How Sweet it is
The Round Pear
Welcome to our latest newsletter.  Spring briefly passed us by as the heat of summer has very much descended. As our Asian Pear trees enjoy having their thirst quenched by volumes of seasonal rain, enjoy some heat squelching solutions for the rest of us.
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                                                                                June 2013

How Sweet it is.


asian pear sake-tini

Our Asian Pear Dessert Wine is a popular frosty dessert-in-a-glass for the summer. Chilled down and served in a frozen glass, it is a light, smooth, and sweet way to "drink your dessert" especially on a hot summer day during a bbq or picnic.


We also enjoy making a fun Asian Pear 'Sake-tini' with our Asian Pear Dessert Wine.  Just mix our Dessert Wine one-to-one with a floral style-Sake or with an unfiltered floral "Shochu."  


Shochu (pronounced Show-choo) is a milky-looking, unfiltered Japanese wine similar to a sake but often made from root vegetables and/or rice.


A dried Asian pear and pear leaf as garnish makes this a very festival cocktail for summer!


Find out where to buy our Asian Pear Dessert Wine.


The Round Pear.


Why does our Asian Pear Dessert Wine have such a kick to it?  It is fortified with an Asian Pear spirit, created in a still from our Asian Pear juice.  


As many of you know, our dessert wine is hand-crafted for Subarashii Kudamono by the brothers Moersch at The Round Barn Winery in Michigan.  


During a recent visit to Round Barn Winery, near the beaches of Lake Michigan's gleaming shoreline, we checked out our upcoming 2011 vintage of Dessert Wine mid-production.  Beautiful aromas already present! 


And yes, their barn is big and our pears!


asian pear cheesecake       

Chillin' Cheesecake 


During a recent wine tasting event in the charming town of Red Bank, New Jersey...our own Chef Terry created a simple summer dish to "pear" with our Asian Pear Dessert Wine.


Carmel, Cinnamon, Dried Asian Pear Cheesecake Bars are not only a cool and creamy treat; they are a dessert perfect for summer parties.


Click here to download this delicious recipe.   To purchase our dried Asian Pears online (for free ground shipping, use promo code cheesecake), click here.






Subarashii Kudamono LP

Eastern Pennsylvania