Aston's Quilt!
It happened! Our first great grandbaby (Aston Matthew Grihalva) is on his way, due in August. His dad (Matthew), grandfather (Damian) , and great grandfather (me/Rick) have been in the automobile business in one way or another. So, now you can see where the name "Aston" comes in. Matthew is his dad, and it is a tradition of Damian's family to have the father's first name be the middle name of the son. In addition, we know what his last name is: Grihalva. “AMG” is his initials. That also is a logo of Mercedes Benz.

So, thus far there is an automobile idea coming to fruition. When we had our big quilt sale starting in May, my son Damian, asked if we had a baby quilt for Aston. Ruth heard the request and said "Our great grandbaby deserves his own, new quilt."

Thus we started off on the design adventure. We asked Alexis, Aston's mother, to pick a fabric out on the web, which she did. It turned out to be sold in Greece, and the freight cost more than the fabric. So, Ruth looked into "Custom" fabrics at, and found one somewhat similar to the Greek one with a little town, roads, cars, trucks, construction..., you get the idea.

So, Ruth started designing the quilt and the stitching. Grandpa (Damian) had two special requests that the name "ASTON" be in the center of the quilt and that the longarm stitching use the Mercedes AMG logo and cars. How about a racetrack for a baby quilt?
This is a close-up of the front to show off the stitching!
The back shows off the stitching design that Ruth made. Note the "AMG" is backwards, since it is the back. Ruth did it in a chevron due to the ratios of the AMG design. It looks like it is in San Francisco with all the hills!
Grandpa, Damian, will be footing the bill for the fabric. Great Grandma, Ruth, donated the time getting the fabric, designing the quilt, designing the stitching, programming the stitching, piecing, longarming, and binding the quilt.

Matthew, Aston's Dad, thought the quilt was "Amazing". Of course, Ruth did it! And, thank you, Matthew.

Al Fin

I trust that this was of assistance or interest. If you have any questions that need to be answered, on this or other longarming or quilting topics, then please write to me at or call 219.255.8085.

Thank you for your time and interest.
May The Lord Richly Bless You!
Rick & Ruth Grihalva
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Forever In Stitches, LLC
Perfect Corner Ruler
Raggedy Ruth Designs