January's Tip
Choose your entry points and make them inviting to users
Embedded chat boxes
Chat boxes are the preferred entry point into AskAway. They provide immediate, barrier-free access to chat, increasing user engagement.

Chat boxes should be:
  • placed "above the fold" (i.e. displayed without scrolling the page)
  • generally to the right and distinct from other content
  • given a descriptive title such as "Ask a Librarian"

See example embedded chat box at VCC Library

Tabs and buttons (aka "click to chat")
Tabs and buttons are a good option when the library's website might not support an embedded chat box. They can also be used in combination with chat boxes on different pages of the library's website.

Place tabs in the bottom right of the page and buttons "above the fold."

Both tabs and buttons should:
  • be prominent enough to be easily identifiable
  • appear clickable (a slight drop-shadow and color change / tab movement on mouseover can achieve this)
  • be given a descriptive title such as "Chat with us" or "Need help? AskAway!"

See example tab at UFV Library
See example customized button at SFU Library
Testing and Support

Take a moment to test new entry points – do they display and work as expected when the service is both online and offline?

For questions and implementation support, contact the Admin Centre!

AskAway is a service of the BC Electronic Library Network
Visit the AskAway Website