DECEMBER 4, 2023

On the Rebound: Asian Markets Update for GGB

Time flies. As 2023 draws to a close, we are approaching almost four years since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. While this may feel like a memory for many, the profound and lingering impacts of the pandemic in most Asia Pacific gaming markets cannot be overlooked.


Nevertheless, a light at the end of the tunnel emerged earlier this year -- gaming business volumes are trending at pre-pandemic levels in many jurisdictions, offering distinct signs of a long-awaited recovery. This momentum is expected to continue in the following years, suggesting not just recovery, but sustainable growth of the Asian gaming market in the future.


Read Michael Zhu’s complete analysis on the forward progress in Macau, Singapore, The Philippines and other markets here or in the December issue of Global Gaming Business magazine.

Michael Zhu Departs for Galaxy Entertainment

With gratitude and good wishes, The Innovation Group (TIG) congratulates former partner Michael Zhu on his recent move to prized TIG client Galaxy Entertainment Group. Michael has relocated with his family to Macau where he will serve as Galaxy's Vice President of Financial Planning. As evidenced by the preceding article, Michael's expertise in the Asia market is unparalleled. Over the past decade, he has been instrumental in helping to develop our business in the region, where we will continue to assertively address opportunities in the future. "It has been my great pleasure and an invaluable experience working with The Innovation Group team, which has remarkably expanded my horizons -- both professionally and personally," said Michael. "I'm very excited about this new opportunity to leverage my knowledge and experience to contribute to a brighter future in the Asia Pacific gaming, lodging, and entertainment sectors." Best of luck, Michael!

TIG and ELG at ICE London

TIG Partner Brian Wyman is gearing up to travel across the pond for the final ICE London. Drop him a line now to make plans to connect.


Additionally, Emerging Leaders of Gaming (ELG) is finalizing plans now for a meetup onsite. Details will be shared soon on its LinkedIn channel – click here to follow if you don’t already and keep an eye out for more information soon. Or, email ELG Program Director Allison McCoy to let her know you’ll be there.

Contact Us

Michael Soll



Brian Wyman, Ph.D.

EVP, Operations & Data Analytics
