Photo by Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for EDUimages |
A Note from the Executive Director
Research shows that the best predictor of chronic absence is a history of poor attendance during the prior school year. As schools develop their improvement plans for the next year, they can take stock of chronic absence levels, identify which students are most affected and break the cycle. Despite the significant chronic absence rates in so many places, we encourage all states, districts and schools to collect and publicly release data.
Summer learning programs can help improve attendance and engagement. Share with families the National Summer Learning Association’s, a database to help families nationwide find the perfect summer experience for their kids. Use our R.E.A.L. messaging to help families with summer learning Sign Up, Show Up, Follow Up and Level Up!
I was delighted to participate in the Every Day Counts Summit: Addressing Chronic Absenteeism and Increasing Student Engagement Summit, sponsored by the White House. View the recorded event and read our blog post to find links to the Digital Backpack, an action planning tool and other resources shared at the summit.
As up wrap up the school year, our hope is that you find time for a rest over the summer. It is well deserved!
Hedy Chang
Founder and Executive Director
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Attendance Awareness Campaign | | |
Be Present, Be Powerful! This year we are highlighting the relationship between school attendance and achieving our hopes and dreams. Find seven updated Key Messages to guide your communications and a new campaign badge. Share with city leaders and elected officials the Student Reengagement Fact Sheet, with info and tips for action. |
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Did you miss our first two AAC webinars? Find the event recording, presentation slides and resource links on our website.
- On the Front Line: The Crucial Role of Teachers, April 3, 2024
- Essential Partnerships for Showing Up: Families, Youth and Community, May 15, 2024
Next up:
Creating a Culture of Belonging and Engagement: Principals In Action
Wednesday, August 7, 2024. Register for webinar #3
Leadership for Sustainability: Superintendents Making a Difference
Wednesday, September 25, 2024. Register for webinar #4
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We teamed up with Healthy Schools Campaign and Mental Health America to dig into recent research showing how school-based mental health services improve attendance and school functioning. Our blog post helps mark Mental Health Awareness Month.
A new brief from the Everyone Graduates Center, the GRAD Partnership and the National Partnership for Student Success Support Hub further analyzes existing federal and state data on chronic absenteeism, shows variation across states on key metrics, and examines the evidence-base on what has proven effective in reducing it.
Research shows that afterschool programs can increase engagement in school and reduce chronic absenteeism. A new infographic from Afterschool Alliance highlights some of the latest research on the 21st Century Community Learning Centers initiative, the only federal funding source dedicated to supporting local summer learning and afterschool programs.
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Would you like to boost your district administrator's ability to build better systems to improve engagement and attendance? Our Professional Leadership Attendance Network (PLAN) offers small groups an opportunity to learn from experts and each other, and organize a clear action plan to engage your district team. Attendance Works will provide input on your plan. Learn more here, or email and |
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Registration is open for our Fall 2024 National E-Learning Series, a three-part training series for educators to learn proven, evidence-based tiered strategies to engage students and promote attendance. All three sessions are eligible for Title 1 and Title 2 funds.
Attendance Works also offers fee-based consulting services tailored to individual state agencies, school districts and schools, in addition to free resources and strategies. Find out more.
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How COVID shaped 4 graduating seniors' high school experience, NPR, May 20, 2024
These teens were missing too much school. Here's what it took to get them back, WBUR, May 18, 2024
School Attendance, Court News Ohio, May 2024
Breaking Down Barriers to Student Attendance, NAESP, May 2, 2024
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We Can't Do It Without You! | | |
Reducing today’s high levels of chronic absence requires a continual focus on engagement, support and the rebuilding of routines. Donate today and help propel the push for a full educational recovery for all kids and youth.
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Attendance Works would like to express its deep appreciation to the foundations that are currently funding our work nationally and in communities across the country: Abell Foundation, The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, Heising-Simons Foundation, The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation, Hyde Family Foundation, Kaiser Permanente, The Lemala Fund, Open Society Institute–Baltimore, Overdeck Family Foundation. |
About Attendance Works
Attendance Works is non-profit, national and state initiative. Our mission is to advance student success and reduce equity gaps by addressing chronic absence. We aim to ensure that every school in every state not only tracks chronic absence data for its individual students, but also partners with families and community agencies to help those children.
For more information contact:
Copyright © 2024 Attendance Works, All rights reserved
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