A Note from the Executive Director
Even during these tumultuous times, we can agree that children and youth need to be in school regularly to thrive and learn.
As the weather cools, it’s a good time to create opportunities for students to recharge physically and emotionally. Not only are active students stronger learners, but play at school allows kids to practice getting along with each other. Playworks has a variety of resources for recess activities that can nurture a sense of belonging among students.
Tapping into student perspectives can increase student engagement and improve outcomes. The National Partnership for Student Success Support Hub at the Johns Hopkins University Everyone Graduates Center created a resource with three strategies to support schools and community organizations with nurturing student voice.
Staff at many schools are feeling stretched thin. Yet addressing today’s chronic absence and creating a school environment that supports the whole child requires an all-hands-on-deck approach. Community partners can be the extra set of hands to support school staff. Learn more in our R.E.A.L. toolkit about how to choose community partners and find resources to help you identify partners located near your school.
I’d like to express my gratitude to each of you for the extra work we’ve done during these past few years. I hope that you are able to find a moment for relaxation with friends and family during the Thanksgiving break.
Hedy Chang
Founder and Executive Director