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Atascocita UMC

October 26, 2022

Fifty Days of Hope


Join us in worship as we continue to hope together! 

Humble Classical Festival 

Saturday, October 29th, 5pm and Saturday, November 5th, 5pm

Please join the Humble Classical Festival here at AUMC for 3 free and outstanding classical music concerts on the following dates: October 22nd, October 29th, and November 5th. All the concerts will be at 5pm. For more information contact our pianist, Eduard Gavril, or visit www.eduardgavril.com

Church Brunch 

Sunday, October 30th, 10am

Join us for a church-wide brunch in the Wesley Commons during the Sunday school hour. We will be discussing the next steps for our church. Breakfast tacos and donuts will be provided. 

Trunk or Treat! 

Sunday, October 30th, 3-5pm

We hope you will join us for Trunk or Treat! There will be food trucks, games, candy, and inflatables.

We need candy donations (see below) as well as volunteers to help make this event a success! Please sign up to volunteer here

Adult Game Time

Thursday, November 3rd, 9am-12pm

Drop in anytime between 9am and noon for games and conversation. We'll provide coffee, water, snacks, and plenty of games, but feel free to bring your own games too!

GoodTimers Meeting

Thursday, Nov. 10th, 10am-1:30pm

Older in years…Younger in spirit! Join other seniors 50 and above for great conversation, interesting programs, and food. This group meets on the second Thursday of each month. If you have any questions, please contact Scott Fontenot

Church Potluck

Sunday, November 13th, 12pm 

Join us for a church-wide potluck and fellowship in the life center! Suggested dishes by last name are as follows: 

A-H: Main dishes

I-P: Side dishes

Q-Z: Desserts

Monthly Prayer Service

Sunday, November 13th, 6pm 

**New schedule**

We will be resuming our lay-led prayer services on a monthly basis going forward. They will be held on the second Sunday of every month. 

Wednesday Night Children's Activities

Wednesday Night Live Children's Activities are for pre K to 5th grade.

5-6 pm is children's choir for elementary students and music/art for pre-K students.

6-7 pm is art for elementary students and games for pre-K students. 

HAAM Collection

We are collecting boxed instant mashed potatoes to include in the HAAM Thanksgiving baskets. Please drop your donations off in the HAAM collection box located in the Asbury commons.

Nursery Staff/Volunteers Needed

We are in need of nursery staff and volunteers to work with our little ones. We need both paid staff who work 8-12 hours a week and volunteers who work 1-2 hours a month. If you are interested or need more information please contact Angie.