Reducing high chronic absence levels require positive conditions for learning!
More schools than ever before are seeing high (20-29%) and extreme (30%+) levels of chronic absence, according to our analysis, with Johns Hopkins University, of national data for the 2021-22 school year. Such high levels affect almost two-thirds of schools nationwide.
This means that in these schools, at least one of five students in their school was missing almost four weeks throughout the school year.
These exceptionally high levels of absenteeism are a sign that schools are lacking the positive conditions for learning that touch all students, staff, educators and families.
Our report, Using Chronic Absence Data to Improve Conditions for Learning, explains the four conditions that can improve attendance.
We’ve listed strategies for each of the four types of conditions for learning. These approaches, grounded in relationship building, help educators at all levels cultivate engagement and showing up every day.
We’ve love to hear from you about how we can improve the annual Attendance Awareness Campaign. Take our brief survey, and enter your name to enter a raffle for one of two $75 gift cards.
Improving attendance requires all hands on deck. Consider watching one of the AAC 2023 webinars with a school team, group of staff members, neighbors or a community coalition. Download our discussion guide. Find the materials from each of the four webinars on our website.