At Your Fingertips
June 2021 | Issue 4
Calling All Teachers

In our last newsletter (April) we reached out to teachers to assist with spreading the word about our student survey. Thanks to your kind intervention, we had over 700 responses to guide us in developing future plans. The information we gathered was very helpful, and we are deeply grateful for your assistance in encouraging our biggest group of users to provide input.

Well... now it's YOUR turn to have a say!

We hope you take a moment to click below and respond to a dozen quick questions to help us learn how we can serve you better. Thank you in advance for being the best subscribers any program could ask for, and please don't be shy! We look forward to your honest responses.

As with our student survey and website, ASLdeafined is not interested in collecting and storing personal data. Subsequently, you are not required to submit any identifying information, and the responses are anonymous.
Teachery Stuff to send you into summer...

We are extremely excited to announce that we are currently in the process of setting up our program to accommodate GRADEBOOK INTEGRATION!

Our hope is to have this up and running soon, allowing for you to sync the scoring with a variety of grading platforms. Watch this space for developments!

Meanwhile, in July, plan to ZOOM into some MEET-UPS with some of our team members for a handful of half hour information sessions covering different site features and allowing time for your questions. Even if you feel you are aware of all there is to see at ASLdeafined, we hope you will join us for some or all of these casual, friendly sessions to connect and learn. Keep your eyes peeled on our social media sites for more details when the months gets closer. A good way to ensure that you do not miss this and other opportunities is to join the ASLdeafinED Lounge Facebook Group!

... and #ICYMI, look right to see how great
we think you are.