Attendance Awareness Campaign Update
A project led by Attendance Works
July 10, 2019
Attendance Tools

Before school starts is a good time to plan for attendance messaging during registration or enrollment. Use events such as kindergarten registration, back to school nights or middle or high school orientations as opportunities to highlight the importance of daily attendance and avoiding unnecessary absences.

Emphasize that this is about ensuring success in school since absences make it difficult for students to learn, rather than focusing on compliance with the law. Keep the tone positive and supportive, whether you are speaking face-to-face or in writing.

Download Attendance Works talking points or handouts for families to help you effectively communicate with families about attendance. Find them here.

You can also create visual reminders of the importance of attendance in the classroom or hallways using posters, an infographic and downloadable resources on our Attendance Awareness Campaign website site.

Attendance Works! 

Your gift will help fund more great resources to raise the awareness of the importance of attendance for educational equity and student achievement.

Plan for Professional Development

Many schools bring together staff for professional development just prior to the opening of school. The Attendance Works Teaching Attendance Curriculum, Module 2, provides guidance and resources that can be used by teachers and staff to
support positive messaging and a warm welcome to school. Consider asking staff to watch Module 2 before the staff meeting, and use it to discuss implementation of one or two key concepts, such as welcoming students to the classroom. Or watch a small portion of Module 2 as a group (such as Using Effective Messaging or Counteracting Absence-causing Beliefs).  Register for the curriculum and find tips for navigating the lessons.

Another option is to view and discuss your reactions to this video created for the Atlanta Speech School about the importance of a warm and welcoming climate.
We Belong in School!

Research shows that students who feel safe and supported by adults at school are better able to learn, according to a video from Edutopia. The Power of Relationships in Schools shows teachers talking about how they are making connections with students through simple actions at the start or throughout the school day.

Registration is open! Our next webinar, Open Doors, on August 8 will discuss strategies for creating a healthy school climate for all grade levels. Our guest speakers will share strategies that can shift the relationship between families and school staff, support students' social and emotional learning and development, teacher's physical and emotional health, and improve the learning environment for everyone in the building. Register today! 

Save the Date! The final webinar on September 10 will look at how poor attendance can be addressed through improving Conditions for Learning.

ICYMI, the recording link for our webinars, Nurture Dreams: Ensure Students Feel Safe, Supported, Connected and Engaged, and our first webinar, Lay a Foundation: Engage Families to Address Chronic Absence in the Early Years, are on our website!  Find it here
Spread the Word!

Registration is open @attendanceworks @unitedway next webinar! Join in August 8 for Open Doors. Hear strategies to create a healthy #schoolclimate for all grade levels & for everyone in the school building that encourage strong attendance: #SchoolEveryDay

@attendanceworks online Teaching Attendance Curriculum is designed to equip teachers & staff with an understanding of #chronicabsence & provides the guidance & resources they need to improve #attendance K-12. Start learning today! #SchoolEveryDay
Partner Spotlight

America's Promise Alliance is devoted to helping to create the conditions for success for all young people. Our work is powered by our belief that all children are capable of learning and thriving, and that every individual, institution and sector shares the responsibility to help young people succeed. We bring together organizations, educators, communities and individuals dedicated to making the promise of America real for every child.

America's Promise Alliance is seeking five community conveners to bring together young people and leaders from various sectors to inspire action around how learning happens. Apply now for a grant of $30,000 to accelerate whole child work across your community! Register here for an informational webinar on July 9 or July 10, 2019 to learn more. Application deadline:  July 24, 2019.

The Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University combines analysis of the causes, location, and consequences of the nation's dropout crisis with the development of tools and models designed to keep all students on the path to graduation. That includes tracking of early warning indicators, including chronic absence.

The 2019 Building a Grad Nation report, co-authored by Civic and Everyone Graduates Center, includes data on graduation rates throughout the U.S., a first-ever analysis of secondary school improvement to assess whether gains in high school graduation rates resulted in better preparation for college, and a glimpse of homeless students' graduation rates. Find the report

ICYMI: Watch the Building A Grad Nation report release event here:
New Partners!

This week we welcome our new AAC partners:  Foundations, Inc. and Friends of the Children.

Corporate Attendance Partners

Thank you this year's Attendance Awareness Corporate Sponsors! Your support helps us to improve our free materials. Find out more on our webpage.    

Attendance Works in the News

Editorial: Reduce truancy to boost achievement, The Gainesville Sun, June 16, 2019

More Attendance News

Campaign Convening Partners
See the full list of Attendance Awareness Campaign partners here.
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