Ashburn Village

Community News


  • Parking Committee, Tuesday, July 16, 2024 - 7 PM
  • Board of Directors, Tuesday, July 23, 2024 - 6 PM
  • Architectural Review Committee, Thursday, August 1, 2024 - 6 PM
  • Racquet Sports Committee, Monday, August 12, 2024 - 1 PM
  • Events Committee, Monday, August 12, 2024 - 5 PM
  • Landscape Committee, Wednesday, August 14, 2024 - 6 PM
  • Finance Committee, Thursday, August 15, 2024 - 7 PM


Projects completed this week by the Facilities and Grounds crew included:

  • Watered trees and flowers
  • Replaced 5 twenty-foot light poles 
  • Power washed indoor pool deck 
  • Installed wipe dispensers in ladies' locker rooms
  • Changed photocell for lakes tennis/pool lights 
  • Took bleachers to lakes for swim team 
  • Repaired ceiling tile in FFX room at Pavilion 

Annual Property Reviews In Progress

Zone 1 & 2 are done!

These inspections are done annually to ensure all homeowners keep up with their exterior maintenance and are following Ashburn Village rules and regulations.

What is an Annual Review?

Find out what Zone you are in.

All reviews are performed by AVCA Covenants Staff. Click HERE for the right of access policy. Staff does not enter fenced yards or access decks during these reviews, except if a Resale Certificate Package is requested.


Nomination Deadline is August 5th

BOD Candidate Petition Form

Are you looking for a way to give back to and make a difference in your community? Being a part of the community’s Board of Directors may be just what you’re looking for. Our homeowner Board member volunteers are hard-working, enthusiastic, and passionate about preserving our community. If this sounds like you, consider running for a seat on the Ashburn Village Board of Directors.

The deadline is quickly approaching for nominations for the four available openings on the Ashburn Village Community Association Board of Directors. Board candidate petitions must be received at the association office by 4:00 p.m., Monday, August 5th.


Directors are expected to volunteer 5 - 10 hours per month supporting the Ashburn Village Community Association. This volunteer opportunity involves attending Board meetings, serving as a liaison to a committee, and providing support to the Board of Director’s responsibilities for AVCA.


Board candidate petitions are available online and in the August edition of the Villager magazine, delivered to every household. Click the link above to access the Candidate Petition Form and check out the website for more information about what being on the Board is all about.


We are thrilled to announce

Ashburn Village will be hosting the

Colonial Swim League's All Stars Swim Meet

Next Saturday 7/27 from 7am to 1pm!

This is a fantastic opportunity for us to showcase our wonderful community to participants from over 20 different swim teams. During this time, please be aware that there will be increased traffic around the Lakes Rec Center and parking will be limited. Parking on VDOT roads such as Cheltenham and side streets is likely and we have asked the All Stars participants to be respectful of our residents.

We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding as we host this exciting event. Let's cheer on our team – Go Jets!


Mobile Blood Drive

⭐10 spots left!⭐

One donation can help save the lives of up to 3 people.

In Ashburn Village, we have residents who are courageously battling various forms of cancer, relying on vital blood donations to support their treatment and recovery. If you are eligible, please consider joining us in this critical fight by donating blood and helping our neighbors overcome cancer. 

Big thanks to Gayle from the Ashburn Village Sports Pavilion for coordinating the effort.

Dear Ashburn Village Residents,

The nation is currently facing its most severe blood shortage in 20 years. Most blood goes to those in need from severe injuries, heart surgery, cancer, child birth and transplants. 

Even though 37% of the population is eligible to give blood, only 3% of eligible donors give blood. Amazingly, if 4% of eligible donors donated, we would not have a blood shortage for the foreseeable future.

You can make a difference and Ashburn Village has made it easy. At the request of an Ashburn Village resident going through Leukemia treatments, INOVA is sending their bloodmobile to the Mills Community Center parking lot on August 3rd from 8am to 2pm. If we fill all spots, that would be 54 pints of blood and potentially 162 lives saved. 

Mills Community Center

43895 Grottoes Drive

Register today!


Visit our Website

Steam Room Closed 7/24 until 7/29

The steam room will be closed next Wednesday 7/24 to Monday 7/29 for planned maintenance. We appreciate your patience while we upgrade this amenity. 

Gym Entry

To assist in improving traffic flow at AVSP, the circle at the top level is now open for DROP OFF ONLY. Please note that pick-ups from programs should continue at the lower level using the express entry.

We kindly request all drivers adhere to the posted signs and refrain from parking in the circle or leaving the vehicle, as this is against fire code regulations. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

We will monitor the situation closely and make adjustments if congestion or other issues arise.

loof-and-timmy-rexcellent image

Community Compliments

A Happy Resident Said, “I’d been meaning to write for awhile about how great everything looks in the Village. It’s nice to see visible signs of work being done, landscaping, signage, sports courts, pickleball and tennis courts, etc. Keep up the good work. It is noticed and appreciated!!”

Ashburn Village Community Association would love your feedback. 😊

Leave us a review

Thank you.

AVCA Management

[Ashburn Village Community Association]