It is my Intention to deliver the Highest Truth for your Empowerment and Enjoyment.
Astara E. Edmonds
"You, the Bringers of the Dawn, also known as the Family of Light, agreed to go through the process of mutation to evolve yourselves into higher beings by intention and conscious agreement.
You bring light back to the planet, bring about the new evolution of humanity, and make the cosmic evolutionary leap in awareness and intelligence possible by anchoring the frequency first inside your own bodies and living it."
Barbara Marciniak
"Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle ... a seed waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl. And the anticipation nurtures our dream."
~ Barbara Winkler
"You are a being of great light and galactic heritage. It is time to claim ownership of your personal sovereignty. It is time that you allow yourself to remember who you truly are. A star being, encoded with the wisdom and the understanding that you are here on planet Earth to advocate, champion, encourage and promote life sustaining actions."
Galactic Heritage by Peggy Black and the 'team'
"Go forth into the world with a gentle intelligence. Be deeply aware. Pay attention on all levels, listening and watching with intuitive concentration.
Hear, see and know what underlies the images and words you perceive.
And then, when it is time for you to speak, speak truth, easily, gently, with a measured cadence and a kind consideration for the sensibilities of others.
The loud confrontation may appear to win the day, but you are beyond winning and losing, you are as the whisper of the angels who know only truth and can afford to wait for the time when the truth will be heard.
After the clamoring dies down, speak again your truth, without blame or rancor, without judgment, just truth clearly spoken with a gentle intelligence."
A Message from Manatee
"May the stars carry your sadness away, May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, May hope forever wipe away your tears, And, above all, may silence make you strong."
~Chief Dan George

I want to thank you for letting me share my messages with you. You are my inspiration. It is my honor to listen as SPIRIT SPEAKS, bringing us all a little bit of wisdom.
Namaste', Astara

Our collective focus of loving, healing intention creates a unified field of energy that we are capable of joining and influencing.
You can participate through meditation, visualization, sound therapies, Reiki or your method of healing.
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Astara Visions Newsletter
is an email
publication by
Astara E. Edmonds.
The content is designed to provide inspiration and empowerment with love and compassion.
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May your life be blessed with the fullness of Spirit expressing through your Love and Light. Astara E. Edmonds |
SPIRIT SPEAKS by Astara E. Edmonds
"2019 - Trust in Your Light"
When we reflect on the year 2018, let's find gratitude and appreciation for our personal growth, accomplishments, realizations and blessings that have occurred for us. Sometimes we can get swept up in focusing so much on the challenges and upsets of life that we forget to focus on the positive elements. This is a moment to pause and reflect on our blessings. Gratitude reminds us that our experiences have purpose and our feelings of gratitude can bring peace and calm to our mind and emotions.
With gratitude in our hearts, we can welcome the New Year of 2019 as an opportunity for increased empowerment both personally and collectively. When we open to our continued growth and expansion, we allow the changes to flow in a positive and flexible manner.
In numerology, the year 2018 was an 11/2 year signifying mastery on many levels. The experience of challenging circumstances is designed to move us in the direction of being stronger and more spiritually evolved. The year of 2018 dealt with relationship dynamics, power issues, patience, diplomacy, individuality, leadership, discernment and growth in caring for others.
The year of 2019 is a 3 year signifying more optimism, greater creative and artistic expression, inspiration, expansion in all areas of communication and heightened connection with family, siblings and children. Letting our inner child out to play and enjoy life are also themes to look forward to.
The astrological influences in 2019 will continue to challenge the planet with strong environmental events. However, our ability to respond with compassion for the needs of others will increase. Remember,
Trust in your Light. Breathe Light. Receive Light. Share Light. Your Light in the world is significant.
With the energies of accelerated change taking place within us, it is important to be willing to release, cleanse, let go, as well as being willing to open, receive and expand.
Being able to rejuvenate during stressful times strengthens our spirit and helps us with mental clarity, emotional stability and physical stamina.
Here are a few reminders that are helpful in
creating balance:
Remember the power of your breath to cleanse and invigorate your body.
Feed your body healthy, nourishing foods to support physical well being.
Seek consistent interaction with nature as it is powerful and rejuvenating. Earth energy is grounding and stabilizing.
Play music, chants or tones that offer a high frequency capable of tuning your body.
Focus on your appreciation for your blessings, even the smallest ones, as this will lift your spirit.
Find ways to be creative as creativity activates the imagination and brings calming energies.
Remember your connection to Source and the Celestial Beings, Angels, Masters, Guides. Prayer, meditation and a willingness to receive guidance, invites in the Divine to support our needs.
As the year 2018 ends and 2019 begins, reflect on all that has been learned through life's experiences during the year and embrace the new opportunities for further growth and self expression that is ahead. With all the ups and downs of living, trust that you have the inner strength and courage to be exceptional and valuable by just being who you are.
Living life in integrity with kindness, generosity and the desire to learn and grow keeps us connected to living life without fear. Who you are and how you live contributes to all of life. With transformation consistently at the doorway of our hearts, let's remember the power of our love and light. Our true power resides in knowing that our light can transform any darkness, any fear, any pain and any illusion.
Our awakening is to Trust in Our Light.
© 2019 Astara E. Edmonds. This message may be shared with my copyright name. See www.AstaraVisions.com for newsletter archive link.
Spirit and Spices,
The Vegetarian Way
I believe in a healthy, vital immune system through wise choices in food. Our relationship with food has the
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I love the aroma, taste and essence of spices!
Good spices are rich and flavorful and fun.
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Our food is meant to be life
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It is with a joy filled heart that I bring you this inspired collection with the hope that I offer you a spark that will ignite in you a deeper awareness of the Spirit in food.
Namasté, Astara
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Thank You for purchasing for yourself or a loved one!
May your Light be Joy and your Joy be Love.
Psychic/Clairvoyant, Usui/Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Public Speaker, Writer and Author.
I am available for Private Readings in person or by phone and all levels of Reiki Trainings. Please see my web site for prices and details. Credit cards accepted.
Astara E. Edmonds
Additional information is av
ailable at:
Astara Visions is located in Glide, Oregon
All featured articles copyright by Astara E. Edmonds. Articles may be shared with authorship named.
I walk the path of the Ancient Ones remembering the sacredness of Life, Love and Compassion.........Astara
"Our task must be to free ourselves...by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it's beauty."
Albert Einstein