
In This Earth-Keeper News Update:

Astrology of the Elections
Free Webcast with Giorgio Tsoukalos Host of Ancient Aliens
Astro Alerts for Early August - Scroll to Bottom

Discount Entry for the Epic Nov 2016 Colorado Event Ends on July 31

Earth-Keeper Live Webcast  Interview
 J Tyberonn Hosts Giorgio Tsoukalos

Attend our live global webcast of a fascinating discussion, Q & A - interview with author, researcher & television host, Giorgio Tsoukalos. Live Q & A. Attend by internet or phone. Don't miss this free Earth-Keeper web event.

Friday, August 5th at:
4 PM Pacific /  5 PM Mountain /   6 PM Central /  7 PM Eastern /  11 PM London

To Attend the Webcast, by inet, click below link

Attend by Phone D ial in number: 
(425) 440-5100     Pin Code 987073#

An Astrological View of the American Presidential Elections
James Tyberonn

Unquestionably we are in an extraordinary phase, and our reality is shifting ! 
  I preface this sharing by saying that I firmly believe the future is a moving target, and that no one can truly predict the future.  However, as Edgar Cayce states, astrology is a science of 'cosmic' gravity that absolutely affects humanity.  

  Edgar Cayce also emphasizes that human will is stronger than any astrological influence. But astronomical gravity influences human emotion & emotion influences reality manifestation.

  Let me also add that I am not expressing any political views in this article, rather I am examining from an astrological academic stance the potentials as shared by respected astrologists. 
 That having said, I do find it interesting to consider with  discernment the opinions of certain master astrologists in terms of certain trends.

 John Van Auken of the Edgar Cayce Foundation & A.R.E. earlier this year,  shared some astrological patterns of 2016 in Chinese Astrology, discussing the 'Year of the Monkey', in his brilliant 'Living in Light Newsletter', which  are appearing quite accurate.
  Certainly we are in a powerfully intense astrology at present. Energies are changing. The 'Millennials' are in the early stages of the power they will in time achieve, and that has been visible in the 'anti-establishment' political movements to remove the 'old-guard' of corporate control. 

  Metatron does not speak on politics or elections.  But as we have shared in recent newsletters, Metatron has spoken considerably about this phase of 'Crucible Astrology' in which all of the unresolved energies and injustices will rise along with a certain open phase of 'Pandora's Box'. This is a requisite time of clearing, a rather chaotic but necessary prelude to the coming age of humanity's ascension.

  In the below article, two fascinating view points on this key election are shared, in terms of probabilities and potentials. The charts of the 2 candidates are reviewed, along with charts of the United Sates.  This provides an interesting opportunity to view how this unfolds...

Scroll to Bottom for Complete Article & Video links
+ Astro Alerts for Early August

Announcing Our Stellar Lineup of Speakers at the 2016 Earth-Keeper Colorado Star-Gate

G raham Hancock, Dr Robert Schoch, Giorgio Tsoukalos, John Van Auken, Scott Wolter, William Henry, James Van Auken, James Tyberonn, Dr John G Ryan MD, Michele Nocerino & ShaNa Ra , JoAnn Parks & Max  &  Anne Meiklejohn-Tipton  -    Scroll Down for Featured Speaker Bios .... 

Register for the 2016 Colorado Star-Gate

The 2016 Colorado Star-Gate Event is in a beautiful venue, but with slightly smaller seating capacity conference hall, and will  thus sell out more quickly, especially  with this stellar lineup.
Discounted Time Limited Ticket : $399
Discount Ticket Rate  Expires After Sunday July 31s

Early Angel Discount Ticket:

Extraordinary Bonus Speakers !

