Attendance Awareness Campaign Update

A project led by Attendance Works

October 25, 2023

Reducing high chronic absence levels require positive conditions for learning!

More schools than ever before are seeing high (20-29%) and extreme (30%+) levels of chronic absence, according to our analysis, with Johns Hopkins University, of national data for the 2021-22 school year. Such high levels affect almost two-thirds of schools nationwide.  

This means that in these schools, at least one of five students in their school was missing almost four weeks throughout the school year.

These exceptionally high levels of absenteeism are a sign that schools are lacking the positive conditions for learning that touch all students, staff, educators and families.  

Our report, Using Chronic Absence Data to Improve Conditions for Learning, explains the four conditions that can improve attendance. 

We’ve listed strategies for each of the four types of conditions for learning. These approaches, grounded in relationship building, help educators at all levels cultivate engagement and showing up every day. 

We’ve love to hear from you about how we can improve the annual Attendance Awareness Campaign. Take our brief survey, and enter your name to enter a raffle for one of two $75 gift cards. 

Improving attendance requires all hands on deck. Consider watching one of the AAC 2023 webinars with a school team, group of staff members, neighbors or a community coalition. Download our discussion guide. Find the materials from each of the four webinars on our website.

Donate now

We can’t do it without you! Donate today and help propel the push for a full educational recovery for all kids and youth.

Attendance Tools

Chronic absence is sky high for our younger learners! We just released Early Matters: Cultivating Engagement and Attendance In Kindergarten Toolkit, with action steps for districts and schools to motivate families to bring their children to school every day. 

What will it take to motivate high schoolers to attend daily and engage in school? Invest in advisory classes, extracurricular programming and more. Read about our approaches in Principal Leadership, from the National Association of Secondary School Principals. 

Did you know that Medicaid will reimburse for school health services provided for students enrolled in Medicaid? Healthy Schools Campaign has released a new report identifying 25 states that have expanded their school Medicaid program to allow billing for additional school health services for these children. Learn how the states did it and the benefits to both students and school districts.

Attendance Celebrations!

The Alabama State Department of Education officially designated September as School Attendance Awareness Month 2023. The department released a press release encouraging everyone to emphasize building greater student engagement, public awareness, and family support for school attendance efforts.

In Omaha-Council Bluffs (NE), 13 area school superintendents signed a letter sent to 90 clinic managers and physicians supporting a local attendance awareness campaign using AAC materials. The letter cites American Academy of Pediatrics policy on promoting school attendance, health checkups and guidance on illness. Metro-Omaha Raise Me to Read and the Metropolitan Omaha Educational Consortium collaborated in the effort.

Jurupa Unified School District (TX) hosted student and faculty activities to celebrate National School Attendance Awareness Month and Super Attendance Spirit Week. One elementary school principal agreed to let students squirt her with water, all to promote attendance.

Randolph County Schools (WV) asked students to create attendance awareness posters. Judges will recognize participants and winners.

State News

BRIGHT SPOTS: Improving High School Attendance in Connecticut, by Attendance Works and the Connecticut State Department of Education, profiles seven high schools and their successful efforts to improve attendance by developing positive conditions for learning on campuses.


Panelists from schools, a district and the National League of Cities discussed strategies to address the alarming increases in chronic absence among our youngest leaners, during the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading's webinar, The First Month of School and Beyond: Nurturing Attendance Every Day, held on October 17. Find the recording and webinar materials.

Partner Spotlight

United Way Worldwide is engaged in nearly 1,800 communities across more than 40 countries and territories worldwide. We bring people and organizations from all sectors of society together to improve EDUCATION, INCOME AND HEALTH, the building blocks for a better life and stronger community.

Corporate Sponsors

A special thanks to our Attendance Awareness Campaign corporate sponsors for their commitment to help ensure that every child and youth is engaged and in school every day. Their investment makes it possible for us to provide you with free strategies and materials.

Attendance in the News

Student Attendance Rates Show Signs of Rebounding, Education Week, October 18, 2023

Two-thirds of schools struggle with high absenteeism after pandemic, Washington Post, October 12, 2023

Post-Pandemic, 2 Out of 3 Students Attend Schools With High Chronic Absenteeism, The74, October 12, 2023

Millions of students were absent from class last year — and many are still missing, Politico, October, 12 2023

Social Media Sample

Please join us in giving feedback on this year's Attendance Awareness Campaign. Fill in the short survey @attendanceworks Add your contact info for a chance to win a $75 gift card! #edchat


Attendance Awareness Month is over but addressing attendance challenges requires a sustained focus of the entire community! Let's work towards developing & supporting positive conditions for learning that motivate all students to attend. #education

We are now on Instagram! Find updates on our free resources, strategies, reports and events. Follow us @attendanceworks

Campaign Convening Partners

See the full list of Attendance Awareness Partners here.

Attendance Works is a non-profit, national and state initiative. Our mission is to promote equal opportunities to learn and advance student success by reducing chronic absence. Find free downloadable resources, research, consulting services and more on our website:

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