MPAC was pleased to join the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) as a presenter and exhibitor for their annual conference and 125th-anniversary celebration in Ottawa this year.
Throughout the three-day event, our team actively engaged in discussions with provincial leaders while our Municipal and Stakeholder Relations team members welcomed delegates to our booth. There, we showcased our latest products and services, gained a deeper understanding of our partners' key concerns, and addressed their most pressing questions.
MPAC Board Chair Alan Spacek, President and Chief Administrative Officer Nicole McNeill, and Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer Carmelo Lipsi presented our annual update to municipalities. They highlighted priorities and recent operational developments over the last year and shared our latest tools, property insights, and market trends.
A key part of the session focused on our Data Strategy. We shared how MPAC data can be leveraged to support our stakeholders’ needs and add value to community initiatives.
We were pleased to meet with many of you at the conference and look forward to reconnecting at various upcoming events throughout the fall.