Right to Left From Top : Speakers, Meditation  & Ceremony Leaders :
Auralia Taylor, Bhavana Sri, Adrienne Goff, Dr Astrid Stromberg
Dr John Ryan  MD ,  Dr Joseph McNamara MD
Wendy Zellea, Lama Cris, Anne Meiklejohn-Tipton, Linda M Robinson
Arielle Faith Michael, Nia Kalhoff,  Gentle Bear, Standing Elk Landis

Al & Auraliatara Taylor  - Crystal Bowl Healing 

Master Healers for Personal Sessions:
Endorsed Healers - Above (Top)  From Left to Right 
Adrienne Goff,  Dr J McNamara, Dr J Ryan, Dr Astrid Stromberg, CJ Walker
Denise Leitch, Bhavana Sri, Ananda, Nia Kalhoff, Zedrouh, Lani Orr

 The 2016 Colorado Star-Gate Event is in a beautiful venue, but with slightly smaller seating capacity conference hall, and will  thus sell out more quickly, especially  with this stellar lineup.  Our venue hotel is now 75% occupied, book soon to get an onsite room. Hotel details given after registration in order to insure space for our attendees. 

Keynote Speakers:
Giorgio Tsoukalos - Host of Ancient Aliens

Giorgio Tsoukalos is the Producer & Host of the award winning History Channel Television series 'Ancient Aliens. He is the publisher of Legendary Times magazines, and is a celebrated media & journalistic researcher into evidence of 'forgotten' civilizations, Atlantis and compelling substantiation of extra-terrestrial contact, influence & interfaces with humanity. He is an internationally recognized anthropological researcher and author. Giorgio is an impassioned speaker, a brilliant pioneer who 'walks his talk'. He was born is Switzerland, speaks 5 languages and is  highly educated.  He is a vivacious and endearing presence, and mesmerizing speaker. Giorgio Tsoukalos will be available for Q & A and book signings after his brilliant presentations in Colorado. Don't miss Giorgio in Denver in his first appearance with Earth-Keeper!  

Graham Hancock

Graham Hancock is the celebrated British author of 14 International Best Selling Books, including Magicians of the Gods & Fingerprints of the Gods. His books are in over 20 languages and have sold over 20 million copies worldwide.  Graham has appeared on BBC, CBS, ABC, Discovery Channel, Nat-Geo and History Channel. Graham is an absolutely brilliant speaker, his presentations are eloquent, articulate and utterly astonishing. He has spoken at 5 previous Earth-Keeper Gatherings and received multiple standing ovations. He is as humble and kind as he is brilliant, don't miss this rare opportunity to see and hear one of the most amazing persons on the planet ... a true walking master. Graham's presentation for the 2016 Colorado Gathering is confirmed. He will present astonishing new material on the clear & compelling evidence of Lost Civilizations, lending academic credence to Atlantis. His brilliant new book, 'Magicians of the God's, has now been released in the USA.  he will also offer new material on consciousness and the Ark of the Covenant. You don't want to miss the opportunity to meet and hear Graham Hancock in Denver !

 Dr Robert Schoch 

Dr Robert Schoch is an internationally acclaimed researcher, academic & author. He is a tenured and highly respected professor laureate at the prestigious Ivy League Boston University. Dr. Robert M. Schoch, is a full-time tenured faculty member at the College of General Studies at Boston University since 1984, earned two Ph.D.'s. (1983) in Geology and in Geophysics at Yale University. He also holds an M.S. and M.Phil. in Geology and Geophysics from Yale, as well as degrees in Anthropology (B.A.) and Geology (B.S.) from George Washington University. His cutting edge & award winning academic research is now fully credited with proving that the Egyptian Sphinx is much much older than previously thought. In the early 1990s, Dr. Schoch stunned the world with his revolutionary research that recast the date of the Great Sphinx of Egypt to a period thousands of years earlier than its standard attribution. He is a very kind endearing man of gentle and humble demeanor. He is an articulate & absolutely brilliant speaker. Dr Robert Schoch has written 7 acclaimed best-selling books, the most recent of which is: 'Forgotten Civilization: The Role of Solar Outbursts in Our Past and Future'. An excellent articulate speaker, he will provide 2 presentations in Denver, offer book signings and a Q & A. We are honored to once again host this wonderful & truly genius man, Dr Robert Schoch & his lovely wife Katy, to the Earth-Keeper 2016 Colorado Star-Gate Event in Denver.

