Ashburn Village

Community News

Please note that the AVCA office is closing early today at 3PM and we are closed 01/01/2024

We wish you and your family a Happy New Year!


  • Architectural Review Committee (AERC), Thursday, January 4, 2024 - 6 PM
  • Racquet Sports Committee, Monday, January 8, 2024 - 12 PM
  • Events Committee, Monday, January 8, 2023 - 5 PM
  • Finance Committee, Thursday, January 18, 2024 - 7 PM
  • Board of Directors, Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - 6 PM
  • Landscape Committee, Wednesday, February 6, 2024 - 6 PM


Projects completed this week by the Facilities and Grounds crew included:

  • Caulked door trim at Woods pool restrooms
  • Installed plug behind tv at Sports Pavilion
  • Installed snow markers at sidewalk ramps
  • Repaired multiple lights throughout
  • Replaced 4 twenty foot light poles
  • Installed camera at Tippecanoe Ter. tunnel
  • Repaired light in tennis bubble


Beginning January 1st, 2024, there will be an $85 fee PER bulk item scheduled. This service is to be arranged directly with Republic Services by calling their Customer Service Center at 703-818-8222.

Please review the information on disposing of large household items here. 

This change was done to control the cost of the contract, while keeping the service level at twice weekly trash pickup. Unfortunately there has been a nationwide increase in trash collection costs. Keeping bulk services would've added an additional $334,219, or $6.86 per unit per month. This change shifts the responsibility of paying for bulk items to the owners using those services rather than everyone paying.

Upcoming Changes to Tennis/Pickleball Courts Access

The tennis and pickleball courts at our three community centers, The Woods, The Mills, and The Lakes, will soon have an active automatic locking mechanism. 

  • Ashburn Village residents will be granted access to all community courts. 
  • ORM players will have access to the newly refinished Mills courts and the Sports Pavilion as part of their membership.
  • The system will go into effect in January 2024 for residents and ORMs. Users can unlock the courts during the approved use hours using an app on their phone.  Until then, all gates will be open between the approved use hours of 7:00am and 9:00pm. 


Please access the form here to register for access.


Users will receive an email from Brivo in January with instructions to download the Brivo Mobile Pass app and register.

Holiday Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste Schedule

New Year’s Day

Monday, 01/01 is rescheduled for Tuesday, 01/02 (TRASH ONLY). Thursday, 01/04 is rescheduled for Friday, 01/05 (TRASH & RECYCLING)


Yard Waste

Yard waste pick up will return after 03/01/2024. All Christmas trees will be collected on Tuesday, 01/02 and Monday, 01/08. Please remember to remove all decorations and lights.

Street Light Outage

If you notice a light out, please use the Report a Street Light Outage form on our website and we will replace the light.

Report a Broken Utility Box

If you see a damaged utility box (broken cover, exposed wires, etc.) on common area please submit a concern to our website here.


(Click on the flier for more information and/or to sign up!)


Visit our Website

Ashburn Village SPORTS PAVILION Activities


Check-in to the facility, make class reservations, book tennis courts, register for programming, and more!

Click here to learn how to make GroupX class reservations.

Click here to learn how to reserve the tennis courts.

Here's a link to a helpful video guide on how to book courts using the website and app.  

Ashburn Village Community Association would love your feedback.

Leave us a review

Thank you.

AVCA Management

[Ashburn Village Community Association]