Dear St. Francis Family and Friends

This Sunday is the last Sunday in Epiphany, where we will celebrate the Transfiguration, when the divinity of Jesus is revealed to Peter, John and James. It is a transformational event that changes the course of their ministry and moves them forward with new understanding.

God is moving us forward too—perhaps not so dramatically—and we are blessed by such a gifted vestry to lead us through. I want to say again that I am here to serve you and that I am available to you as we walk together along this path.
Lent Begins - February 17
On Wednesday, February 17th, we begin the season of Lent. Following the service this Sunday, Prayer Cards with ashes and the Lenten Devotional Booklets will be handed out during the drive-through Communion from 11:15-noon. RSVP - Please email or text me (310-701-5966) to say that you’re coming so I can be sure to have enough to hand out!

Ash Wednesday Service - 7:00pm PT - live on Zoom
The prayer card, with an ash cross, is offered to you to be used during the service (see above). The service will be a simple one, online on Zoom, and at the point for the imposition of ashes, we will each impose ashes on ourselves.

Here's your link to the Service:

Meeting ID: 830 2285 8468
Passcode: 000194

Email Susan if you still have questions before the meeting.

Lenten Series - starts Wednesday March 3
Mark your calendars for the 4 Wednesday evenings in March for the Lenten series with Dr. Bill Creasy. There is information below, and I will be adding on to it next week. He is an amazing teacher, scholar, theologian and storyteller; I am so excited that he has created this series for us.

Please read on for details on Ash Wednesday and Lent, and news from our Senior Warden.

Email Jude+, or call - Office - 310-375 4617 x225, cell - 310-701-5966.
Dear St. Francis Family,

It seems fitting that next week as we enter Lent, the holy season of reflection, that we are entering into a time of thoughtful discernment as a parish as well. Your Vestry meets for its first full meeting on Feburary 24 and we will begin our work together with a packed agenda that will require us to listen with open hearts to the voices of the parish and for the direction of God to move us all closer to His will for St. Francis in the year ahead.

I had two questions asked of me in the last week that I would like to share the answers to.

  • The first was, “Why do some people get to be in the sanctuary on Sunday?” On Sunday mornings there are a maximum of ten people who bring our online services to life during the livestream (though many more contribute outside the sanctuary). Only people who are “mission critical” are part of this indoor group. The limit of 10 people is based on Diocesan guidelines for health and safety for livestreaming services and county health department information. Our singers share their gifts from home, our Altar Guild does its work with reduced team size, our readers leave their families at home to be present and share God’s Word. Our video team, organist, and clergy represent five of the ten people creating the service. No-one else is admitted. We are still being asked to do the hard work of being "together- apart".

  • The second question was, “When can we worship in person again?” The Diocese continues to advise against gathering for indoor worship at this time. However, the Vestry will be engaging in ongoing conversation about what conditions might facilitate outdoor worship, when the time is right, and then how we will phase in indoor worship when we are given the “all clear” from the Bishop’s office. We must prioritize safety and adhere to the guidance from the Diocese and, above all, must choose to love each other through this process. These decisions will be made based on all available information and guidance and as a Vestry we are listening to all viewpoints. God will guide us through the time ahead as He has in the year behind us.

I end my weekly note to you with this beautiful thought about waiting to gather for worship from Bishop John Taylor.

“My fellow pilgrims, we’re in the top of the eighth inning. We’ve gotten the two-minute warning. National infection rates are tending down, and vaccine distribution is ramping up. But the risk remains high to essential workers, people of color, older folks, and those with underlying conditions. For nearly a year, members of our churches have acted as Jesus Christ would, giving up what they love for the sake of their neighbors and strangers. By helping keep tombs empty, they have made every day an Easter Day. By our faith, we may imagine the satisfaction our sacrifice in Christ's name has engendered in the highest court of all."

