Make the Most of Summer
As the school year comes to a close, nurture a sense of belonging at school and promote participation in quality summer learning programs which cultivate engagement and a habit of regular attendance. A positive summer experience can help students and families start the school year right in the fall.
Schools and summer program providers can use the concepts in R.E.A.L. (Routines, Engagement, Access to resources and Learning) to strengthen learning efforts and attendance initiatives. Find the new Summer Learning page in our Showing Up Matters for R.E.A.L. toolkit.
Be sure to view the updated Key Messages about attendance for 2022. Download AAC 2022 badges for your email signature line on our Attendance Awareness website.
Did you miss our May 25 webinar, What Promotes Engagement and Attendance? Insights from Students, Parents and Educators? Find a link to the recording and slides on our webinar page.
Our next AAC Webinar is: Ensuring a Healthy and Restorative Start to School (working title), Wednesday, August 3, 2022: 12pm-1:30pm PT / 3pm–4:30pm ET Register here for this webinar and learn about the other 3 in the 2022 webinar series!