Ashburn Village

Community News


Note: AVCA Office closed Monday, January 15th in observance of

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

  • Finance Committee, Tuesday, January 16, 2024 - 7 PM
  • Board of Directors, Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - 6 PM
  • Architectural Review Committee, Thursday, February 1, 2024 - 6 PM
  • Racquet Sports Committee, Monday, February 5, 2024 - 1 PM
  • Landscape Committee, Wednesday, February 6, 2024 - 6 PM
  • Events Committee, Monday, February 12, 2023 - 5 PM


Projects completed this week by the Facilities and Grounds crew included:

·        Cleaned drain at Tippecanoe tunnel

·        Removed bee nest and repaired meter box at Fincastle field

·        Installed new racquet sports signs at courts

·        Filled in low spot behind Glenburn

·        Repaired chain and added reflectors on Pavilion Parkway

·        Lowered swings at Parliamentary playground

·        Replaced 6 twenty-foot light poles 

Ashburn Lake Improvements Town Hall

Residents are invited to hear about progress made on the design of improvements to Lake Ashburn.

Date: January 17, 2024

Time: 6 PM

Meeting Place: Lakes Community Center & Virtual

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 827 0532 0538

Passcode: 476137

One tap mobile

+13092053325,,82705320538#,,,,*476137# US

In 2022 it was announced that the Loudoun County Storm Management Program identified Ashburn Lake as one of its top projects to fund in 2023-2024. The State of Virginia has committed a matching grant, bringing the total committed investment to $4.2 million.

What does this mean for Ashburn Village residents? A cleaner, healthier, deeper lake that is fully funded by grants.

Report a Broken Utility Box

If you see a damaged utility box (broken cover, exposed wires, etc.) on common area please submit a concern to our website here.

Upcoming Changes to Tennis/Pickleball Courts Access


We will be activating the new electronic locks on February 1. Users will need a mobile app to unlock the gate.

Registered users are being added daily.

After you register, watch for an email from Brivo and redeem your pass within 7 days.


If you've not yet registered for access, do so here. Be ready for the spring playing season and don't be left locked out.  


The tennis and pickleball courts at our three community centers, The Woods, The Mills, and The Lakes, will soon have an active automatic locking mechanism. The system was put in place to ensure only residents and Outside Racquet Members (ORM) have access to these amenities, and to keep them secure. Ashburn Village residents will be granted access to all community courts. ORM players will have access to the newly refinished Mills courts and the Sports Pavilion as part of their membership.



(Click on the flier for more information and/or to sign up!)


View our NEW January GroupX Schedule here

Our basketball gym schedule has been updated.

View the updated schedule here

Winter Weather- AVSP follows the Federal Government as a guideline, if it is determined after discussing conditions with the AVCA, that we will have a delayed opening, close early or close for the day we will notify the community via email and facebook.

Visit our Website

Ashburn Village SPORTS PAVILION Activities


Check-in to the facility, make class reservations, book tennis courts, register for programming, and more!

Click here to learn how to make GroupX class reservations.

Click here to learn how to reserve the racquet sports courts.

Here's a link to a helpful video guide on how to book courts using the website and app.  

Ashburn Village Community Association would love your feedback.

Leave us a review

Friday Shoutouts

Valerie said, "I would like to compliment the yoga instructor Inga. I enjoyed her Saturday morning class. She is calm and her yoga is well taught. I heard that in January the saturday morning class will resume. Have a Happy New year Mrs. Zachary!"

Lance said, "AVCA is doing a great job with communicating to all its members."

A Happy Homeowner said, "Trevor has been tremendous help. He was super nice and helpful. These days it is hard to find that. I really really appreciate your help."

Thank you.

AVCA Management

[Ashburn Village Community Association]