2030 Sunday August 21
David Martz and I did a little touring by car this morning. We drove down to Cape Spear, the easternmost point in North America. After that we went to Signal Hill overlooking St. John's Harbour. Finally, we drove into the little fishing village of Quidi Vidi for the world's best fish and chips - fresh cod in the lightest, crispiest batter.
Next it was time for some boat preparations for our planned cruising over the next ten days. That meant refilling water tanks, topping up on diesel fuel, fixing the windlass that had issues last week. Then off to the grocery store to stock up on foods. By then it was dinner time and we got a quick dinner at a local restaurant, Jungle Jim's. Then we each took a shower at the clubhouse, perhaps our last for a few days.
This evening David is sitting in the cockpit in the last light of day. The wind is almost calm. Tomorrow's forecast is for a brisk southwesterly that we hope will push us north along the coast as we make our way out Conception Bay.
The Royal Newfoundland Yacht Club, where we are berthed, has been an amazing host to me and Tazzarin over the past month or more. I also just learned they will host the sailing competition for next year's Canada Games. We will be back here in about ten days. Let's see what adventures we can find between now and then!