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Power Up
***Mark Your Calendars***  
for Atlanta Vintage Books'  
Literary Salon
Feb 16th, 7-9PM

 featuring a 
Reading & Signing with 
Frank Cox
Author of Marist Football: Inside the War Eagle Tradition and Lullabies for Lieutenants: Memoir of a Marine Forward Observer in Vietnam, 1965-1966. 
 The War Eagle tradition boasts more than six hundred victories, a trophy case filled with championships and thirty straight years of playoff appearances in Georgia high school football, all while playing much larger schools. Join author and Marist alumnus Frank Cox for three years inside the Spartan-esque tradition and learn why no team dares allow itself to dishonor the glorious roll call of War Eagle history.

Mr. Cox received his undergraduate degree in English Literature from Saint Bernard College in 1963. His book "Lullabies for Lieutenants: Memoir of a Marine Forward Observer in Vietnam: 1965-1966" won the 2011 Silver Medal for Non-Fiction Memoir awarded by the Military Writers Society of America.
25th Anniversary of Atlanta Vintage Books!!

Did you know we've been around a quarter of a century?  May marks the 25th anniversary of the opening of Atlanta Vintage Books. We're thrilled to have been a part of Atlanta's literary landscape for so long and thank you for supporting independent bookstores like ours!  Stay tuned over the next few months as we find ways to THANK YOU for helping inspire and support us along the way!
 Staff Favorites
 ansel adams  
Signed by Ansel Adams. The Portfolios of Ansel Adams (1977), First Edition, First Printing.


"Everywhere I go, I'm asked if I think the universities stifle writers. My opinion is that they don't stifle enough of them. There's many a best seller that could have been prevented by a good teacher." - Flannery O'Connor

Atlanta Vintage Books

3660 Clairmont Rd
Chamblee, GA  30341
Tel: 770.457.2919

Mon - Thurs: 10AM - 7PM
Fri, Sat: 10AM - 9PM
Sunday: 12PM - 5PM

AVB Outside pic

February 2013
In this Issue:
  • Literary Salon 
  • 25th Anniversary!!
  • Staff Picks 
  • Quotables
  • New Acquisitions  
  • Literary Trivia
  • Cat Corner 
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New Acquisitions



Tea Books





Literary Trivia Question

Answer the following question correctly and we'll enter you into a drawing for a $10 gift certificate! 
What life-changing Atlanta literary event happened exactly 7 years ago on February 2.  (Hint: it changed Jan and Bob's life!)
Email your answer with "Trivia Question" 
in the Subject line to avbooks@att.net

Cat Corner

A tisket, a tasket, Callie in a basket.
Boo says, "Printer, what printer?"

Edward Gorey rocks!

Picasso Independent, sweet Picasso, one of our outdoor colony...alive and well!

Donations are always welcome! Help us keep the feral cat population down!   

Atlanta Vintage Books' Cat Sanctuary is a labor of love. We have 5 indoor cats, and 15-20 who reside outdoors.  They are spayed and neutered, fed daily, and sheltered during the winter. Those who can be are adopted. And those who can't, always have a home here.

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