First Daughter Ashley Biden joins BGCGH Teens to Address Gun Violence
First Daughter Ashley Biden, facilitates teen-led Town Hall.
First Daughter Ashley Biden joined Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Houston (BGCGH) to address gun violence at various events supported by Amazon Rise hosted at Texas Southern University (TSU) on February 26: the "Champions for Change" breakfast and a teen-led, anti-gun violence Town Hall themed "Be the Change You Want 2 See."
Champions for Change Breakfast

BGGCH board member and Fort Bend County Commissioner Grady Prestage emceed “Champions for Change,” featuring a keynote address by Ms. Biden and attended by Boys & Girls Clubs staff, board members, and elected officials. Denise S., a senior at Heights High School and Club member at our Houston Texans Teen Club, gave a moving speech about personal empowerment and finding her voice to speak out about injustice and gun violence.
Be The Change You Want 2 See Rally & Town Hall

The teen-led, anti-gun violence event kicked off with a rally including TSU's legendary drum line. Teens then joined breakout groups for workshops on gun violence, social & racial justice, and empowerment in schools and their communities.

Teens then participated in a panel discussion, moderated by Ms. Biden, where she talked briefly about her work on social and criminal justice reform, as well as common-sense gun laws.
Panelists included Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Millard House II, HISD Superintendent, Henry Gonzales, Executive Director of Harris County Juvenile Probation, Assistant Chief of Police for the Houston Police Department, Yasar Bashir, and Dr. Howard Henderson, of TSU's Center for Justice Research.
Women for Community Change Reception

A reception was held in the home of BGCGH board member Sarah Morgan honoring First Daughter Ashley Biden. The event featured a discussion on mental health issues facing young people. Also present was State Representative Ann Johnson, District 134, who received the Legislative Champion Award from the Texas Alliance/Boys & Girls Clubs in Texas. Rep. Johnson’s award was for her efforts in helping to secure federal COVID relief money for youth in Texas. 
BGCGH is proud of all of the youth who, not only participated but played a critical role in the planning and implementation of these important events. We are also very appreciative to First Daughter Ashley Biden, for dedicating time to work alongside our teens and join us in standing strong and doing whatever it takes to build great futures for youth!

For all youth,
Kevin R. Hattery
President & CEO
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Houston
To see images from the multiple events that took place, please click here to view our online album collection.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Houston
We don't do just one thing, we do whatever it takes to build GREAT futures for kids!
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