William Henry

 William Henry is a lucid scholar, author, brilliant investigative mythologist, and host of the popular radio program, Revelations. A prolific writer of 16 Best Selling books, William is internationally recognized for his innovative interpretations, academic approach & continual discoveries about our true history, ancient secrets and human transformation. He is featured on the History Channel's Ancient Aliens Series, and is host of a weekly television show on Gaiam TV. William was a guest speaker at the Crystal Vortex Gathering in Late November of 2015 in Arkansas, and received standing ovations for his compelling, articulate & truly amazing presentations. He is a perfect 'synthesizer' of the 'Sacred & Scientific', offering clear succinct explanations and unique elucidation of past mysteries.  He will be a featured keynote speaker at the 2016 Colorado Gathering, and will be available for book signings in Denver. You don't want to miss William Henry in Colorado at the Earth-Keeper Star-Gate!

Earth-Keeper Live Webcast  Interview
 J Tyberonn Hosts Giorgio Tsoukalos

Tune in next Friday for a fascinating live discussion with prolific author, researcher & television host Giorgio Tsoukalos. Phone in for Q & A, attend by phone or Internet. 

Friday, August 5th at:
4 PM Pacific /  5 PM Mountain /   6 PM Central /  7 PM Eastern /  11 PM London

To Attend the Webcast, by inet, click below link

Attend by Phone D ial in number: 
(425) 440-5100     Pin Code 987073#
Scott Wolter - America Unearthed

  Scott Wolmer is a Master Geologist and is Host of the acclaimed television series, 'America Unearthed' featured on the H2 Channel. He is an author and noted forensic geologist researching evidence of  'pre-Columbus' exploration of the Americas and of evidence of lost and forgotten civilizations in the Americas. Scott Wolter is the innovator of the cutting edge scientific process of archaeo-petrography an innovative geo-process used to date and understand the origins of mysterious stone artifacts and sites. Scott studied the Kensington Rune Stone, which he believes is an authentic, pre-Columbian land claim carved here in America by the Knights Templar. The enigmatic & mysterious Kensington Rune Stone is the subject of an acclaimed documentary special called 'Holy Grail in America' that aired to rave reviews on national television and has turned history on its ear. Wolter has made some utterly astonishing investigations from the evidence of Egyptian Hieroglyphics in a Cave in the Grand Canyon, Mound Builders in Arkansas , Giants in Missouri, Mayans in Georgia  & Knights Templars in New England &  Nova Scotia. His astonishing , well researched  work is  revealing compelling evidence of an alternative history in North America.  He is a wonderful articulate speaker, and a warm, very friendly person. Scott will provide 2 fascinating presentations in Denver. We are pleased to present Scott Wolmer of 'America Unearthed' as a Keynote Speaker in Colorado. He will be joined by his wife Janet, who is also a noted researcher & author, and they will be available for book signings.

Dr John Ryan, MD

Dr John Ryan is a Canadian Medical Doctor, an author, teacher, respected credentialed physician in Toronto, and energy healer.  He has a deep interest in energy and consciousness based healing, and in particular, emerging healing potentials of the new earth.   He is the founder of Unity Field Healing.  This is a new energy process, which is intended to facilitate healing and spiritual regeneration.  It operates through a quantum energy process, and the use of a quantum light template, to activate, integrate and clear dimensional levels of our evolving DNA.   This process promotes deep healing, peace and joy filled spiritual empowerment. His amazing book, 'The Missing Pill' is available on Amazon. He will be speaking and offering individual healing session in Colorado. Dr John Ryan & his life partner Michael are deeply beloved members of the Earth-Keeper family & highly advanced souls. Dr John is bringing forth incredible information on innovative healing processes and brings joy, nurturing  and spiritual light into his impassioned healing work.

