Ashburn Village Update


  • Events Committee, Monday, October 9, 2023 - 5 PM
  • Finance Committee, Wednesday, October 18, 2023 - 7 PM
  • Annual Meeting, Thursday, October 19, 2023 - 6 PM
  • Architectural Review Committee (AERC), Thursday, November 2, 2023 - 6 PM
  • Racquet Sports Committee, Monday, November 6, 2023 - 1 PM

Board of Directors September & October Meetings Rescheduled

The Tuesday, September 26, 2023 board meeting is now Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 6PM

The Tuesday, October 24, 2023 board meeting is now Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 6PM


Projects completed this week by the Facilities and Grounds crew included:

  • Reinstalled first tunnel camera
  • Moved second tunnel camera
  • Changed bulbs on September light sweep list
  • Reinstalled bubbler motors at Cedar Lake
  • Reinstalled bubbler motors at Killawog Lake
  • Cleaned cameras inside Lakes sports court
  • Removed Woods pool canopies for the season
  • Put up nine thirteen foot light poles
  • Removed tree behind Cuba Mills Ct.
  • Trimmed trees on Glenburn Ter.
  • Cleaned Sports Pavilion roof
  • Sanded and clear coated counter tops at Mills Recreation Center
  • Removed last of the wood from Gala Cir.

Board of Directors Election Information

Online Voting is Open

Owners will once again be eligible to vote electronically using a third-party representative, Vote HOA Now. This is a safe and efficient method to increase participation while saving both time and money. Each property with an email on file will receive an email invitation to vote around September 19th from the community voting site. Please be sure to add this email address ( to your safe sender list/address book so you can participate in the vote.

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Ashburn Village Community Association would love your feedback. Post a review to our profile here.

Thank you.

AVCA Free On-Site Battery Recycling for Residents

Why should I dispose of batteries properly? The toxic materials within the batteries can be released into the environment and pose serious threats to human health and the environment. If placed in landfills, the toxic materials can leak into the soil, which can then reach our water supply.

Batteries can be dropped off at the AVCA management office Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm. There is a 5 batteries daily limit per household.

Dry cell batteries only, including:

  • Alkaline (AAA, AA, C, D, 9 volt, Lantern), Cadmium, Iron, Lead acid, Magnesium , Mercury, Nickel metal hydride, Silver, Zinc carbon, and Lithium batteries





The steam room is out of order. We have ordered a new steam generator and it is scheduled to arrive in the second half of October. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

Ashburn Village SPORTS PAVILION Activities

Fall Tennis

Registration is NOW open for Fall II Tennis. Click here for more information. 


The Marina is open on Saturday and Sundays from 11 AM to 5 PM. Please check in at the front desk for a life vest and to sign a waiver.

Checking In

Anyone entering the facility who is not a resident or member scanning in will have to give their information to the front desk attendant. We will no longer be using the QR code for guests to enter the facility. Thank you for understanding.

Membership Photo

Members must have an up-to-date photo on their account to enter the AVSP. If you enter via the express entry with no photo on file, you will be asked to exit and enter through the main lobby entrance. We are working on adding/updating pictures to everyone’s profile, please be patient with us during this process, we appreciate your cooperation. 

Feedback Form

We are always striving to elevate your experience, if you have any comments, concerns or suggestions please fill out a form here.

Download on the Apple Store or Google Play Store

Click here to learn how to make GroupX class reservations.

Click here to learn how to reserve the tennis courts.

Here's a link to a helpful video guide on how to book courts using the website and app.  

Employee of the Month

Congratulations Zachary Morin

Zach is one of our hard working Covenant Inspectors. He has a strong work ethic and is constantly looking for ways to expand his knowledge in this industry. Every day Zach shows up to work ready to take on any tasks put before him. We appreciate that he is dependable, helpful, and technical. Thank you Zach!

Happy Farewell

Today is our Assistant General Manager/Project Manager, Ron Rectors last day with the Ashburn Village Community Association. He has been with the AVCA a little over 4 years now and is a living example of the phrase, “leave every place better than you found it.” His contributions will continue to make this community a better place to live! Ron, they say great leaders are born not made, but in your case, you made yourself a wonderful leader through your hard work, dedication, and using your ultimate super power kindness. We all are rooting for you and wish you good luck on your new journey ahead! Thank you for everything.

Thank You!
AVCA Management

[Ashburn Village Community Association]