation as we welcome guest speaker C.J. Janovy to discuss her book "No Place Like Home: Lessons in Activism from LGBT Kansas" on Thursday, Jan. 23 at 7:00 pm in the Parlor. C.J. Janovy is Director of Journalism at KCUR 89.3, Kansas City's NPR Station.
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Banned Book Club: Tuesday, Jan. 28 |
Banned Book Club starts back up on Tuesday, January 28 at 6:30 pm in the Parlor. We'll be discussing the Diary of Anne Frank (click here for link).
All are welcome to attend! If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Jeff at JeffP@visitasbury.org.
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We're Looking for Acolytes! |
Do you have a 3rd grade - 8th grade student who would like to fill the important role of acolyte in worship at 9:00 or 11:00 am on Sundays, or occasional special services?
If your child is interested in acolyting, please contact our Acolyte Coordinator, Hilary Duderstadt, at hduderstadt@att.net or 913-544-8744. Thank you!
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Fundraising Concert Update for Trip to Alaska |
The Trip to Alaska mission trip team deeply appreciates all those who attended the fundraising concert on Friday, Jan. 17. It was a wonderful opportunity to travel around the world through music and delicious desserts, and the culmination was the moment when the people all sang together “This is My Song” with the following lyrics:
May truth and freedom come to every nation
May peace abound where strife as raged so long
That each may seek to love and build together
A world united, righting every wrong
A world united in its love for freedom
Proclaiming peace together in one song
We are excited to announce that we raised $2591 from both concert collections and online donations! We are blown away by how generous you were with your giving, and we give our wholehearted thanks for your kindness. Proceeds will be used to support the ministries of The Church of the Nations, our mission partner in Anchorage, AK, which is focused on serving unhoused Alaska Natives, and the travel costs of the Asbury mission trip team.
If you missed the concert, we will share a link to watch the recorded video very soon! You can also donate anytime via Easy Tithe by selecting "Alaska Missions Fund" from the drop-down menu. Thank you for your support and prayers!
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Kansas City Musical Club Concert: Monday, February 3 | |
The Kansas City Musical Club's first concert of 2025 will feature 4 students of Park University's International Center for Music: Iana Korzukhina, viola; Yuren Zhang, violin; Nikita Korzukhin, cello; and Jiarui Cheng, piano along with Lolita Lisovskaya-Sayevich, Director of Collaborative Piano (one of the Club's 2024 Annual Award Winners).
This free concert is at noon on Monday, February 3 in the Asbury sanctuary. Donations are gratefully accepted. Please join us! More details about this all-classical performance may be found on www.KCMusicalClub.org.
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"Here for the Heart" Blood Drive: Friday, February 7 |
Asbury youth Libby Morris is partnering with the Community Blood Center to organize a blood drive called "Here for the Heart" on Friday, February 7 from 2-6 pm in Hager Hall.
Sign up to give blood today by visiting the following link (click here). No prior donation experience needed. While 60% of the population is eligible, only 2-3% give. One of us or our loved ones may be the next one to need a blood transfusion, so let’s help our community and donate!
For more information, please contact Libby Morris at libbymorriskc@gmail.com. Thank you for your support!
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"What's the Big Idea?" Leadership Breakfast: Saturday, February 8 |
New to a committee? Currently serving on one and would like a refresher? Join us for our annual leadership breakfast, "What's the Big Idea?" on Saturday, February 8 from 9-11 am in the Welcome Center. This is a great time to enjoy some breakfast and get to know your fellow committee members!
Please RSVP by calling the church office at 913-432-5573, or email Phyllis Williams at phyllisw@visitasbury.org.
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Handling Loneliness As We Age: Saturday, February 15 |
United Women in Faith would like to invite all ladies to join them for a forum about how to gracefully handle loneliness as we age, which will take place at 1 pm on Saturday, February 15 in Hager Hall.
Featured speakers are Pastor Bailey Amtower from LifeBridge UMC and Pastor Ali Haynes from Indian Heights UMC. If you have any questions, please contact Ruth Hopkins at ruthhopkinspv@gmail.com. We hope to see you there!
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Hub Argentine Gala: Friday, February 21 at Children's Mercy Stadium |
Join Pastor Jeff on Friday, Feb. 21 from 6-9 pm at Children's Mercy Stadium for a Taste of Argentine: A Night of Flavor & Funding our Neighbor’s Kitchen, featuring Chef Pyet DeSpain!
Asbury is sponsoring a table for this event. Proceeds will benefit the Hub’s community kitchen. This vital initiative aims to create a shared space for food entrepreneurs, community members and local organizations to access affordable kitchen facilities and grow their businesses.
If you’d like to enjoy an evening of great food and share in the ministry of the Hub, contact Pastor Jeff for more information!
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Putting Your House in Order | |
Registration is open for the winter edition of Putting Your House in Order, the popular program from Kansas Methodist Foundation (KMF). If making estate plans and putting your affairs in order has been on the to-do list, then make 2025 the year to get it done!
There are two options for participation:
Online Cohort via Zoom: Meeting dates are Feb. 18, Mar. 18, and Apr. 15 at either 10 am or 7 pm. Register by Monday, February 10 by clicking here.