James Van Auken, MBA

James Van Auken is a brilliant teacher, academic and educational Director of the Edgar Cayce A.R.E.'s accredited 'Atlantic University' founded in Virginia Beach by Edgar Cayce. James Van Auken is continuing the amazing legacy of his father, John Van Auken, and is highly accomplished in his own rite, with achievements in teaching, speaking and authorship on varied pertinent topics including meditation technique, spirituality, karma and reincarnation. James Van Auken, MBA is the Vice President for Academic Affairs and a Faculty Member at Atlantic University where teaches courses such as Listening and Dialogue, The Inner Life, and Becoming a Teacher of Meditation and the Inner Life. He also teaches a course on Dreams and Meditation at the Cayce/Reilly School. He has an MBA from Saint Leo University, a BA in Religion from American Public University, and he had the unique experience of being raised with the Edgar Cayce teachings. He is currently in final stages of achieving his doctorate degree.  James is a mindfulness practitioner and leads workshops on mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and topics related to the application of spiritual wisdom in daily life. James is also the Chair of the Leadership Curriculum Sub-committee at Atlantic University. We welcome James to the Colorado Star Gate!

James & Anne Tyberonn

Hosts of the 2016 Colorado Star-Gate. Anne & Tyb. James Tyberonn will speak on the Crystalline Shift, and provide a live Metatron channel. James is an author, geological engineer, gemologist and master channel. He has written 7 books, appeared on National Television programs, and has been a featured guest keynote speaker at the United Nations SEAT, the Edgar Cayce Association for Research and Enlightenment & Lee Carroll's Kryon Channeling Summit Event. He is considered one of the world's most knowledgeable experts on Earth Energies, Leylines, Grids, Gem and Crystal healing and Auric Maintenance. His British life partner of 35 years, Anne Meiklejohn is a Scottish master full trance medium & deeply gifted psychic in the rich Celtic tradition. She is a warm & kind loving soul with a wonderful sense of humor and endearing contagious laughter. She is the 'other half' of Earth-Keeper, and is the Event Director of events & Earth-Keeper pilgrimages 7 sacred site travel.

Register for the 2016 Colorado Star-Gate

Discounted Time Limited Ticket : $385
Discount Ticket Rate  Expires on June 21st. 

Register for the 2016 Colorado Star-Gate

Discounted Time Limited Ticket : $399
Discount Ticket Rate  Expires on July 31st. 

 Astrology of the Election
By James Tyberonn

James Tyberonn

  Let me preface this sharing by saying that I firmly believe the future is a moving target, and that no one can truly predict it. However, as Edgar Cayce states, astrology is a science of 'cosmic' gravities that absolutely influence humanity. Cayce also emphasizes that human will is stronger than any astrological influence.

Let me also add that I am not expressing any political views in this article, rather I am examining from an astrological stance the potentials as shared by respected astrologists. 
 That having said, I do find it interesting to consider with discernment the opinions of certain master astrologists in terms of certain trends.

  John Van Auken of the Edgar Cayce Foundation & A.R.E. earlier this year,  shared some astrological patterns of 2016 in Chinese Astrology, discussing the 'Year of the Monkey', in his brilliant 'Living in Light Newsletter', which  are appearing quite accurate.
  Certainly we are in a powerfully intense astrology at present. Energies are changing. The 'Millennials' are in the early stages of the power they will in time achieve, and that has been visible in the 'anti-establishment' political movements to remove the 'old-guard' of corporate control. 

