

Oct-Dec 2023

Emotional & Social Development

October 24- An Evening at the Zoo

November 28- Address the Stress! Prioritizing Self-Care and 'We Care' in Child Care

Health & Physical


November 4- Playing and the Elements

December 2- Natural Playwork

Language Development & Communications

October 17- Challenging Behavior Series: Speech and Language Delays

Cognitive Development

November 2- Processing the Process: Experiencing Open-Ended Art

December 5- Director's Institute: Information Session

Sensory-activities-for-toddlers-tactile-sensory-boards image

Approaches to Play and Learning &

Reggio Emilia Approach

October 3- Spark Joy and Wonder in our Youngest Learners

October 27- Fall Educator Open House at Children First in Durham

Click the link below to learn more and register today!

Training Calendar
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