2024 Paving Project
The 2024 Paving Project continues through June 18th. Homeowners in these areas should watch for No Parking signs. For Agawam Terrace residents, we will be allowing overnight parking at the Glenburn Terrace Park lot on the night of June 18th.
All work is “weather permitting” and the schedule may flex if work in some areas is delayed. Look for alternate parking on nearby VDOT streets. Here's a schedule for the affected neighborhoods:
No Parking 7am-7pm
June 17- Aberdeen Terrace, Agawam Terrace & Management Office
No Parking 7am-6am (24 hours)
June 18- Aberdeen Terrace, Agawam Terrace & Management Office
Closure 7am-7pm
June 24 through June 28- Trails along Ashburn Village Blvd from Louisa Drive to Ashburn Elementary School, and from Gala Circle to Bristow Circle.
Crack Fill
July 1- Trails along Ashburn, Alder, Beech, and Cedar Lakes. Closing sections as needed while applying crack fill.