Metatron does not speak on politics or elections.  But as we have shared in recent newsletters, Metatron has spoken considerably about this phase of 'Crucible Astrology' in which all of the unresolved energies and injustices will rise along with a certain open phase of 'Pandora's Box'. This is a requisite time of clearing, a rather chaotic but necessary prelude to the coming age of humanity's ascension.
  My life partner of 38 years, Anne is a remarkable full trance medium, and has an extraordinary ability to scan Akashic Records and energies. She is from Scotland, a person of staunch Gaelic honesty, integrity & willpower. She carries a unique Celtic 'psychic' heritage, gift, her aunt and uncle were both renowned in Edinburgh and Glasgow,  as a psychic reader & abilities of  telekinesis. Anne has the gift of both, but is staunchly private in her use of this ability.  She sees Trump as the reincarnation of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, who interestingly had a relationship with Russian PM Vladimir Putin in that Roman lifetime.   
Astrologer Mitchell Scott has accurately used a unique blend of astrology methods to accurately predict the outcome of the last 4 presidential elections.
Mitchell Scott Lewis, who specializes in financial astrology and medical chart interpretation, discussed what he sees in charts for America, presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and election day, as well as what he sees coming in the year 2020.
Lewis states that in the current times, 'Right  now" ...." the entire planet (but particularly in America) is going through a very difficult period, in relation to the positioning of Saturn and Neptune, which contributes to a feeling of limitation, constriction & fear.
He says, "The fear of immigration, guns, and financial problems is taking over, and there's not enough logic coming into it," but "the good news" is that "the Saturn/Neptune square completes in September," and a more positive astrological aspect returns, he continued. He also sees a perilous result in Britain's exit of the EU, on the financial front, with a continually weakening British currency.
"With the current Saturn-Neptune aspect, both Clinton and Trump are running on fear, and clamoring for power. He predicts though, as cooler heads prevail in the fall, Hillary will win the presidency, and on Election Day, November 8th, the moon will be in Aquarius, which may help her."  But for whichever candidate wins, he foresees just a one-term presidency. Looking ahead to the year 2020, America will experience one of the most stressful astrological aspects in 50 years, with Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, and Mars all conjunct in Capricorn on America's Pluto, he noted. However, if the country makes the right choices leading into this year, the outcomes won't be as bad, Lewis commented.
However, noted astrologer and 'prophet' John Hogue sees it a bit differently. He suggests in the below U-Tube interview that Trump could pull out the win. 

  T he Above link of this live interview on Trump on U-Tube is quite interesting in that John Hogue, who is alos a  renowned author & astrologist  and has accurately used astrology to predict correctly the last 12 presidential elections, sees some powerful astrological aspects in Trumps chart that are quite surprising. He discusses the Gemini traits in Trump, and a powerful 12 th house in Mars that suggests an extraordinary ability to manifest will, and also shows some compassionate aspects and traits of 'genius', that could be effectively applied in the event he wins the election. He sees Trumps chart as quite powerful on the election day (November 8, 2016).
   Again, contraily, Martin Lewis predicts a Clinton win So in this incredible volatile  astrology, this  promises to be a fascinating time.

 I pray for highest good, and I always keep in mind that we ascend 'one heart at a time' in this 'purposed illusion' of the 'University of Duality'. The times are changing !
  ...   Now to switch gears slightly, I would like to briefly touch base on some astro notes regarding the Uranus retro that initiated this week. I will release next week an astro view of August, but in the interim, keep in mind we are in a topsy-turvy energy. Emotions can flow up and down to extremes. Logic is not at its best, and deceptive energies can be at play from the last week of July thru the end of August. Expect the unexpected, and keep grounded...watch for wolves in sheep's clothing! Be cautious and meditate! 

I will release a more complete astrological review of August next week...stay tuned.  J Tyberonn

Mitchel Lewis Astro Notes for the Next week:

th at 4:49 P.M. EDT 
 this intense and possibly angry aspect will push a lot of mental and verbal energy out into the public. If this sets off your chart you could be easily irritated and might overreact to some small slight. Egos will be prominent especially in all communications. Try to keep things in perspective and don't take the bait if someone is projecting their own anger in your direction. Use caution in all communications and while traveling. This is an argument or road rage waiting to happen. Don't let it happen to you. Sidestep any disputes that are not important enough to confront right now. If there is an issue that hasn't been resolved you may be better off waiting until this passes and then dealing with it. It makes little sense to antagonize someone when the energy is so fraught with tension.
URANUS RETROGRADES: Also on Friday July 29th at 5:06 P.M. EDT this most unusual planet begins its yearly backward motion. Uranus rules electronics and the internet. While in retrograde there will be more problems with those devices we have all become so addicted to and complacent about. Computers may be more of a problem than usual. It also has much to do with electricity and there may be some issues there as well. In the human body, Mercury rules the RAM of the brain, while Uranus rules the HARD DRIVE, so to speak. This is a time when mediation and anything that centers your thoughts will be especially important. If you are nervous by nature you may feel this retrograde more intensely. In any case, it's important to calm your thoughts and allow the brain time to assimilate new information. Retrograde planets internalize the energy of that planet, and there may be too much data coming to you all at once.
MERCURY ENTERS VIRGO: On Saturday July 30th at 2:19 P.M. EDT Mercury enters one of the 2 signs we give it rulership over. It does very well in this mutable earth sign and can be helpful in a number of ways. Virgo is very good with the little details, although it can be too critical at times. It's important not to get caught up in the small things and ignore the bigger picture. This is a good placement for all business issues. In the arts this is a great placement for editors or anyone whose attention to detail is required. Try not to be too picky or you could push people away. A good balance between honesty and compassion will help use this energy to your best advantage.
VENUS TRINES URANUS: On Monday August 1st at 12:07 A.M. EDT this positive trine completes and we will all be looking for some excitement and adventure. This falls early in the morning, so its effects will be felt more strongly the night before. This is a time to take off the blinders and explore what the world has to offer. It's not a time to sit in front of a computer, but an opportunity to undertake a journey of exploration. This is followed by the Sun trine Saturn, (see below) a less enthusiastic transit that tends to deal more with responsibility, so try to enjoy this trine and get out and see what the universe has to offer.
THE SUN TRINES SATURN: Also on Monday August 1st at 1:49 P.M. EDT this positive but rather dour transit will put us all into the mind frame of responsibilities and work. This isn't an exciting aspect, but it can be a very useful one. It's a good day to clean up your desk and put things in order. A realistic attitude will prevail, and business will be more on our minds than play. Because it is a positive trine we can make use of this mood without feeling trapped or restricted as many Saturn transits can do. Get your work done, make plans for the future, and as we approach the Dark of the Moon put down a strong foundation for next month.

MARS ENTERS SAGITTARIUS: On Tuesday August 2nd at 1:49 P.M. EDT until September 27th Mars travels through the most expansive of signs. This can be a very positive transit as long as some precautions are taken. It's a good time to expand and push the usual limitations. You can attempt things that you may normally not try, and there is a sort of unfettered bravery this placement can project. Egos will be somewhat outrageous for the next 8 weeks as many people will project a very aggressive and outlandish persona, especially if this sets off the individual's chart, so use some care as you approach others. As with most transits this has a potentially positive and negative side. There will be no shortage of arrogance and forcefulness. But it's important to avoid direct confrontations or bruised egos. This Jupiter-ruled sign has little use for boundaries, so it can be easy to offend or irritate others, especially if that person is usually shy or has hidden self-esteem issues. If your goal is to annoy them, then this is the time for such actions. But if you're trying to avoid confrontations, you must walk lightly and speak with a gentler voice. Otherwise you may inadvertently upset someone. Travel will be enjoyable and there are many adventures to seek out. But remember that everyone will be more outgoing and won't have the usual filters that normally prevent crossing over borders and restrictions.
DARK OF THE MOON: The next New Moon falls on Tuesday August 2nd at 4:44 P.M. EDT at 10 degrees Leo 56 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don't try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won't work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don't, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this "dead" energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes. 

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition.
All times are Eastern Daylight Time:
  • July 30th 7:46 A.M. - 5:09 P.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours
  • August 1st 8:44 P.M. - 9:12 P.M.
  • August 4th 12:13 A.M. - 3:34 A.M.
  • August 5th 11:20 P.M. - August 6th 12:57 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours
  • August 8th 1:41 P.M. - August 9th 12:51 A.M. ***Moon is void 12 hour

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Edgar Cayce's Missing Month & Visionary Experience With
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