Happenings at Ascension!

January 12, 2025


Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting will be held on January 26, 2025. We will have a POTLUCK LUNCH (provided by you), thank the exiting vestry members, welcome the new ones, review the past and future finances, and discuss other important business. Please make plans to attend this vital church function.


Vestry Nominations

Do you know a person who has demonstrated a passion for Ascension? We are still taking nominations of people you think will be good vestry members. Thank you for your help in this process which is vital to the ongoing life of Ascension. Just drop their information in the plate or speak to our current Senior Warden, Mike Black.

Attention Ministry Heads!

It’s that time of year! As we prepare for the annual meeting, we would like to share with the congregation all that Ascension offers. If you are a ministry head, please email the office a brief report to be included in the annual meeting reports letting us know what you’ve been up to, that you are still hanging in there, and your hopes for 2025.  Let us share with the congregation what our needs are and how they can get involved.  

Diocesan Council Delegates

Each year we elect at the Annual Meeting FOUR Delegates and TWO Alternates to attend the Diocesan Council.at which the diocese discusses changes, budgets, improvements, and issues. This incredibly informative meeting keeps us in the loop about all the ongoings in the diocese. This year the 176th Diocesan Council meeting will be held February 7-8 at the Forth Worth Convention Center. Please let us know if you would like to attend.

Don’t forget the flowers!

Sign up to donate flowers each Sunday! Just indicate on the flower chart, posted in the narthex and enter your dedication in the book below it. You may drop your donation in the alms basin or send it to the office, marked flower fund. The cost is $100, including delivery. For any questions, email office@ascensionepiscopalchurch.org.  Or you can click HERE, be sure to leave a note for your dedication.

Calendar and Event Schedule 


  • Jan 20- Office is closed, in observance of MLK Jr. Day
  • Jan 26 - Annual Meeting with Potluck Lunch
  • Feb 7-8 - 176th Diocesan Council @ the Fort Worth Convention Center. 
  • Mar 4 - Shrove Tuesday, Need Volunteers!!
  • Mar 5 - Ash Wednesday, Services at 8:30, noon, and 7pm.

Wednesdays during Lent: We will have soup and lessons, details tba.

Christian Formation

Tuesday Evening Bible Study

Join us at 6:30pm for the Tuesday Evening Bible Study. A zoom link is available for those who wish to attend, but cannot do so in person. 

 We look forward to seeing the old crew and some new faces. 

Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 AM

  • Children's Sunday school - upstairs with Mrs. Allison Garcia
  • Adult Christian Education - church library.
  • Adult Class online option: HERE

Women's Tuesday Bible Study, 1pm

 The Women's Tuesday Bible Study is a group of amazing women, led by amazing women. Join these ladies every Tuesday at 1pm! Toyin Agboola guides this Bible Study in a safe trustworthy setting as they learn about the Bible. Julie Collins keeps things organized on the administration side, sending out emails, reminders, and the weekly Zoom link. You can contact her at collins_collins@comcast.net and she will happily get you into the swing of things, or just come by!! 

On-Going Ministry

mission of yahweh.jpg

Learn more about our on-going ministry

and how you can help!!

Please visit the following sites to stay up to date on the activities

and on-goings of the ministries we support as they continue their vital missions to help those in need.

WHAM - whamministries.org

Mission of Yahweh - missionofyahweh.org


Quick Links:

Ascension Episcopal Church

Ascension Episcopal School

Episcopal Diocese of Texas

The Episcopal Church U.S.A.

The Episcopal Shoppe-Books and Gifts

The Lectionary Page


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