Senior Warden
Coming Up: Lent Begins on Wednesday February 17

Sunday February 14, after 10:00 a.m. worship
At the drive-by communion after the February 14th service, we will be handing out three things:
    1.  A Lenten Devotional Booklet (written by parishioners)
    2.  An envelope inviting you to participate in a fund-raising Lenten practice for
Habitat for Humanity (see below for more).
    3.  A baggie with a prayer card with a smudged ash cross on it for Ash Wednesday.

Ash Wednesday
February 17th, 7:00 p.m. live via Zoom
Instead of Compline, I will lead an Ash Wednesday service. During the imposing of ashes part of the service, we can impose ashes together, each from our homes, using the blessed ashes on the prayer card you received at the drive-by communion on Feb. 14th or received in the mail as requested.
Lent Worship
Sunday services during Lent will reflect visually the simple, bare, and stark aspects of this holy season. The prayers in the worship services will point us toward self-examination, forgiveness, and gratitude.
Lenten Series
Join us on zoom - Wednesday evenings - March 3, 10, 17 and 24 - zoom link details to follow.
Dr. Bill Creasy will be our Lenten series leader for the four Wednesday evenings in March. He is a much respected and much-loved Bible teacher and travel guide to the Holy Land, to the churches founded by Paul, and to other important sites in the history of Christianity. He will provide a video each week, available for viewing at any time, and then on Wednesday evenings, he and I will host a forum for questions and discussion to any and all who wish to join us on zoom. More information to follow. You can check him out at!
Help Habitat for Humanity as Part of your Lenten Practice
This year, as we can't use our hands, we will use our hearts and souls to support this wonderful cause. As described above, on February 14, as part of our drive-through communion, we will also be handing out an envelope to collect Lent donations for Habitat.
You can also donate in other ways:
(Click the Donate button, not Register)
For more information on Habitat here are two links for your interest:
Also, here are 2 other links that Habitat provided us that may be nice to post to our community:
  1. Covid-19 Emergency Relief Website
  2. Video on the work of Habitat for Humanity
Sorry we missed this from Last Week's email
Among many gifts for Paula+'s retirement, was this beautiful Afghan made from squares hand-made by members of our St. Francis community! We wish her many warm and cosy memories!
Watch Our Services Live via Facebook
You do not need to have a Facebook page to view our content. Just click here to view our page. If you don't have a facebook account, or have forgotten how to log into it, just ignore any prompts to log in etc. The page should be visible to anyone. Still having trouble? Email Susan Marshall, for help.

Weekly Worship - all via our Facebook page
  • Sunday Readings, Music, Sermon, and Spiritual Communion – Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Worship bulletins are here.
  • Compline (prayer for the evening) - Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings, 7:00 p.m.
Livestreams are also saved to our Facebook page, so you can watch again at any time if you miss one. Plus our sermons are also available as separate audio recordings here.

Other Offerings and Meetings
Zoom groups -
Road Work Warning - we are working on the back road up from the parking lot, so for the time being, do not try to drive up there to park behind the Chapel.
Do you need help of any kind?
Physical, Spiritual, Psychological, Material?
We are here to do our best to help you with whatever you may need. We know circumstances are difficult for many at this time. For help of any kind, or just for a Zoom or Facetime or phone call, please email or call Jude+ at any time.

If you are in a position to do so, (only if - no guilt), you may also donate to Jude+'s Discretionary Fund to help those at St. Francis in financial need. Send checks to 2200 Via Rosa, PVE 90274, made out to St. Francis Church, with 'Associate Rector's Discretionary Fund' in the memo line. Thank you!

Email Jude+, 310-701-5966.
Simplify Your Giving!
Use automatic bill pay for your pledge to St. Francis. You choose the payment frequency and date that works for you.

Look for Bill Pay or similar when you’ve logged in to online banking. Then add St. Francis as a new payee. You don’t need the church bank details - only the address and phone number: St. Francis Episcopal Church, 2200 Via Rosa, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274. 310 375 4617. And thank you!!
View or download our bulletins - bulletins will be posted in time for livestreaming.

Sunday's Sermon

Jude+, 310-375 4617 x225.
You are not interrupting our work - you ARE our work!