The Ashburn Village Board of Directors encourages all homeowners in the Village to attend the Annual Meeting at the Lakes Recreation Center. A Zoom link is also available, if you are unable to attend in person.
WHAT: Ashburn Village Annual Meeting for all Homeowners in Ashburn Village
PURPOSE: To elect your Board of Directors. See candidate profiles HERE.
WHEN: October 17, 2024, 6 PM.
WHERE: Come to the meeting in-person at the Lakes Recreation Center (44078 Cheltenham Circle), or log into the Zoom meeting with this link: Zoom link to Annual Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 1469 1344
Passcode: 294255
One tap mobile
If you've already voted online or by absentee ballot, thank you. Your vote is counted for quorum purposes. Ballots will be available at the meeting for in-person voting for those who did not vote yet. To vote online, look for an email from which was sent on September 19, and follow the link. Your registration code will be automatically entered. If you did not receive the email, please contact to get your registration code.