Four Finalists Selected in RCC President Search
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ASHEBORO (March 21, 2023) — Randolph Community College announced its final candidates for the permanent President of the College on Tuesday — John Grosskopf, current President of North Florida College (Madison, Fla.); Dr. Jeremy Thomas, Provost of Oklahoma City Community College; Dr. Shah Ardalan, current President of Lone Star College-University Park (Houston); and Dr. George McNulty, current President of Gogebic Community College (Ironwood, Mich.). The candidates were approved by the State Board of Community Colleges during its March meeting.
Each candidate will visit RCC for a day the week of April 17.
Grosskopf holds a master's degree in English from Florida State University and plans to finish his doctorate in Education Leadership with a Higher Education Specialization from Aspen University later this year. Grosskopf began his career as a Teaching Assistant at Florida State University and, from there, became an Instructor at North Florida College. He later served as Director/Dean of Teaching and Learning and Vice President of Academic Affairs before his appointment as President.
Thomas holds a doctorate in Developmental Education with a concentration in Student Development and Personnel Services from Grambling State University. In addition, he has a master's degree in Educational Technology from Northwestern State University. Thomas boasts a varied career background at colleges in Texas and Louisiana including recruitment, admissions, distance education, and student success.
Ardalan holds a doctorate in Community College Leadership from the John Roueche Graduate Center at National American University in Austin, Texas. He earned his master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina A&T. His career experience includes several positions at Prairie View A&M University in Prairie View, Texas, starting as a Senior Systems Analyst and moving up to Chief Information Officer and Associate Vice President of Operations. From there, Ardalan became the Vice
President for Technology Services at San Juan College in Farmington, New Mexico, and eventually moved back to Texas to work in the Lone Star College System in Houston.
McNulty holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership and a master’s degree in Counseling and Educational Psychology from the University of Nevada, Reno. Prior to becoming President at GCC, he was the Vice President of Student Affairs at Colby Community College in rural Kansas. He has also held roles in financial aid, counseling/retention, and academic advising. McNulty is a U.S. Army veteran having served in Operation Desert Storm.
Grosskopf is slated to visit the College on Monday, April 17, with Thomas visiting Tuesday, April 18; Ardalan on Wednesday, April 19; and McNulty on Thursday, April 20. At least one forum will be held with each candidate. The forums will be recorded and posted on the RCC website. Additional details about these visits and the candidates will be shared in the near future.