Young Learners:
Nurture the Attendance Habit!
Establishing a routine of every day attendance in the very early grades is vital as we recover from the pandemic. Read our blog post explaining why reducing chronic absence among kindergartners is critical for student success.
Start off the school year by offering families our handouts for preschool and kindergarten. Our Get Ready for School can be shared before the first day of school!
Did you miss the kindergarten chronic absence discussion held during the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading’s July 20th session Bright Spots and Groundwork: What’s Working in Communities? Listen to a recording of the breakout room discussion of absenteeism in kindergarten, and review the list of strategies and PowerPoint.
Highlight that showing up for school matters for R.E.A.L. School offers opportunities to build Routines, increase Engagement, provide Access to resources and support Learning. Download our framework and talking points for families with young children.
Our next free AAC Webinar (#4) is: Sustaining Success: Investing in Showing Up. Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 12pm-1:30pm PT / 3pm–4:30pm ET. Register here, and check out the recordings of those you missed!