Fall 2024, No. 1

Photo by Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for EDUimages

A Note from the Executive Director

Now that the new school year has begun, schools and districts can review attendance data from August and September to identify which students might need more support. Take time to work with staff to ensure they are prepared to discuss attendance in a caring manner in parent-teacher conferences, attendance improvement meetings and outreach calls. 

During parent-teacher conferences, make sure to recognize good attendance and express concerns in a supportive manner if needed. 

Attendance always dips before and after the holidays. Act early to plan activities to minimize dips in attendance during holidays. Draft letters to be sent home before the Thanksgiving and winter holiday breaks.

Chronic absence rates are highest among students experiencing homelessness. We’re delighted to announce a grant award from the philanthropic initiative the Imagine Learning Foundation. Together with SchoolHouse Connection we will research best practices for improving attendance of students experiencing homelessness. The initiative includes a research study, case studies and webinars to equip educators. 

I am honored to be named Policy Leader of the Year by the National Association of State Boards of Education. I deeply appreciate the opportunity this award offers to highlight the importance of addressing chronic absence and making sure we all work together in a non-partisan way to keep kids engaged and showing up to school. Read more


Hedy Chang

Founder and Executive Director

Attendance Awareness Campaign

Here are a few of this year’s metrics:

  • 10,429 people registered for one of our Attendance Awareness Campaign webinars
  • 44,000 people are signed up for our newsletters 
  • 10 attendance awareness updates were emailed (go here to see them all)
  • 109 national and state level partners disseminated information to their constituents

Raising awareness about the opportunities schools offer students and families can continue all year! Our social media resources and posters remain available for everyone on our website.  

We truly appreciate the corporate sponsors of the 2024 AAC! Dan Hoerl, president of School Technology Associates, describes in a blog post why his company chose to invest in this year’s awareness campaign.

AAC Survey

Win a $75 Gift Card! Please give us feedback on this year's Attendance Awareness Campaign and offer ideas for how we can improve. Our short survey will take 5 minutes to complete. Fill in your contact information and enter a drawing to win one of two $75 gift cards. 

Attendance Tools

Did you know that experiences during the pandemic appear to have shifted how many parents and caregivers think about regular school attendance? Following a nationwide survey, researchers with the Ad Council developed a toolkit with tips for communicating with families about attendance and chronic absence. Find the report and the toolkit, Back to the Classroom.

Mental Health America's Supporting Young Minds Guides provide tools for youth to help them feel empowered to address their mental health and support each other. The guides also offer tools for adults to support young people in the places they live, learn and play. Find the guides in English and Spanish. 

ICYMI: Playworks and the American Academy of Pediatrics teamed up for a special webinar, Supporting Student Mental Health Through Play. Speakers discussed how play-based practices can improve students’ relationship skills, practice problem-solving and self-control in a safe and supportive setting. 

Some students settle into an activity or school day easier than others. How can educators lead with empathy when a student interrupts? Edutopia offers suggestions for teachers that can help build relationships with students and families. 

What Works Spotlight

In an article published by the School Superintendents Association, Hedy describes key takeaways from school districts' successful experiences tackling chronic absence, including creating a team, understanding the scale and concentration of chronic absence, unpacking underlying causes and more. 

State News

Under the leadership of Governor Daniel McKee, the Rhode Island Department of Education has built a statewide coalition of mayors, business leaders, hospitals and other stakeholders to get students back to school. Speakers in a FutureEd webinar explore the state’s innovative cross-sector, data-driven approach that is yielding results.

Research Spotlight

Community schools are a promising approach to mitigate chronic absence in that they are designed to organize supports for students and families and to create conditions for learning and well-being. Support and funding for community schools has increased in recent years at both the federal and state level. Read the Learning Policy Institute’s new report, Reducing Chronic Absenteeism: Lessons from Community Schools.

News Highlights

Good school attendance gets some Salem families a phone call from the governor, The Salem Reporter, October 16, 2024

State of Schools: Portsmouth Superintendent works to improve achievement at school division. Superintendent, Dr. Elie Bracy highlighted the district's efforts to tackle chronic absenteeism and plans to boost teacher pay, 13 News Now, October 16, 2024

Expert: tackling chronic absenteeism looks different in every school district, CNYN Central, October 14, 2024

Join Our Mission!

Reducing today’s high levels of chronic absence requires a continual focus on engagement, support and the rebuilding of routines. Donate today and help propel the push for a full educational recovery for all kids and youth.

Attendance Works would like to express its deep appreciation to the foundations that are currently funding our work nationally and in communities across the country: Abell Foundation, The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, Heising-Simons Foundation, The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation, Hyde Family Foundation, Kaiser Permanente, The Lemala Fund, Open Society Institute–Baltimore, Overdeck Family Foundation.

About Attendance Works

Attendance Works is non-profit, national and state initiative. Our mission is to advance student success and reduce equity gaps by addressing chronic absence. We aim to ensure that every school in every state not only tracks chronic absence data for its individual students, but also partners with families and community agencies to help those children.


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