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Assure Monthly Update

September 2022

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Celebrating 30 years of savings lives!

'For Those Who Can't' - Assure Pregnancy Clinic's Fall Fundraising Banquet

Saturday October 22, 2022, 7 - 9pm

Join us as we celebrate 30 years of God's goodness and faithfulness to Assure Pregnancy Clinic. We know that the best is yet to come!

We're looking forward to hearing from internationally acclaimed actor, producer and director, Kevin Sorbo

Would you help us make this event a financial success by hosting a table of ten and inviting your friends and family members who have the means to support the life-saving work of Assure? Read below to find out more on the fight we're really in!

Register your place now!
Yes, I'd love to host a table!

California is funding abortions

Just this week, Governor Newsom signed 13 abortion expansion bills in California; most alarmingly AB 2223 which decriminalizes infanticide and prevents any investigation into a miscarriage, stillbirth or abortion even if a coroner sees evidence of foul play in the child's death

In addition, the Governor is funding a multi-state advertising campaign inviting women to travel to California to have their tax-payer funded abortions.

The advertisement reads: "Need an abortion? California is ready to help." In smaller words below, the ad blasphemously uses the words of Jesus Christ, "Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these. - Mark 12:31"

When the teachings of Christ call us to sacrifice for the needs of others and to protect the defenseless, the Governor is instead twisting and manipulating the words of Jesus to encourage women to kill their own children. 

We really are in a battle between life and death. This is sadly just the beginning.

Please partner with us as we work tirelessly to expand our services so that we can provide the hope, truth and resources needed to help women make life-affirming and God-honoring decisions. 

Yes, I'm committed to saving the lives of the unborn

Minds changed, lives saved - because of you!

"I've never felt such peace in such a short time after feeling so anxious..."

Lena* was shocked when she found out she was pregnant. After not using birth control for the past 7 years, while being sexually active, she was convinced that pregnancy wasn't possible for her. 

Sadly, when she revealed her pregnancy to the father of the baby, he became rude and unreasonable. Not being in a stable relationship, Lena came to the clinic abortion-minded. 

Lena shared her worries about her pregnancy and also her aspirations to become a Medical Assistant. She told her advocate that she was conflicted on what to do, mainly because of her partners' negative response, but secretly, she was excited that she actually got pregnant. 

Lena's advocate asked her to think through others in her life that may possibly support her through this pregnancy. Once she really thought about it, Lena knew that her mother would not only be thrilled about the pregnancy but would be a big support too. 

Lena and her advocate prayed together before entering the ultrasound room. Lena couldn't believe she was already 11 weeks along and with tears in her eyes, she stated that "abortion was no longer an option." 

Lena was so pleased to hear about Assure's link with a church that offered Embrace Grace as she'd already started thinking about attending a church!

Your support continues to enable young women like Lena by providing the significant support they need to carry their babies to term. Thank you!

Clinic Updates

Volunteer Onboarding!

What an exciting month this has been for volunteer training. We're currently onboarding a Volunteer Nurse, three new Admin Assistants, Bridges Mentors (both male and female), alongside several new Client Advocates. Praise the Lord!

IMPORTANT: Position Open

Assure is still seeking a Nurse Manager to oversee medical operations. Candidate must be a registered nurse with 2+ years of management and/or ministry experience.

Click this link to view the job description:

Care Beyond the Clinic

Assure's 'Adopt-a-Mom' Program

This month, Assure launched its first information evening on the Adopt-a-mom program with 10 local churches. Please pray that lasting relationships and discipleship opportunities will arise between these local churches and Assure's clients who are looking for support.

New iPads for the Bridges Team

This month, Bridges mentors were provided with new iPads to use during their sessions.

Now, mentors can immediately offer videos and educational materials specific to their clients' needs, developmental stage and concerns. What a blessing!

2022 YTD Clinic Stats

Total Client Visits - 1168

Positive Pregnancy Tests - 500

Initial Intentions of Clients:

Life Minded - 107 | At risk of Abortion - 393

Intentions after Assure Visit:

Choose to Parent - 389 | Terminate Pregnancy - 111

Spiritual Input:

Gospel shared - 183 Clients | Prayers Accepted - 329

Get Involved
Register your interest
Join our Prayer Team
Make a donation
Prayer Points

We are thankful to the Lord for the faithfulness and encouragement of supporters like you who partner with Assure in this fight for LIFE. Yet, without Him we can do nothing.

So please join us in praying:

  • for the appointment of a right person to the roles of Nurse Manager
  • for 60 Table Hosts at this year's Fall Fundraising Banquet
  • for the protection of Assure Pregnancy Clinic so that nothing will stand in the way of women receiving life-affirming services
  • for the strength, resilience and joy for the staff and volunteers as they minister to highly anxious at-risk-of-abortion young moms.
  • that the Lord will bring more abortion vulnerable women to Assure
  • that mature men will choose to mentor younger men on their path to fatherhood
  • that the clients who have chosen life will continue to feel peace about their decisions

*Names changed for confidentiality

Assure Pregnancy Clinic  |  909.621.4800  |
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