On-Demand: Attend sessions that fit your schedule. Pre-recorded video and course materials available for download. Click here to learn more!
Putting Your House in Order is a three-part series that covers 1) Estate Planning, 2) Legacy Giving, and 3) Memorial Planning. Each hour-long Zoom session provides useful information and needed resources to guide you in putting your plans in place. We will discuss wills versus trusts, durable powers of attorney, advanced health care directives, legacy giving, endowments, how to document important personal and family information, and other items to assist your successors.
Email Dan Clevenger at DanC@visitasbury.org or call 913-432-5573 with any questions!
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- Electronic Fund Transfer
Online through Easy Tithe
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- Text the word 'Give' to 913-774-6060
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1st Quarter Ministry Grants for 2025 Open February 1 | |
The Asbury Endowment Committee will be accepting 2025 First Quarter grant applications beginning February 1. Asbury endowed funds are underwriting grants of up to $1000. Individuals, committees, and small groups are encouraged to use these grants to create, enhance, or sustain mission and ministries within the Asbury faith community. Application deadline for the first quarter is March 1.
Application and instructions can be found online: click here for more!
For questions, please contact Dan Clevenger at 913-432-5573 or at DanC@visitasbury.org.
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Help Serve Lunch at Cross-Lines on Thursday, February 13 | |
We're looking for six people to help serve lunch at Cross-Lines on Thursday, February 13 from 10 am - 1 pm (736 Shawnee Ave, Kansas City, KS 66105). Click here to visit our online sign up page, or call the church at 913-432-5573 to sign up.
Thank you for your willingness to help!
| "Food of the Month" for the Food Pantry |
The Asbury Food Pantry's "Food of the Month" for January is cereal. No matter the weather, this is a favorite of our pantry guests! Any donations can be placed on the table in the Welcome Center or on the cart by the main entrance.
If you have any questions, or if you are interested in volunteering with the Asbury Food Pantry, please contact Rosie Sanders at roseann.sanders@gmail.com or 913-593-7177. Thank you!
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Family Ministries Book Club: Tuesday, February 4 |
Family Ministries Book Club will meet Tuesday, February 4 at 7 pm in the Prayer Room. We are discussing Working Class Rage by Tex Sample (click here for link).
All are welcome to attend! If you have questions, please contact Heather Jackson, our Director of Family Ministries, at heatherj@visitasbury.org.
Morning Meetup: Sunday at 10 am in Hager Hall! |
This new group is tailored to the needs of parents and will meet weekly in Hager Hall at 10 am for discussions with one another and community building. The group is structured, so you can jump right in when you are able to attend. Although the group will begin gathering at 10 am, you are free to join the conversation anytime between 10-11 am.
Our next "Speaker Sunday" is February 2. Ginger Rothhaas (https://gingerrothhaas.com/) will be speaking on the topic of compassion. If you have questions, feel free to contact our Director of Family Ministries.
The nursery will be available for children who have not started kindergarten. Elementary aged children can join Kids' Hour (3rd floor east) and youth (6-12 grade) can join Coffee and Convos in the youth lounge (3rd floor west).
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Sunday Nursery Hours: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm |
9 am: The nursery is open for children who need it, up to 3rd grade.
11 am: The Nursery is open on Sundays for children aged infant through 5-years-old (if they haven’t started Kindergarten yet). Children who have started Kindergarten are encouraged to join Children's Church.
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Kids Hour: Sunday at 10 am (Music Rotation) | |
Kids' Hour is a great way for kids to make friends and build community while learning Bible stories. Kids (PreK-5th grade) are invited to join the fun of exploring Bible stories through weekly rotations such as art, music, games, cooking, drama, science, and videos.
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Children's Church: 11 am after the Children's Time |
Kids PreK - 3rd grade are welcome to join us for Children's Church after the Children's Moment at the 11 a.m. service in the kids' wing (3rd floor east). We might make a craft, play a game, watch a movie, or learn a new song and dance. No matter the activity, kids will have fun learning and growing together!
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Coffee and Convos: Sundays at 10 am | All 6th - 12th grade students are invited to meet in the Youth Lounge on Sundays at 10 am for drinks, treats, and discussion. | |
NO YOUTH GROUP this Sunday! | No youth group this week. Go Chiefs!! | |
Leadership Lab Orientation will be Sunday, January 26 at 10 am in the Youth Lounge. All who have expressed interest in participating in Leadership Lab should attend or make arrangements with our Director of Family Ministries.
In Leadership Lab, high school students engage in a web of relationships, resourcing, and experiences that culminate in eligibility for a triennial pilgrimage with other students, their mentors, and key conference leaders. Eligibility is determined by completing the Leadership Lab curriculum. This discipleship and leadership program empowers young people to use their gifts both in the church and the world. Youth must be members of Asbury to participate.
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High School Service Trip to Washington, D.C.: June 1-7 | |
Registration for the High School service trip to Washington, D.C. from June 1-7, 2025 is open! We have 3 spots remaining. You can register your current 8th - 12th grade student by clicking here.
Contact our Director of Family Ministries with any questions or concerns you may have.
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Middle School Service Trip to Omaha, Nebraska: July 13-17 | |
Registration link and more information coming soon. | | | | |