Friday Updates

  • Virtual Events Committee, Monday July 11, 2022 – 5 PM
  • Virtual Finance Committee, Thursday, July 21, 2022 – 7 PM
  • Virtual Board Meeting, Tuesday, July 26, 2022 - 6 PM
  • Virtual Landscape Committee, Wednesday, August 3, 2022 - 6 PM
  • Virtual AERC Meeting, Thursday, August 4, 2022 - 6 PM

Projects completed this week by the Facilities and Grounds crew include:

  • Completed the Epoxy Overlay project at the Pavilion pool and locker rooms.
  • Took boat to the lake for the fireworks, set-up and clean up after the event
  • Watered trees 
  • Replaced bridge #24 with composite lumber 
  • Installed three 13’ light poles 

Annual reviews are in progress. It's a good time of year to walk your property. Please remember to put your trash cans away promptly and mow your grass regularly. Thank you for maintaining your home.

Recently completed streets: Rising Sun, Bozman, Cheltenham, and Dubois

AVCA inspectors have right of access on lots while conducting architectural inspections. We will not enter fenced yards or stand on decks.

Lot-By-Lot Review Information:  
  • Click HERE for more information about Covenants and Lot-by-Lot Reviews.
  • Click HERE for a list of streets by zone. Zones 1 & 2 streets have been completed.
Board of Directors Nominations Now Being Accepted
Run for the Board! Are you looking for a way to make a difference in your community? The Ashburn Village Board of Directors is an enthusiastic, positive group, passionate about improving and preserving this great community.
Make a positive impact. Click the link below and start your nomination process:

Anyone for Tennis?
Looking to add more tennis into your life? Wondering who's available to play? 
Join fellow residents for a Meet-In Tennis group on Tuesday evenings from 6--8 PM at the Lakes Rec Site. If you'd like to join in, please reserve your spot by contacting Susan by the Sunday evening before Tuesday play at
Our first meeting is Tuesday, July 12th! This is not instructional and is for residents 18 years and older. See you on the courts!
Pickleball at The Woods
Please join your Ashburn Village neighbors and friends for pickleball at the Woods, Sunday mornings from 8a-11a. With several courts available, there will be courts designated for both ‘beginner’ and more advanced play. Hope to see you there!
Ashburn Village Sports Pavilion
Hoop Dreams
Run with the best! Calling all basketball players, join in the fun on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings for a pickup basketball game from 6am-8am in the AVSP Indoor Basketball Gym. Bring your friends and get things moving.
Kids Triathlon
Registration for the Ashburn Village Kids Triathlon is now OPEN!
NEW this year, the event will be held at the Lakes Recreation center, parents will be able to track kids progress on the course via an app and more! Click here to register before prices increase on July 15th!
Special Offer to Parents of Children participating in the Kids Triathlon:

Children of parents who volunteer to help with the event will receive 25% off registration.
email for more information

Teen Weight Training hours have changed to summer hours: Monday-Thursday 9:30-11:30AM. Interested in having your child become teen weight training certified? Email

Need more flexibility this summer with your workout schedule? You can still purchase a Summer Boot Camp Session package and attend the classes that work with your summer! $100 for 8 classes. Summer session runs through August 29. Multiple packages can be purchased. Email to purchase your package today!

Tennis Camp is BACK this year! Click here to view the camp packet.

The Lakes Pool- Aqua Jets Use

Please note the Lakes Pool and its parking lot will be closed to the public the following times
due to Aqua Jets practice or meets.

Wednesday July 13th – early closing at 4pm
Saturday July 16th- late opening at 12pm
Wednesday July 27th- early closing at 2pm
Friday July 29th – early closing at 4pm
Saturday July 30th – late opening 2pm
Jason says, "Please pass on my appreciation and gratitude to you and your entire team for an excellent event last night. I know that it took a lot to setup and plan for the pool area and coordination with the Fire Marshall, Sheriff, etc. I especially want to pass on along my gratitude to the F&G team. They were hard at work prior, during and after the event for hours.

We had a great turnout of volunteers! And hopefully next year, we even see more.

Lastly, the fireworks, as always, were amazing! Unbelievable show and that company is truly the best around."

Susan says, "Great fireworks last night!!! And a wonderful party! Thanks:)"

Thank You!
AVCA Management
Ashburn Village Community Association|